

Infobox Greek Isles
name = Sporades
native_name = Βόρειες Σποράδες
skyline =
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coordinates =
chain = Sporades
isles = 24
area =
highest_mount =
elevation =
periph = Thessaly
prefect = Magnesia
capital =
population =
pop_as_of =
website =

The (Northern) Sporades ( _el. Βόρειες Σποράδες) are an archipelago along the east coast of Greece, northeast of the island of Euboea,"Skyros - Britannica Concise" (description), Britannica Concise, 2006, webpage: [http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9068142/Skyros EB-Skyros] notes "including Skiathos, Skopelos, Skyros, and Alonnisos."] in the Aegean Sea. It consists of 24 islands, of which 4 are inhabited: Alonnisos, Skiathos, Skopelos, and Skyros.

Administratively, the islands are split between the Greek peripheries of Thessaly (most islands) and Central Greece (Skyros).

ee also

*Cyclades - Greek island group south of the Sporades.
*Dodecanese - Greek island group formerly known as the Southern Sporades.



*"Skyros - Britannica Concise" (description), Britannica Concise, 2006, webpage: [http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9068142/Skyros EB-Skyros] .

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