

Name = Roseola

Caption =
DiseasesDB = 5857
ICD10 = ICD10|B|08|2|b|00
ICD9 = ICD9|057.8
MedlinePlus = 000968
eMedicineSubj = emerg
eMedicineTopic = 400
eMedicine_mult = eMedicine2|derm|378 eMedicine2|ped|998
MeshID =

Taxobox | color=violet
name = "Roseolovirus"

image_caption = Electron micrograph of HHV-6
virus_group = i
familia = "Herpesviridae"
genus = "Roseolovirus"
subdivision_ranks = species
subdivision = "Human herpesvirus 6" (HHV-6) "Human herpesvirus 7" (HHV-7)

Exanthem subitum (meaning "sudden rash"), also referred to as roseola infantum (or rose rash of infants), sixth disease (as the sixth rash-causing childhood disease) and (confusingly) baby measles, or three day fever, is a benign disease of children, generally under two years old, whose manifestations are usually limited to a transient rash ("exanthem") that occurs following a fever of about three day's duration.

Until recently, its origin was unknown, but it is now known to be caused by two human herpesviruses, HHV-6 (Human Herpesvirus Six) and HHV-7, also called "Roseolovirus". Current research indicates that most babies infected with the HHV-6 virus had the virus integrated into their chromosomes during fetal development, from either the mother or the father. [ [ "Universal childhood virus is inherited in DNA"] ,]

Clinical features

Typically the disease affects a child between six months and three years of age, and begins with a sudden high fever (39–40 °C). This can cause, in rare cases, febrile convulsions (also known as febrile seizures or "fever fits") due to the sudden rise in body temperature, but in many cases the child appears and acts normal. After a few days the fever subsides, and just as the child appears to be recovering, a red rash appears. This usually begins on the trunk, spreading to the legs and neck. The rash is not itchy and may last 1 to 2 days. [ ["Roseola – Topic Overview"] ,] In contrast, a child suffering from measles would usually appear more infirm, with symptoms of conjunctivitis and a cough, and their rash would affect the face and last for several days. Liver dysfunction can occur in rare cases, and the rare adult who contracts the disease can show signs of mononucleosis.

Vaccines and treatment

There is no specific vaccine against or treatment for exanthem subitum, and most children with the disease are not seriously ill. A child with fever should be given plenty of fluids to drink. Paracetamol/acetaminophen or ibuprofen could be given to reduce their temperature (but never aspirin, due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome [ [ "What is the role of aspirin?"] ,] ). Fever reduction is usually not needed, because fever is a normal and useful reaction of the body, and if it does not exceed 40.0 °C, harmless. The rash is not particularly itchy and needs no special lotions or creams.

It is likely that many children acquire exanthem subitum "subclinically"; in other words, they show no outward sign of the disease. Others may be debilitated enough that a doctor's opinion is required to confirm the diagnosis, and particularly to rule out other more serious infections, such as meningitis or measles. In case of febrile seizures, medical advice is essential.

Local Terms

Philippines: Tagalog(Tigdas Hangin)

ee also

*endogenous retrovirus


External links

* [ MedlinePlus encyclopedia entry] on "roseola"
* [ Links to roseola pictures] , Hardin MD/Univ of Iowa
* [ Newly Found Herpes Virus Is Called Major Cause of Illness in Young] , "New York Times"
* [ HHV-6 Foundation]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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