List of characters in the Tekken series

List of characters in the Tekken series

The following is a list of playable characters from the fighting game, Tekken.

The characters are listed in order of the games they debuted in.

Concept and Creation


Dr. Boskonovitch

Dr. Boskonovitch originally worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu. During the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, the Manji ninja clan, lead by Yoshimitsu, raid the Mishima Zaibatsu's vault. During the raid, Yoshimitsu lost his arm but was found by Boskonovitch who helped him escape. He was kidnapped by Kazuya Mishima in the run-up to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 and was forced to work for him. Some of the many projects involved the creation of the bio-weapons Roger and Alex and the completion of the Prototype Jack unit. The doctor's daughter also passed away( But it seems though she is in Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion). and he began the "Cold Sleep" project as a means of preserve her body, using Nina and Anna Williams as test subjects. After completing his tasks, and before being executed, Dr. Boskonovitch was rescued by Yoshimitsu.

Nearly twenty years later, he contracted a rare disease that affects the spine. In order to cure himself and to revive his daughter, he needed the blood of the fighting god, Ogre. He turned to an old friend: Yoshimitsu for help. Yoshimtsu entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and was successful in retrieving a sample of Ogre's blood after it had been killed by Jin Kazama.

During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Yoshimitsu found an injured Bryan Fury. He brought him to the doctor to save him. Boskonovitch explained to Bryan that he would mechanize him and allow him to be completely reborn in a new incarnation. Bryan lays supine in the chair and Boskonovitch held a gun-shaped device containing sleeping gas. Bidding him sweet dreams, he injected the gas into Bryan. Throughout, he spoke in a very gentle, paternal tone and was very calm. However, the doctor found Bryan's body too complex, and he instead installed a perpetual generator. Bryan proceeded to attack the doctor, as well as Manji Clan members who were with him. When Yoshimitsu arrived to visit Dr. Boskonovitch, he found the lab in ruins, Boskonovitch injured, and his comrades dead. Seeing this, he vowed vengeance on Bryan, and entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.


Ganryu was banned from the sumo ring after he was caught fixing fights in his favor. Blackballed from the only sport that he was capable of fighting in, Ganryu ended up being employed by Heihachi Mishima in "Tekken." He fights Yoshimitsu who defeats him and steals his ill-gotten money. Later, he works for Kazuya Mishima in "Tekken 2." Entering the second "King of Iron Fist Tournament", Ganryu ended up falling in love with Michelle Chang - a love that Michelle was oblivious to, believing Ganryu to be a disgusting, woman-crazed madman. After Michelle defeated him, and the disappearance of Kazuya, Ganryu returned to Japan.

However, his ban from Sumo was lifted, and he became the youngest ever Rikishi. Among the dialogue in "Tekken 5", it is stated that Ganryu has never won a championship. After the events of Tekken 2, Ganryu opened a sumo stable and worked as a trainer to other sumo wrestlers. He did this to finally forget about Michelle. One day, while watching a televised showing of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, he spotted Julia Chang as one of the competitors. Remarking how much she looked like his old crush, Michelle, Ganryu decided to enter the fifth tournament, convinced that he would win Julia's heart if he recovered her lost Forest Rejuvenation Data.

During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Ganryu loses his way and gets lost. By accident, he enters the lab of the Mishima Zaibatsu and finds the Forest Rejuvenation data—the very data that Julia Chang was searching for. With it in hand, he hopes to finally be able to propose to Julia and make her his wife. However, during their meeting, Julia received the disc and left before Ganryu got the chance to propose. Putting the episode behind him, Ganryu moves to Hawaii and opens a restaurant, Chanko Paradise. However, the management is poor and the restaurant is not getting anywhere. Knowing that another The King of Iron Fist Tournament is being held, Ganryu decides to enter in hopes of advertising his restaurant.


Kunimitsu is known as "The Cat Devil". She was a former member of the Manji posse of ninja bandits led by Yoshimitsu. She lost her Japanese identity when she joined the group to maintain her anonymity. Upon joining, she was taught the skills of the stealth knife and Manji-style jujutsu. She stayed with the group for a few months, until a series of petty thefts from the band's funds led to her dismissal. At a loose end, she decided to train as a mechanic mending air conditioners. She entered the first King of Iron Fist Tournament intending to steal a Native American treasure from a young brave Michelle Chang. Kunimitsu, fearing the wrath of the vengeful Michelle, went into hiding.

Feeling humiliated, Kunimitsu sought solace with her grandfather. He was a swordsmith with a reputation. He informed Kunimitsu that the sword used by Yoshimitsu is a relic of unimaginable value. She learned that it was handed down through the Manji band and it had the power to sever an enemy both spiritually and mentally. The sword exchanges hands when a new leader is elected. The old leader is ritually sacrificed and the sword's power is transferred to its new owner. Kunimitsu's grandfather has spent his entire existence trying to forge a copy of the sword. Kunimitsu had to enter the second tournament to face and defeat Yoshimitsu and claim the sword so that her grandfather could make a copy before his death.

Michelle Chang

Michelle is a half-Chinese half-Native American female from Arizona and the foster mother of Julia Chang. Her father was killed along with the rest of the tribe by Heihachi Mishima's forces, who were searching for a treasure, a pendant that allegedly could control and subdue great powers and spirits. The pendant was coveted by Heihachi. When the Mishima Zaibatsu forces had left, Michelle's father gave Michelle the pendant before dying. Michelle entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament to seek vengeance on Heihachi for the murder of her father and tribe. Michelle also encountered Kunimitsu, a treasure hunter that was seeking the pendant. Michelle defeated Kunimitsu and secured the amulet. Although she did not win the tournament, Michelle was still satisfied that another fighter (Kazuya Mishima) defeated Heihachi.

In "Tekken 2", Michelle's mother had been kidnapped by Ganryu, who was working for Kazuya. Kazuya wanted the amulet. She had entered the tournament to rescue her mother. Michelle meets Ganryu and battles him. After defeating Ganryu, she rescues her mother and returns home. However, unknown to her, Ganryu had fallen in love with her. Upon returning home, Michelle casts the amulet into the ocean so that it can no longer cause any trouble.

A couple of years later, Michelle discovers an abandoned baby girl nearby her village. She adopts the infant, names her Julia, and loves her as if she were her own daughter. When Julia grows into a teenager, Michelle teaches her Chang Kenpo and various Chinese martial arts. Later, Michelle is kidnapped by Heihachi Mishima for her amulet, which had the power to awaken Ogre with its great power and spirits. Julia had entered the tournament to defeat Heihachi and save her mother. She appears in Julia's ending, being reunited with her adopted daughter.

Tekken 2

Baek Doo San

He first appeared in Tekken 2 as the sub-boss of Marshall Law. According to the storyline, Baek accidentally killed his father during a sparring session, which left him in doubt over his own skills. As a result of his father's death, Baek went on a rampage, destroying several dojos. One of the worst hit happened to be Marshall Law's. Baek then left a note there telling him that he will be in the second King of Iron Fist tournament. The two met there and had a match, in which Baek lost.

According to the Tekken 3 storyline, Baek was presumed dead after encountering Ogre the fictional Aztec God of Fighting. One of his closest students, Hwoarang, entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 to exact revenge for his master's death and to have a rematch with Jin Kazama, the only fighter who had ever fought him to a draw.

According to the Tekken 5 storyline, Baek's encounter with Ogre had left him in a coma, not dead as initially presumed. He woke up over a year later, after Hwoarang had already competed in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. Baek later began teaching taekwondo at military bases. Hwoarang was drafted into the South Korean military, but he ran away to compete in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. When he was arrested by the South Korean Military Police, he was informed that Baek was alive. Two months later, Hwoarang completed his service, and Baek asked him to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Baek also entered the tournament to test his student's skills.

Baek entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, along with his disciple, Hwoarang. However, Baek withdrew from the tournament when he found out that Hwoarang lost to Devil Jin, and he was seriously injured. Baek then rushed to the hospital to visit Hwoarang. Although Hwoarang's condition wasn't considered as something serious after his treatment, Hwoarang wouldn't wake up, and Baek started blaming himself for being an inadequate instructor. It took Hwoarang three days to regain consciousness. They discussed the details, and Hwoarang told Baek that he not only has to recover, but he has to strengthen himself even further. Baek sensed his strong will and his unprecedented modesty, and hence he decided to teach him everything he knows. Baek and Hwoarang returned to Korea, and endeavoured to practice intensely. Eventually, the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 came from the Mishima Zaibatsu, and Baek decides to enter the tournament one last time to widen his personal experience-collection.

Bruce Irvin

Bruce, who had lost both his parents and elder brother in his infancy, grew up living a life plagued by hunger and much violence. Disliking the cards fate had dealt him, Bruce yearned to live the good life, and his resolve made him a very strong fighter.

As he was a kickboxer, Bruce went to Thailand to compete in a Muay Thai tournament, and his performance destroyed the former popular champion's hopes of ever returning. As a result, a Muay Thai gambling organization put out a contract on Bruce's life.While on board a returning flight home, the contract killer attempted to take Bruce's life, but an investigator of Hong Kong's International Police force, who was also on the flight, thwarted his efforts. A fight ensued and when it was over the plane went down. A unit from Kazuya's facilities later rescued Bruce, who had been surviving off of human remains for several months.

In Tekken 5 it was revealed that Bruce had been working for several special units, and he was currently working as a survival technical guidance instructor. He entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to test his skills once again.

After becoming reacquainted with Kazuya Mishima at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Bruce Irvin decided to assist Kazuya with his scheme to takeover G Corporation, and after they had succeeded Kazuya managed to control the corporation from behind closed doors.

G Corporation waged war with the Mishima Financial Group (MFG), and Bruce, as Kazuya’s captain, led Kazuya’s private corps into battle, fighting the MFG the world over. Soon afterwards, G Corporation made preparations to annihilate the MFG by placing an enormous bounty on Jin, and as anticipated, the MFG began to show signs of movement; The opening of King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced. Bruce Irvin has entered the tournament to capture Jin…

Bruce appears as a playable character in the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament. He also makes an appearance in when fighting Jack-2. Bruce breaks his fist against Jack-2's steel alloy and Jack-2 knocks him into the water.

Tekken 3


Gon is a tiny fictional dinosaur and the title character of a Japanese manga series created by Masashi Tanaka. The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character as he interacts with the natural world, depicted by Tanaka in lush, realistic detail. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic animals.

Julia Chang

Julia studies archeology in Michelle Chang's tribal lands. As a baby, Julia was deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where Michelle found her. Michelle rescued Julia and brought her up with love. Julia loved Michelle and her adopted tribe and trained with Michelle to protect her beloved homeland. When Julia was 18, stories of sudden disappearances of famous martial artists all over the world began to reach the tribe. The tribe knew the cause, which was contained in the tribal legends, the legend of The God of Fighters. People in the tribe feared that Michelle's pendant, the key to Native American sacred treasure, had something to do with the disappearances. With apprehension spreading through the tribe, Michelle left for Japan to ask Heihachi Mishima why he had sought to take the pendant during the second tournament. Michelle hoped to learn about the origin of The God of Fighting's power. Michelle did not return. Julia suspected Heihachi and now seeks him out to discover the truth.

Julia was a college student studying archaeology. One day, she discovered that her native homeland was in danger of being covered by an encroaching desert; this was brought on by today's rapidly changing global ecosystem. Julia wanted to save her home, and she began her studies on ecosystem restoration. Julia joined an advanced genetic research group led by Professor T that studied the biological mechanism of reforestation. Professor T's research grant came almost exclusively from G Corporation. In fact, G Corporation's supercomputers located at their high security research center were used for computationally intensive biogenetic analysis and ecosystem modeling. All their project data was stored on G Corporation's file servers as well. Julia was absorbed in her daily research, waiting for the day when her work on ecosystem restoration would be complete. When her project was completed, she would save her home.

One day, Julia learned from Professor T that their project was on hold indefinitely. The Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation's high security research center and stole all their project data. Julia didn't know a thing about G Corporation's secret research projects nor did she care about them. Yet she knew that she had to retrieve her data from the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to save her home from becoming a desert in a few years time. Julia searched the net to gather information regarding the Mishima Zaibatsu. Her eyes lit up when she saw a web page announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Julia Chang continues her research on forest rejuvenation. Disappointed that she was unable to recover the reforestation data during the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Julia returns home and resumes her research. Each time her work hits a dead end, she is reminded of the data that she was unable to retrieve. At that point she received a letter addressed to her in a foreign language. Attached is an announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. In order to fulfill her hopes for forest rejuvenation, Julia decides to enter the fifth tournament. Along the way, she comes face to face with her friend, King, whom she attempts to talk out of taking revenge against Craig Marduk, but King does not listen.

Julia Chang was able to recover the lost Forest Rejuvenation data needed to turn the wasteland back into its original form. When Julia returned to her homeland of Arizona, she was met by the chief of their tribe and an old woman capable of hearing the voice of the Great Spirit. The old woman tells Julia of a premonition, 'If Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were to engage in combat, it would bring about the resurrection of a demon from Hell.' Julia doubted the old womans story, but on her way to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 due to it being sponsored by the Mishima Zaibatsu, she suddenly realises what the premonition means and accepts it as true. Julia decides to personally enter the tournament to prevent it from happening.

Tekken Tag Tournament


Unknown appears to be a tortured soul which has been enslaved by the "Forest Demon" (which takes the form of a wolf-like appearance and appears behind her in fights, controlling and mimicking her actions). Unknown also has a symbol tattooed on her upper right arm which resembles that of Jin Kazama's, and can use different fighting styles, though her fighting style defaults to that of Jun Kazama.

Unknown appears as a woman with short, black hair and glowing yellow eyes. Her default 'costume' appears to have her otherwise nude body mostly covered in black, shiny body paint or oil, as if she had been submerged in it to her chest. Her second, alternate costume shows her dressed in the burnt, ripped remains of a white dress, with bandages wrapped around her arms, shins and instep.

Tekken 4


Combot is a multi general purpose robot created by Lee Chaolan (under the guise of Violet) to enter in the "King of Iron Fist Tournament" 4. Combot is programmed to do a wide variety of things, from household chores to military action. This design was made to be the ultimate fighting machine and was programmed to learn every fighter's style as it progressed through the tournament. It was also used to increase the chance of Lee gaining the Mishima Zaibatsu if Heihachi were to be defeated by Combot. Unfortunately, the prototype was rushed due to time constraints and a few bugs were left in Combot's data. Because of this, whenever Combot is powered up, he can only utilize one opponent's fighting style at a time.

Craig Marduk

Craig Marduk was an undefeated Vale Tudo fighter for four years as a professional. When he was involved in a minor scandal, his backers were only too glad to release him. Imprisoned in Arizona for a murder accidentally committed in a bar fight, Marduk was suddenly released thanks to the influence of an anonymous benefactor. Upon his release he received a mystery package containing a newspaper clipping about the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, and an airline ticket. Unfortunately for Marduk, the man he killed in the brawl was Armor King. Swearing revenge, Armor's protege, King, paid for Marduk's release using money he earned in wrestling tournaments. He had also sent the newspaper clipping and airline ticket, so that he could exact revenge on Marduk when he entered the tournament. The two met at the tournament, where King sufficiently defeated him, leaving Marduk hospitalized. Later, King paid a visit to Marduk in the hospital to finish him off, but instead spared him after noticing a photograph next to Marduk's bed showing Craig and his family.

Unable to accept defeat, Marduk trained his body to its limits. Wearing Armour King's black jaguar mask, Marduk entered a Vale Tudo tournament and challenged King after emerging undefeated. Craig Marduk fought a grueling battle with the wrestler King in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Victory and defeat eluded both fighters, and, in defeat, they found friendship. While returning to the waiting room, Craig was attacked. Catching only a glimpse of the attacker's back as he fled, Craig could have sworn he looked exactly like the man he was convicted of killing, Armor King. Determined to learn the assailant's true identity, Craig set out with his sworn friend, King, to participate in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

Tekken 5 and

Feng Wei

As a boy, Feng Wei was raised as a disciple by a Kenpo master who was so skilled he was known as Shinken 神拳(literally "God Fist"). At 20 years of age, Feng was the best student his school had ever seen. When his master scolded him for fighting outside the dojo, Feng killed him. Now Feng seeks the secrets of the God Fist scrolls stolen by the Mishima family, and enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to do so. Asuka Kazama and Lei Wulong have connections with this ruthless, merciless Kenpo fighter. Feng severely beat Asuka's father and destroyed his dojo in his search for the scrolls. Lei is trying to capture Feng for his similar actions in China.

Feng Wei was successful in retrieving the treasured "God Fist" scroll from the Mishima Zaibatsu during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. The scroll merely stated, "Destroyer of all styles, the one true ultimate style, it transcends the power of The Dragon God, which exceeds all human ability." Dumbfounded, Feng Wei receives information about The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, and, seeking more information, he once again looks towards Japan.

Jinpachi Mishima

Jinpachi Mishima is the father of Heihachi Mishima and the founder of the Mishima Zaibatsu. He was defeated during a hostile takeover by his son 50 years before the fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament. As Heihachi started to steer the company into the military industry (something Jinpachi had wished against) Jinpachi tried to retake the Zaibatsu, but failed, and was imprisoned below the Hon-Maru, one of Heihachi's compounds, where he died sometime later of starvation.

In Lei Wulong's interlude, Jinpachi tells him that after he died, a certain "thing" (claimed to be the devil in Jinpachi's ending) took over his body, resurrecting him and endowing him with supernatural power.

Hon-Maru was left practically in ruins after the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 when G Corporation, a rival of the Mishima Zaibatsu, attacked with a unit of Jack-4s once Jin left after defeating both Kazuya and Heihachi. Kazuya stayed and fought alongside Heihachi for a short time, but then threw Heihachi into the group of Jack-4s to cover his own escape. One of them self-destructed, seemingly killing Heihachi. The resulting explosion released Jinpachi from the basement of Hon-Maru, and the demon that possesses his body seeks to destroy all existence. Jinpachi emerged from the rubble to seize control of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

After taking back the Zaibatsu, Jinpachi could feel the entity which controlled him slowly dominating his mind and will. He decided to host a fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament, hoping that one of the fighters that emerged would be able to defeat him and kill him. On a more personal level, Jinpachi wrote a letter to his old friend, Wang Jinrei, asking him to enter the tournament and stop the cursed Mishima bloodline.

At the game's climax, Jinpachi's mind is taken over by the devil, and he is engaged in mortal combat with his great-grandson, Jin Kazama, who ultimately defeats him and takes control of the Mishima Zaibatsu.


Lili is a Monaco native, and the only daughter of a wealthy and pacifistic oil magnate. She resides in a very luxurious suburban mansion with her father and her butler, Sebastian. At the age of twelve, Lili struggled violently to free herself from a group of kidnappers, and she unexpectedly took out one of her captors. At that moment, she first realized she took pleasure in defeating her opponents.

She only wants to please her father, but she knows that he despises fighting because he wants his daughter to be a prim and proper lady and not a thug. Troubled by her situation, she tells herself," “I don’t want Father to be upset with me…but I also want to fight.”" Her desire to fight could not be controlled, and for this reason, she uses her family's private jet to travel abroad to take part in worldwide street fighting tournaments, which she enjoyed immensely. This was done under the guise of a vacation from her homeland.

One day, after defeating an opponent in San Francisco, she acquired an invitation to The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Lili noticed that the sponsor of the tournament, the Mishima Zaibatsu, had caused her father much trouble in the past. With the assumption of the Mishima Zaibatsu being a useful potential asset to her father, she was determined to take part in the tournament and win to put an end to her father's business troubles.

Lili participated in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 without telling her father. However, her chances of winning the tournament were completely destroyed at the hands of Asuka Kazama. What's worse, her father knew of her involvement in the tournament, and as punishment he forbade her from leaving the house until further notice, thwarting her chances of a rematch with Asuka.

Sometime later, the Mishima Financial Group seized the oil fields her father owned. Rochefort Enterprises fell into disarray, and Lili's father (who was forced to cope with the takeover) collapsed from overexertion. Lili, who was worried about her father's well being, believed that if she were able to reclaim her father's oil fields somehow from the Mishima Financial Group, she would without a doubt remove his anxiety. While she deeply thought how to best act, the Mishima Financial Group announced the opening of the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 6. Believing this was her big break, Lili entered the tournament for her father's sake.


An international intelligence agent considered highly skilled and iron-hearted, codename "Raven". Apart from a scar in the shape of an "X" on his face, his details, including age and nationality, are unknown. Raven entered the fifth tournament to find out who or what is behind the event. Raven makes his first appearance in the opening movie for Tekken 5, as he witnesses the attack on Hon-Maru by Jack-4s while on a mission to look into the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, as well as the subsequent explosion. It seems that he is the first one to report of Heihachi Mishima's supposed demise.

After The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Raven encounters Heihachi Mishima, who was presumed to be dead... They began to fight. Before a victor could be decided, Raven received orders to return to headquarters, and he had to withdraw from battle. After that encounter, the battle between both the Mishima Zaibatsu and G-Corporation intensified. In order to prevent any further losses, Raven is sent to investigate the Mishima Zaibatsu once again via The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

Many have noted Raven's similarity to characters played by actor Wesley Snipes. His dyed hairstyle is similar to the character Simon Phoenix from Demolition Man and his black clothing, sunglasses, and personality are reminiscent of the title character of Blade. However, when Electronic Gaming Monthly asked if the similarities were intentional, Namco stated that they simply wanted a true ninjitsu practitioner and a "cool black guy" for a character and that the similarities were purely coincidental.

ergei Dragunov

A member of SPETSNAZ, Dragunov is considered the very symbol of fear on the battlefield whose overwhelming fighting prowess has earned him the title "The White Angel of Death". Involved in the investigation of an unknown body that fell to Earth in Siberia, Dragunov received special orders presumably regarding Devil Jin, and entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament Five in order to carry them out. His precise motivations and the true nature of his orders are unknown. In an in-game cutscene before his sub-boss fight against Raven, the agent says that he is "on to your (Dragunov's) organization."

Sergei Dragunov received an order from Russian Military headquarters to sneak into the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to capture an unconfirmed creature known as Devil. Sergei infiltrated the tournament, but did not find the Devil. Before long the activities of the Mishima Zaibatsu were causing unrest in Russia. While Dragunov staged numerous intense battles to quell the unrest throughout his motherland, he received an order from the Russian Military high command to infiltrate The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 and smash the Mishima Zaibatsu single-handedly. Once again, Dragunov finds himself heading to Japan…

Tekken 6


Leo is the child of a world known male spelunker and a top female executive of the biotech firm, G Corporation.

Leo’s father disappeared during an exploration when she was a child, but even so, she strove to become just like him. Leo grew up to be an upright person, but her happy days came to an abrupt end when her mother was killed.

Saddened by the tragic event, she shut everyone out. Some time later, the police inconclusively ended the murder investigation without explanation. Leo continued the investigation. Not long after starting this mission, Leo discovered the existence of a person who is regarded as a hero of the G Corporation - a man by the name of Kazuya Mishima. Linking him to the murder, Leo sought revenge but found it impossible to get near Kazuya due to his newly-acquired status within the G Corporation.

However, Leo heard news of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 being held by the Mishima Financial Group. Finding out that Kazuya would be participating in it, she followed suit, thinking that it's the only chance for revenge.


Zafina is a guardian to the tomb of a royal family at a village that has been around for centuries. The sealed grave is believed to protect the well being of the tribe. Many martial artists have tried to enter the tomb but Zafina has single handedly defeated everyone. One day the village elders prophesize that when two "evil stars" meet, the seal on the graves will be broken and the world will end. Following the ideals of astrology, Zafina leaves the village to see if the world is really going to end.


Bob is a fighter who hails from America as a martial arts legend. However, due to being unable to defeat larger opponents, Bob disappears from the fighting world and remains in hiding for a few years, with many wondering about his whereabouts.

With The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 drawing near, Bob finally returns, and stuns everyone with his new figure, that of a dangerously obese man. Though Bob claims to have engineered his body to increase his weight and strength while maintaining his speed, few believe him, and most of his fans lose their faith and respect for him.

In order to test his new power and regain his popularity, Bob enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

Miguel Caballero Rojo

Despite his negative side, Miguel is shown to be capable of love, especially in the case of his sister, whom he cares for more than anything in the entire world. His sister would visit him often behind their parents' back to make him happy, until one day when she informs him of her impending marriage. Miguel is baffled at the news and considers killing his future brother-in-law, but decides against it in order to avoid breaking his sister's heart.

On the wedding day, Miguel watches the ceremony with regret from outside the church, until it is unexpectedly attacked by a fleet of planes and blown to smithereens before Miguel's eyes. Miguel searches for his sister, only to find her blood-drenched corpse.

Miguel's investigations lead him to realize that the attack was ordered by the Mishima Zaibatsu, and driven by anger, he enters the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to exact revenge on the Zaibatsu's CEO, Jin Kazama.


Azazel is making his debut in "Tekken 6" as the primary antagonist. He was most likely named after the famed demon in Hebrew Religions, Azazel.

Little is known about Azazel's history, other than that he is the embodiment of the ultimate evil guarded in a tomb by Zafina, set to be released after the clash of "two evil stars".

Azazel looks much like the Egyptian god Set, with blue-gray skin, a large, spiked tail used for attacking, and huge spikes of ice/crystal growing out of his forearms. He also wears an Egyptian ceremonial headdress and loincloth.

Like many supernatural entities before him, Azazel appears to have the advantage of superpowered abilities over his opponents. These include a powerful stun attack (similar to Jinpachi Mishima), and eye lasers (similar to Devil Jin, Devil, and Angel). He also appears to have the ability to summon boulders from the ground and set them on his opponents. He can also summon scarabs made of ice to attack opponents and, when a part of his body gets destroyed after taking too much damage,he can heal himself.

Death By Degrees

Character Reception

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