28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

28th Congress of the CPSU (July 2, 1990—July 13, 1990) was held in Moscow. It was held a year ahead of the traditional schedule and turned out to be the last CPSU congress in the history of the party.

*Mikhail Gorbachev was reelected General Secretary; Vladimir Ivashko was elected his deputy (the position which allowed him to attempt to seize the post during the Soviet coup attempt of 1991).
*A new Party Statute was passed, which formalized the end of the monopoly of power of the CPSU announced at the previous Party Conference.
*Boris Yeltsin and some others resign from the party after the "CPSU Democratic Platform" group failed to advance the transition to a parliamentary structure of the organization, while the "Marxist Platform" failed to oppose Gorbachev's reforms of "healing socialism by capitalism".
*The congress failed to issue the next Program, and issued only a Program Declaration.

The first Plenum of the new CPSU Central Committee was held July 13-14, and with the exception of Gorbachev, a completely new Politburo was elected.

In 1992, the so-called 29th Restorative CPSU Congress was held; it declared the CPSU reinstated (see Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1992)). Similarly, the Union of Communist Parties — Communist Party of the Soviet Union, established in 1993, claims to be a continuation of the CPSU, and thus continues to hold party congresses that follow the numbering of this one, the most recent being XXXIIIrd Congress [http://kprf.ru/kpss/kpss_people/] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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