Černá Hora (Blansko District)

Černá Hora (Blansko District)
Location of Černá Hora in the Czech Republic
See other places named Černá Hora.

Černá Hora is a market town in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. It has around 1,900 inhabitants.

Name of the place (literary black mountain) come from a hill whose vegetation is darker than the neighbourhood.

Several trade paths crossed this place. First written mention about the location comes from 1279. Since 1390 it acquired township privileges. In Latin texts the place is called Nigromons or Czernahora in German texts Czernahora.

A castle with a church building inside the park are examples of preserved historical architecture and are protected by the state.


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Coordinates: 49°24′32″N 16°34′46″E / 49.40889°N 16.57944°E / 49.40889; 16.57944

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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