List of feminists

List of feminists

This is a list of important participants in the development of feminism, listed by feminist ideology.

Early pioneers

*Eleanor of Aquitaine 12th century: believed in women's superiority over menFact|date=August 2007
*Bettisia Gozzadini (1209-1261) Held a chair in law at the University Bologna, Italy, Probably the first woman ever to hold a university post.
*Christine de Pizan (1365–1430)
*Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535), author of "Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex".
*Marie Dentière - (c. 1495 – 1561)- Genevan Protestant theologian who called for the increased religious participation of women.
*Jane Anger author of "Her Protection for Women" published 1589 in London.
*Christina of Sweden (1626–1689), Queen
*Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648–1695), Mexican nun and pioneer of female education in the new world
*Sophia Elisabet Brenner (1659-1724), Swedish salonist and phoet
*Dorothea Erxleben (1715–1762), first female physician in Germany
*Catharina Ahlgren(1734-1783), Swedish journalist and feminist.
*Thomas Paine (1737–1809), American Founding Father and revolutionary [] .
*Marquis de Condorcet (1743–1794), Philosopher and mathematician of the French Enlightenment []
*Abigail Adams (1744–1818), First Lady of the United States
*Francisco de Miranda (1750–1816), Precursor of Latin American Independence and military figure of the French Revolution.
*Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817), Swedish phoet
*Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–1797), author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"
*Thomas Thorild (1759-1808), Swedish poet and feminist
*Jane Gomeldon (died 1779), English essayist
*Christian Isobel Johnstone (1781-1857), Scottish journalist, editor, and novelist
*Mary Shelley (1797–1851), English novelist
*Catharine Beecher (1800–1878), American educator, [ author]
* Lovisa Årberg (1803-1866), first female physician in Sweden
* George Sand (1804–1876), French Novelist
* John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), English thinker and women's rights advocate
* Harriet Taylor Mill (1807–1858), English thinker [] .
* Concepción Arenal (1820–1893), Activist, writer, thinker, pioneer and founder of the "Feminist Movement" in Spain
* Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) Communist writer and thinker. Wrote The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
* Auguste Schmidt, (1833-1902), Pioneer of women's education in Germany
* Aletta Jacobs (1854–1929) was the first woman to complete a university course in the Netherlands and the first female physician ever.
* Táhirih (1814/20–1852), Bahá'í poet, philosopher and theologian.
* Emily Anne Eliza Shirreff (1814–1897) English activist and writer
* Elizabeth Blackwell (1821–1910), first female physician in the U.S.A.
* Anna Bayerová (1853–1924), second Czech female physician
* Celia Sánchez (1920–1980) - participant in Cuban revolution and one of first women to comprise a combat squad during the revolution.

First-wave feminists

"For main article, see: First-wave feminism"
*Jane Addams (1860–1935)
*Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner (1874–1930), German university lecturer
*Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906), American suffragette
*Mary Astell (c. 1666 – 1731), author of "Serious Proposal to the Ladies"
*Hubertine Auclert
*Rachel Foster Avery
*Marie Bashkirtseff
*Simone de Beauvoir
*Barbara Bodichon
*Elizabeth Blackwell
*Fredrika Bremer
*Ursula Mellor Bright [‘Bright, Ursula Mellor (1835–1915)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography]
*Antoinette Brown
*Katherine Burdekin
*Katharine Bushnell
*Lucy Burns
*Frances Jennings Casement
*Carrie Chapman Catt (1859–1947), American women's rights activist
*Maria Cederschiöld
*Alice Clark
*Francis Power Cobbe
*Frederick Douglass []
*Marguerite Durand
*Millicent Garrett Fawcett
*Louise Flodin
*Margaret Fuller
*Matilda Joslyn Gage
*Charlotte Perkins Gilman
*Emma Goldman
*Olympe de Gouges
*Sarah Grimke
*Angelina Emily Grimke
*Marianne Hainisch
*Jane Ellen Harrison - British scholar
*Julia Ward Howe
*Marie Juchacz - German social reformer, feminist and Member of the Reichstag
*Alexandra Kollontai
*Louisa Lawson - Australian suffragist and women's rights campaigner
*Mary Lee - South Australian suffragist
*Anna Leonowens
*Mary Livermore
*Mina Loy
*Margaret Bright Lucas [Oxford Dictionary of National Biographies]
*Rosa Luxemburg
*Agnes Macphail - first woman elected to Canadian House of Commons; founder of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Canada
*Priscilla Bright Mclaren
*Nellie McClung
*Louise Michel, Paris Commune 1871-1880. Considered women's labor of comparable worth.
*Else Mayer
*Rosa Mayreder
*Lucretia Mott
*Anna Maria Mozzoni
*Katti Anker Møller - Norwegian activist on behalf of single mothers and reproductive rights
*Clarina I. H. Nichols
*Emmeline Pankhurst
*Sylvia Pankhurst
*Alice Paul
*Marion Phillips
*Ernestine Rose
*Margaret Sanger
*Elizabeth Cady Stanton
*Rose Scott
*Kate Sheppard
*Dame Ethel Mary Smyth
*Anna Garlin Spencer
*Lucy Stone
*Marie Stopes
*Sojourner Truth
*Harriet Tubman
*Karolina Widerström
*Victoria Woodhull
*Virginia Woolf
*Frances Wright
*Clara Zetkin

econd-wave feminists

"For main article, see: Second-wave feminism"
*Bella Abzug
*Gloria E. Anzaldúa
*Ti-Grace Atkinson
*Simone de Beauvoir
*Lorraine Bethel
*Susan Brownmiller
*Charlotte Bunch
*Beatrix Campbell
*Thérèse Casgrain
*Brett Clements
*Sandra Coney
*Mary Daly
*Sonja Davies
*Angela Davis
*Heather Dean
*Christine Delphy
*Carol Downer
*Andrea Dworkin
*Cynthia Enloe
*Susan Faludi
*Melissa Farley
*Shulamith Firestone
*Clara Fraser
*Jo Freeman
*Marilyn French
*Betty Friedan
*Carol Gilligan
*Germaine Greer
*Carol Hanisch
*Donna Haraway
*Bertha Harris
*Nancy Hartsock
*Dorothy Hewett
*Anne Guerry Hoddersen
*bell hooks
*Sheila Jeffreys
*Bernice Johnson Reagon
*Liz Kelly
*Renate Klein
*Anne Koedt
*Sharon Krebs
*Bonnie Kreps
*Peggy Kornegger
*Jacqueline Livingston
*Catharine MacKinnon
*Gloria Martin
*Kate Millett
*Robin Morgan
*Ann Oakley
*Griselda Pollock
*Erin Pizzey
*Janice Raymond
*Helen Reddy
*Sheila Rowbotham
*Joanna Russ
*Diana E. H. Russell
*Kathie Sarachild
*Alice Schwarzer
*Lynne Segal
*Kato Shidzue (Japan)
*Ann Simonton
*Ailbhe Smyth
*Dale Spender
*Gloria Steinem
*Michele Wallace
*Betsy Warrior
*Hilary Wainwright
*Melba Windoffer
*Molly Yard

Third-wave feminists

"For main article, see Third-wave feminism"

*Gloria E. Anzaldúa
*Margaret Atwood
*Jennifer Baumgardner
*Melissa Benn
*Giannina Braschi
*Carrie Brownstein
*Judith Butler
*Lili Taylor
*Susie Bright
*Margaret Cho
*Patricia Hill Collins (author of "Black Feminist Thought")cite book|title= |isbn=0415924839|oclc=41211570
*Victor Colussi
*Johanna Fateman
*Ani DiFranco
*Martha Davis
*Donna Dresch
*Corin Tucker
*Betty Dodson
*Maureen Dowd
*Emily Haines
*Kathleen Hanna
*Donna Haraway
*bell hooks
*Joan Jett
*Miranda July
*Marcelle Karp
*Jean Kilbourne
*Barbara Kingsolver
*Rosie Malek-Yonan (activist and author of [ The Crimson Field] )
*Inga Muscio
*Kathy Najimy
*Sandra Oh
*Alicia Ostriker
*Ellen Page
*Lisa Palac
*Liz Phair
*Maria Raha
*JD Samson
*Gudrun Schyman
*Cheryl Seelholf (Creator of "Gentle Spirit Magazine")
*Joan Smith
*Annie Sprinkle
*Debbie Stoller
*Nadine Strossen
*Robin Tunney
*Tobi Vail
*Rebecca Walker
*Natasha Walter
*Kaia Wilson
*Naomi Wolf

"See also: Third-wave feminism"

Radical feminists

"For main article, see Radical feminism"
*Susan Brownmiller
*Nikki Craft (Activist from 1970 to 2006 and beyond who does not identify as 2nd or 3rd wave feminist.)
*Mary Daly
*Andrea Dworkin
*Melissa Farley
*Shulamith Firestone
*Catharine MacKinnon
*Robin Morgan
*Valerie Solanas
*Rote Zora


For main article, see "Ecofeminism"
*Carol J. Adams
*Helene Aylon
*Judi Bari
*Bernadette Cozart
*Mary Daly
*Françoise d'Eaubonne
*Lois Marie Gibbs
*Charlotte Perkins Gilman
*Susan Griffin
*Monica Sjoo
*Leslie Davies
*Petra Kelly
*Anna Kingsford
*Winona LaDuke
*Wangari Maathai
*Maria Mies
*Vandana Shiva
*Charlene Spretnak

Dissident feminists

*Tammy Bruce
*Jean Curthoys
*Donna LaFramboise
*Camille Paglia
*Christina Hoff Sommers
*Norah Vincent
*Naomi Wolf

Individualist feminists

"For main article, see Individualist feminism"
*Wendy Kaminer
*Wendy McElroy
*Carol Moore
*Sarojini Sahoo
*Sharon Presley
*Joan Kennedy Taylor
*Cathy Young


"For main article, see: Anarcha-feminism"
*Voltairine de Cleyre
*Kathy Ferguson
*Emma Goldman
*Louise Michel
*Charlotte Wilson
*Erin Clements

French feminists

"For main article, see French feminism"
*Olympe Audouard
*Hubertine Auclert
*Marie Bashkirtseff
*Simone de Beauvoir
*Helene Cixous
*Christine Delphy
*Maria Deraismes
*Marguerite Durand
*Bracha L. Ettinger
*Olympe de Gouges
*Colette Guillaumin
*Luce Irigaray
*Julia Kristeva
*André Leo
*Nicole-Claude Mathieu
*Anaïs Nin
*Madeleine Pelletier
*Pauline Roland
*Paola Tabet
*Flora Tristan
*Eugenie Potonie-Pierre
*Monique Wittig

Jewish feminists

Lesbian feminists

"For main article, see: Lesbian feminism"
*Jeffner Allen
*Susan Cavin
*Margaret Cruinshank
*Mary Daly
*Carol Ann Duffy
*Andrea Dworkin
*Marilyn Frye
*Bertha Harris
*Sarah L. Hoagland
*Sheila Jeffreys
*Sonia Johnson
*Jill Johnston
*Audre Lorde
*Robin Morgan
*Maricla Moyano
*Julia Penelope
*Janice Raymond
*Adrienne Rich
*Kathy Rudy
*Ruth Simpson
*Barbara Smith
*Ailbhe Smyth
*Kerry Thompson (Senior Lecturer in Feminist Theory at UCL)
*Urvashi Vaid
*Susan Wolfe
*Monique Wittig
*Sande Zeig

Muslim feminists

"For main article, see Islamic feminism"
* Leila Ahmed
* Qasim Amin
* Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chairperson of the Pakistan Peoples Party
* Zaib-un-Nissa Hamidullah
* Shirin Ebadi
* Fatima Mernissi
* Nawal el-Sadaawi
* Huda Shaarawi
* Kartini (Indonesian)
* Irshad Manji
* Asra Nomani
* Azar Nafisi
* Taslima Nasrin (secular but of Muslim origin)
* Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim

Latina feminists

"See Feminist history in Latin America"
*Gloria E. Anzaldúa
*Cherrie Moraga-One of the most influential of all time.
*Lydia Cacho
*Ana Castillo
*Christina Marie Farley- An influential feminist who used the metaphor of her cat muldoon to depict the amnesties of human origin.
*Linda Martín Alcoff

German and German-Jewish feminists

* Ottilie Assing
* Else Mayer
* Alice Schwarzer
* Helene Stöcker
* Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
* Clara Zetkin

Indian Feminists

*Sarojini Sahoo
*Tarabai Shinde

East Asian feminists

* Peng Wan-ru

Women's Health Feminists

* Barbara Seaman
* Mary Howell
* Alice Wolfson
* Jerilynn Prior

Other feminists

* Alan Alda U.S. Actor ("M*A*S*H*", ("The West Wing") who campaigned extensively on behalf of Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970's and early 1980's.
* Lois W. Banner, U.S. historian
* Annie Besant
* Kurt Cobain self-proclaimed feminist, in defense of the song "Rape Me", which he described as "anti-rape".
* Anti-Flag self proclaimed feminists. Have written songs about feminism including "Feminism is for Everyone (With a Beating Heart and Functioning Brain}
* Flora Brovina
* Tina Fey Actress and writer of the NBC show 30 Rock
* Juliette Frette, American model .
* Liz Carpenter one of the founders of the National Women's Political Caucus
*Cynthia Enloe feminist International Relations scholar
*Betty Ford
*André A. Jackson, African diamond administrator and philanthropist
*Aoua Keita
*Gerda Lerner post-Marxist feminist
*Karlina Leksono Supelli Indonesian feminist
*Rosa Huber Canadian Feminist/Activist
*Amanda Marcotte American blogger and activist
*Susan McClary
*Yoko Ono Japanese American artist, filmmaker, and musician
*John Lennon self-proclaimed feminist, along with wife Yoko Ono wrote the feminist song "Woman is the Nigger of the World"
*Soe Tjen Marching Indonesian feminist
*Melissa McEwan American blogger and activist
*Erin McPhee infamous, self-proclaimed feminist
*William Moulton Marston
*Martha Nussbaum
*Sylvia Plath author of The Bell Jar
*Katha Pollitt, author of "Reasonable Creatures"
*Thomas Sankara, author of "Women's Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle" (1987 speech)
*Flora Sandes jingoistic female participant in Serbian conflicts during the First World War.
*Caroline Shaw, University of Guelph academic, self-proclaimed feminist
*Ailbhe Smyth, Irish feminist activist, academic
*J. Ann Tickner, feminist International Relations scholar
*Joss Whedon, writer-director, creator of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
*Frances Willard (1839–1898), an American educator, temperance reformer, and women's suffragist
*Elizabeth Wurtzel, author of Bitch and Prozac Nation
*Kazimiera Szczuka - Polish feminist, journalist and critic and theoretician of the literature
*S.U.Zanne - Belgian Feminist (1838–1923)

Feminist allies

*Jello Biafra, American punk rock musician and Green Party activist.
*Hayao Miyazaki, Japanese anime director.


External links

* [ National Women's History Project]
* [ FemBio - Notable Women International]

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