Darunaman Mosque

Darunaman Mosque
Darunaman Mosque

The current biggest mosque in Chiang Rail.

Basic information
Location Chiang Rai
Affiliation Islam
Status Active
Architectural description
Architectural type Mosque
The tiles arranging in Chinese style, but also give the sense of symmetry.

Darun Aman Mosque (Thai: มัสยิดดารุลอามาน or Thai: มัสยิดบ้านฮ่อ) ,located at Isaraparb road, is the biggest mosques in Chiang Rai province. The mosque was one of many mosques in northern Thailand, built by Hui people or roughly known as Chin Haw in Thai.



The new building has just opened in 27th December 2009, replacing the old one. It shows a great mixture between Chinese and Islamic architecture. The main structure is highly influenced by the Persian architecture with the Chinese decorations. The tip of the two minarets has been replaced with the small Chinese pavilion, instead of a typical islamic dome. The total cost was around 20 million Baht.[1]


See also

External links

  • [2] Darunaman Mosque (Thai)


  1. ^ [1]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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