List of successful coups d'état

List of successful coups d'état

Coups d'état are listed by country in alphabetical order.


*Afghanistan in 1973 by Mohammed Daoud Khan against Mohammad Zahir Shah, King of Afghanistan [ A nation challenged: Former monarch; security tightens before ex-king's arrival] The New York Times]
*Afghanistan in 1978 by Nur Muhammad Taraki against Mohammed Daoud Khan [,_REBELLION,_AND_SOVIET_INTERVENTION/ Communism, rebellion, and Soviet intervention] AfghanZone]
*Afghanistan in 1979 by Hafizullah Amin against Nur Muhammad Taraki
*Afghanistan in 1979 by Babrak Karmal against Hafizullah Amin
*Algeria in 1965 by Houari Boumedienne against Ahmed Ben Bella [,8816,920512,00.html Survivor of a coup] TIME magazine]
*Algeria in 1992 by Khaled Nezzar against Chadli Bendjedid [ Page 455] "The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair"]
*Argentina on September 6, 1930 by José Félix Uriburu against Hipólito Yrigoyen [ Page 168] "National Military Establishments and the Advancement of Science and Technology: Studies in 20th century..."]
*Argentina in 1943 by Arturo Rawson against Ramón Castillo [ Page 8] "A Political Chronology of the Americas"]
*Argentina in 1955 by Eduardo Lonardi against Juan Perón [ Page 180] "Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979"]
*Argentina in March 1962 against Arturo Frondizi [ Page 150] "African Military History and Politics: Ideological Coups and Incursions, 1900-Present"]
*Argentina in 1966 by Juan Carlos Onganía against Roberto M. Levingston [ Page 16] "Argentina's Lost Patrol: Armed Struggle, 1969-1979"]
*Argentina in 1976 by Jorge Rafael Videla against Isabel Martínez de Perón [ Page 116] "Green Backlash: Global Subversion of the Environment Movement"]
*Azerbaijan in 1993 by Heydar Aliyev against Abülfaz Elçibay [ Page 130] "Azerbaijan A Country Study"]
*Bangladesh on August 15, 1975 by army officers against Mujibur Rahman [ Page 184] "God Willing: The Politics of Islamism in Bangladesh"]
*Bangladesh on March 24, 1982 by Hossain Mohammad Ershad against A. F. M. Ahsanuddin Chowdhury [ Page 21] "Bangladesh"]
*Bolivia in 1899 by José Manuel Pando against Severo Fernández Alonso
*Bolivia by Bautista Saavedra Mallea against José Gutiérrez Guerra
*Bolivia in 1930 by Carlos Blanco Galindo against Hernando Siles Reyes
*Bolivia in 1934 by José Luis Tejada Sorzano against Daniel Salamanca Urey
*Bolivia in 1936 by David Toro Ruilova against José Luis Tejada Sorzano
*Bolivia in 1937 by Germán Busch Becerra against David Toro Ruilova
*Bolivia in 1943 by Gualberto Villarroel López against Enrique Peñaranda del Castillo
*Bolivia in 1946 by an angry mob, Néstor Guillén, and Tomás Monje against Gualberto Villarroel López
*Bolivia in 1951 by Hugo Ballivián Rojas against Mamerto Urriolagoitia with the support of Urriolagoitia
*Bolivia in 1952 by Víctor Paz Estenssoro against Hugo Ballivián Rojas
*Bolivia in 1964 by René Barrientos against Víctor Paz Estenssoro [ Page 175] "Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press"]
*Bolivia in 1971 by Hugo Banzer against Juan José Torres [ Page 38] "A Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America"]
*Bolivia in 1980 by Luis García Meza Tejada [ Page 80] "Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda"]
*Brazil in 1964 by Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco against João Goulart [ Page 141] "Industrialized Nature: Brute Force Technology and the Transformation of the Natural World"]
*Bulgaria in 1923 by the Army against Aleksandar Stamboliyski
*Bulgaria in 1934 by Kimon Georgiev against Zveno
*Bulgaria in 1944 by Kimon Georgiev against Konstantin Muraviev [ Page 725] "The Encyclopedia of World History: ancient, medieval, and modern, chronologically arranged"]
*Burkina Faso in 1983 by Blaise Compaoré against Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo [ Country profile: Burkina Faso] BBC News]
*Burkina Faso in 1987 by Blaise Compaoré against Thomas Sankara
*Burma on March 1, 1962 by Ne Win against U Nu [ Obituary: Ne Win] BBC News]
*Burma on September 18, 1988 by Saw Maung against Maung Maung Kha [ Page 64] "The Burmese Connection: Illegal Drugs and the Making of the Golden Triangle"]
*Burundi in November 1966 by Michel Micombero against Ntare V of Burundi [ Timeline: Burundi] BBC News]
*Burundi on July 25, 1996 by Pierre Buyoya [ Burundi: Leaders are changing but human rights abuses continue unabated] Amnesty International]
*Cambodia in 1970 by Lon Nol against King Norodom Sihanouk [ Who's who: Cambodia, Lon Nol] PBS]
*Cambodia in 1993 by King Norodom Sihanouk against Hun Sen
*Cambodia in 1997 by Hun Sen against Prince Norodom Ranariddh (Norodom Sihamoni became King in 2004)
*Central African Republic in 1966 by Jean-Bédel Bokassa against David Dacko [ Page 23] "Central Africa"]
*Central African Empire in 1979 by David Dacko against Emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa
*Central African Republic in 1981 by André Kolingba against David Dacko
*Central African Republic in 2003 by François Bozizé
*Chad in 1975 by Noël Milarew Odingar against François Tombalbaye [ Page 354] "West Africa's Security Challenges: Building Peace in a Troubled Region"]
*Chile on January 23, 1925 by Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and Marmaduke Grove Vallejo against Luis Altamirano Talavera [ xlviii] "Historical Dictionary of Chile"]
*Chile on September 11, 1973 by Augusto Pinochet against Salvador Allende [ A Chilean Dictator's Dark Legacy] "The Washington Post"]
*Ciskei in 1990 by Oupa Gqozo against Lennox Sebe [ Page 221] "From Colonization to Democracy: A New Historical Geography of South Africa"]
*Colombia in June 1953 by Gustavo Rojas Pinilla against Laureano Gómez [ Page 86] "Conservative Parties, the Right, and Democracy in Latin America"]
*Comoros in 1999 by Azali Assoumani against Tadjidine Ben Said Massounde [ Page 753] "Time Almanac", 2004]
*Congo-Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo) in 1963 by Alphonse Massemba-Débat against Fulbert Youlou
*Congo-Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo) in 1968 by Marien Ngouabi (People's Republic of the Congo) against Alphonse Massemba-Débat [ Timeline: Republic of Congo] BBC News]
*Congo-Brazzavulle (People's Republic of the Congo) in 1979 by Denis Sassou Nguesso (Republic of the Congo) against Joachim Yhombi-Opango.
*Congo-Léopoldville (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in 1960 by Mobutu (Zaire) against Joseph Kasa-Vubu
*Congo-Léopoldville (Zaire) in 1997 by Laurent-Désiré Kabila (Democratic Republic of the Congo) against Mobutu (Kabila was succeeded by his son, Joseph Kabila, in 2001 after a failed coups in which the elder Kabila was assassinated)
*Costa Rica in 1870 by Bruno Carranza Ramírez
*Costa Rica in 1876 by Vicente Herrera Zeledón
*Costa Rica in 1917 by Federico Tinoco Granados
*Côte d'Ivoire in 1999 by Robert Guéi
*Cuba in 1952 by Fulgencio Batista against Carlos Prío Socarrás
*Cuba in 1959 by Fidel Castro against General Fulgencio Batista
*Cyprus in 1974 by Nikos Sampson against Archbishop Makarios III
*Czechoslovakia in 1948 by the Communist Party against non-Communists
*Dahomey in 1963 by Christophe Soglo
*Dahomey in 1972 by Mathieu Kérékou
*Dominican Republic in 1963 under Emilio de los Santos
*Ecuador in 1925 by Luis Telmo Paz y Miño
*Ecuador in 1935 by Federico Páez
*Ecuador in 1963 by Ramón Castro Jijón
*Ecuador in 1972 by Guillermo Rodríguez
*Ecuador in 2000 by Lucio Gutiérrez
*Egypt in 1952 by Gamal Abdel Nasser
*El Salvador in 1931 by Maximiliano Hernández Martínez
*El Salvador in 1948 by Manuel de Jesús Córdova
*El Salvador in 1960
*El Salvador in 1979
*Equatorial Guinea in 1979 by Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo
*Estonia in 1934 by Konstantin Päts [ Page 82] "The Handbook of the Former Soviet Union"]
*Ethiopia in 1974 by General Aman Andom and the Dergue against Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia
*Ethiopia in 1991 by General Tesfaye Gebre Kidan and the Dergue against General Mengistu Haile Mariam
*Ethiopia in 1991 by Birhanu Bayeh and the Dergue against General Tesfaye Gebre Kidan


*Fiji in 1987 by Sitiveni Rabuka
*Fiji in 2000 by George Speight
*Fiji in 2006 by Frank Bainimarama
*France in 1792 by the National Convention against King Louis XVI of France, the French Revolution
*France in 1799 by Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I) and the French Consulate against the French Directory
*France in 1804 by Emperor Napoleon I against the French Consulate
*France in 1815 by Emperor Napoleon I against King Louis XVIII of France
*France in 1830 by Louis-Philippe of France against King Charles X of France
*France in 1848 by Louis-Eugène Cavaignac and Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) against King Louis-Philippe of France
*France in 1851 by Emperor Napoleon III against Louis-Eugène Cavaignac
*France in 1870 by the French Third Republic against Emperor Napoleon III
*Gambia in 1994 under Yahya Jammeh
*Georgia from 1991 to 1992 by Eduard Shevardnadze against Zviad Gamsakhurdia
*Ghana in 1966 by Joseph Arthur Ankrah against Kwame Nkrumah
*Ghana in 1972 by Ignatius Kutu Acheampong against Kofi Abrefa Busia
*Ghana in 1978 by Fred Akuffo against Ignatius Kutu Acheampong
*Ghana in 1979 by Jerry John Rawlings for Hilla Limann against Fred Akuffo
*Ghana in 1981 by Jerry John Rawlings against Hilla Limann
*Greece in 1967 under Georgios Papadopoulos
*Grenada in 1979 by Maurice Bishop against Eric Gairy
*Grenada in 1983 by Bernard Coard against Maurice Bishop
*Guatemala in 1963 under Enrique Peralta Azurdia
*Guatemala in 1982 under Efraín Ríos Montt
*Guinea in 1984 under Lansana Conté
*Guinea-Bissau in 1980 under João Bernardo Vieira
*Guinea-Bissau in 1999 under Ansumane Mané
*Guinea-Bissau in 2003 under Veríssimo Correia Seabra
*Haiti in 1946 by Dumarsais Estimé against Élie Lescot
*Haiti in 1950 by Paul Eugène Magloire against Dumarsais Estimé
*Haiti in 1986 by Henri Namphy against Jean-Claude Duvalier
*Haiti in 1988 by Prosper Avril against Henri Namphy
*Haiti on 30 September 1991 by Raoul Cédras against Jean-Bertrand Aristide
*Honduras in 1956
*Honduras in 1963 under Oswaldo López Arellano
*Honduras in 1972 under Oswaldo López Arellano
*Honduras in 1975 under Juan Alberto Melgar Castro
*Honduras in 1978 under Policarpo Paz García
*Kingdom of Hungary in 1944 under Ferenc Szálasi against Regent Miklós Horthy
*Hungary in 1944 under Béla Miklós against Ferenc Szálasi
*Indonesia in 1966 under Suharto
*Iran in 1921 by Reza Shah Pahlavi against Ahmad Shah Qajar
*Iran in 1953 by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi against Mohammed Mossadegh
*Iran in 1979 byr Ayatollah Khomeini against Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
*Iraq in 1958 by Muhammad Najib ar-Ruba'i and Abdul Karim Qassim against King Faisal II of Iraq
*Iraq in 1963 by Abdul Salam Arif against Abdul Karim Qassim
*Iraq in 1968 by Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr against Abdul Rahman Arif
*Kingdom of Italy in 1922 by King Victor Emmanuel III and Benito Mussolini against Luigi Facta
*Kingdom of Italy in 1943 by King Victor Emmanuel III and General Pietro Badoglio against fascist dictator Benito Mussolini


*South Korea in 1961 under Park Chung Hee
*South Korea in 1979 under Chun Doo-hwan
*Laos in 1960 under Kong Le
*Latvia in 1934 under Kārlis Ulmanis
*Lesotho in 1986 by Justin Metsing Lekhanya against Leabua Jonathan
*Liberia in 1980 by Staff Sergeant Samuel K. Doe against President William R. Tolbert, Jr. and the Americo-Liberian elite
*Liberia in 1990 by rebel leader Prince Johnson against President Samuel K. Doe
*Libya in 1969 by Muammar al-Gaddafi against King Idris I of Libya
*Lithuania in 1926 under Antanas Smetona
*Madagascar in 1972 under Gabriel Ramanantsoa
*Mali in 1968 under Moussa Traoré
*Mali in 1991 under Amadou Toumani Touré
*Mauritania in 1978 under Mustafa Ould Salek
*Mauritania in 2005 under Ely Ould Mohamed Vall
*Mexico in 1867 by Benito Juarez against Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico
*Mexico in 1876 by Porfirio Díaz against Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada
*Mexico in 1911 by Francisco I. Madero against Porfirio Díaz (and Francisco León de la Barra)
*Mexico in 1913 by Victoriano Huerta (and Pedro Lascuráin) against Francisco I. Madero
*Mexico in 1915 by Venustiano Carranza and others against Victoriano Huerta
*Mexico in 1920 by Adolfo de la Huerta against Venustiano Carranza
*Muscat and Oman in 1970 under Qaboos bin Said
*Nicaragua in 1856 under William Walker
*Nicaragua in 1944 by Anastasio Somoza García for Benjamín Lacayo Sacasa against Leonardo Argüello Barreto
*Niger in 1974 by Seyni Kountché against Hamani Diori
*Niger in 1996 under Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara
*Nigeria in 1966 under Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu
*Nigeria in 1983 under Muhammadu Buhari
*Nigeria in 1985 under Ibrahim Babangida
*Panama in 1968 by Omar Torrijos against President Arnulfo Arias Madrid
*Pakistan in 1958 by Field Marshal Ayub Khan against Iskander Mirza
*Pakistan in 1977 by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
*Pakistan in 1999 by General Pervez Musharraf against Nawaz Sharif
*Paraguay in 1989 under Andrés Rodríguez
*Peru in 1914 under Óscar Benavides
*Peru in 1919 under Augusto B. Leguía y Salcedo
*Peru in 1930 under Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro
*Peru in 1948 under Manuel A. Odría
*Peru in 1962 under Ricardo Pérez Godoy
*Peru in 1968 under Juan Velasco Alvarado
*Peru in 1992 under Alberto Fujimori (dissolved Parliament)
*Poland in 1926 under Józef Piłsudski
*Portugal in 1926 under Gomes da Costa
*Portugal in 1974 under António de Spínola


*Kingdom of Romania in 1938 by King Carol II of Romania against Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and the Iron Guard
*Kingdom of Romania in 1940 by Ion Antonescu against King Carol II of Romania
*Kingdom of Romania in 1944 by King Michael I of Romania and Constantin Sănătescu against Ion Antonescu
*Kingdom of Romania in 1947 by Petru Groza against King Michael I of Romania
*Romania in 1989 by the National Salvation Front against Nicolae Ceauşescu
*Russia in 1917 under the Russian Provisional Government against Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
*Russia in 1917 by Vladimir Lenin against the Russian Provisional Government
*Rwanda in 1973 under Juvénal Habyarimana
*São Tomé and Príncipe in 1995 under Manuel Quintas de Almeida
*São Tomé and Príncipe in 2003 under Fernando Pereira
*Seychelles in 1977 by France-Albert René against James Mancham
*Seychelles "counter coups" in 1981 by France-Albert René against mercenary "Mad Mike" Hoare and 43 others
*Sierra Leone in 1967 under David Lansana
*Sierra Leone in 1967 under Andrew Juxon-Smith
*Sierra Leone in 1968 under John Amadu Bangura
*Sierra Leone in 1992 under Valentine Strasser
*Sierra Leone in 1996 under Julius Maada Bio
*Sierra Leone in 1997 under Johnny Paul Koroma
*Solomon Islands in 2000 by the Malaitan Eagle Force
*Somalia in 1969 by Muhammad Siad Barre
*Somalia in 1991 by Ali Mahdi Muhammad against Muhammad Siad Barre
*Spain in 1936 by Francisco Franco against Manuel Azaña
*Sudan in 1958 under Ibrahim Abboud
*Sudan in 1969 under Gaafar al-Nimeiry
*Sudan in 1985 under Abdel Rahman Swar al-Dahab
*Sudan in 1989 under Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
*Suriname on 25 February 1980 under Dési Bouterse ousting Prime Minister Henck Arron
*Suriname in 13 August 1980 under Dési Bouterse ousting President Johan Ferrier
*Suriname in 1990 under Ivan Graanoogst
*Sweden in 1772 by Gustav III of Sweden against the Privy Council of Sweden
*Syria in 1966 by Salah Jadid against Amin Hafiz
*Syria in 1970 by Hafez al-Assad against Nureddin al-Atassi
*Thailand in 1932 by Field Marshal Phibunsongkhram, Dr. Pridi Phanomyong, Khuang Abhaiwongse, and Prayoon Phamornmontri (members of the People's Party, "Khana Ratsadon") against King Prajadhipok (Rama VII)
*Thailand in 2006 by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin against Thaksin Shinawatra
*Togo in 1963 under Étienne Eyadéma
*Transkei in 1987 under Bantu Holomisa
*Tunisia in 1987 under Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
*Turkey in 1960 under the National Unity Committee headed by Cemal Gürsel
*Turkey in 1971 under four Force Commanders of the Turkish Armed Forces
*Turkey in 1980 under Kenan Evren
*Uganda in 1966 by Milton Obote against King Mutesa II of Buganda
*Uganda in 1971 by Idi Amin against Milton Obote
*Upper Volta in 1966 under Sangoulé Lamizana
*Upper Volta in 1980 under Saye Zerbo
*Upper Volta in 1982 under Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo
*Upper Volta in 1983 under Thomas Sankara
*Uruguay in 1933 under Gabriel Terra
*Uruguay in 1973 by Juan María Bordaberry against his own government [ Page 590] "The Americana Annual: An Encyclopedia of Current Events"]
*Venda in 1990 under Gabriel Ramushwana [ Page 106] "The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict"]
*Venezuela in 1948 under Carlos Delgado Chalbaud
*South Vietnam in 1963 under Duong Van Minh


*Yemen in 1962 under Abdullah as-Sallal
*Yemen Arab Republic in 1974 under Ibrahim al-Hamadi
*Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941 by King Peter II of Yugoslavia against Regent Prince Paul of Yugoslavia
*Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1945 by Josip Broz Tito against King Peter II of Yugoslavia
*Zanzibar in 1964 under John Okello


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