

Baranya or Baranja can refer to:

In geography

*Baranya (region), a geographical region in Hungary and Croatia.
*Baranya (county), a county in Hungary.
*Osijek-Baranja county, a county in Croatia.

In history

*Baranya (former county), a county in the historic Kingdom of Hungary.
*Baranya-Baja Republic, a short-lived state, proclaimed in Pécs on August 14, 1921.

ee also

*Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem, a Serbian self-proclaimed autonomous region (oblast) in Croatia from 1991 to 1997.
*United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia, a UN peacekeeping mission in eastern parts of Croatia.
*Banat, Bačka and Baranja, a de facto existing province of the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes between October 1918 and March 1919.

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