Debate on the monarchy in Canada

Debate on the monarchy in Canada

Debate between monarchists and republicans in Canada has been taking place since before the country's Confederation in 1867, though it has rarely been of significance since the rebellions of 1837.[1] Open support for republicanism only came from the Patriotes in the early 19th century, the Red River Métis in 1869, and minor actions by the Fenians throughout the 19th century. However, paralleling the changes in constitutional law that saw the creation of a legally distinct Canadian monarchy shared with the other Commonwealth realms, the emergence in the 1960s of Quebec nationalism, and the evolution of Canadian nationalism, the cultural role and relevance of the monarchy altered and was sometimes questioned in certain circles, while continuing to receive support in others.

It has been estimated that only 0.6% of the population is actively engaged in any debate about a republic.[2] The Monarchist League of Canada's chief executive officer, Robert Finch, stated the greatest threat to the monarchy is not republicanism, "it is indifference."[3]


The debate

In the early 19th century, reform-minded groups began to form in the British colonies in Canada; from them rose William Lyon Mackenzie, who, along with Louis-Joseph Papineau, was the first prominent proponent of a republican Canada. Their causes were countered by the Lieutenant Governors and Executive Council members at the time, as well as a majority of the colonists, who did not espouse a break with the Crown,[4] and the rebellions ultimately failed.

In the lead-up to Confederation in 1867, there was debate over whether the new polity should adopt a republican or monarchical form of government.[5]

Alistair Horne observed in the late 1950s that, while Canada's cultural mix grew, the monarchy remained held in high regard: "At its lowest common denominator, to the average Canadian — whether of British, French or Ukrainian extraction — the Crown is the one thing that he has that the rich and mighty Americans have not got. It makes him feel a little superior." However, at the same time, he noted that the institution was coming more into question in Quebec and that it was sometimes perceived as having a "colonial taint", but theorises that this was because Canadians had an inferiority complex in relation to the British.[6]

Controversy arose in the run-up to the Queen's 1959 visit, when CBC personality Joyce Davidson, while being interviewed by Dave Garroway on NBC's Today Show, said that as an "average Canadian" she was "pretty indifferent" to the Queen's forthcoming visit. Davidson was lambasted in the Canadian press and by many indignant Canadians for her comment.[7]

Debates over the monarchy and its place in Canada also took place through the 1960s and 1970s, following the rise of Quebec nationalism. Republican options were discussed following the sovereigntist Parti Québécois' (PQ) election to power in Quebec, but only specifically in relation to the province.[n 1] However, the non-Quebecker attendees at the 1968 Constitutional Conference agreed that the monarchy had worked well and was not a matter for discussion.[9]

The Cabinet in June 1978 put forward the constitutional amendment Bill C-60, that, amongst other changes, potentially affected the sovereign's role as head of state by vesting executive authority in the Governor General, and renaming the position as First Canadian.[10][11] Some academics, such as Edward McWhinney, supported these proposals, though they were opposed by others, like Senator Eugene Forsey, who said that the government had managed to "[stir] up a hornet's nest with a short stick."[12] From that year's First Ministers' conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, the provincial premiers (including that of Quebec[13]) issued a statement against what they saw as a unilateral attempt by the federal government to push through alterations to the monarchy, and expressed their opposition to "constitutional changes that substitute for the Queen as ultimate authority a Governor General whose appointment and dismissal would be solely the pleasure of the federal cabinet" – a message that was reiterated at the conclusion of the 1979 meeting,[11][12] and echoed in newspaper editorials.[n 2] Decades later, David Smith stated that the federal government at the time had "misperceived the complexity of the Crown [and] failed... to recognize its federalist dimension."[14]

After his press secretary, Peter Donolo, in 1998 unaccountably announced through a media story that the Prime Minister's Office was considering the abolition of the monarchy as a millennium project,[15] Prime Minister Jean Chrétien stated that he was open to a public debate, but never pursued the matter and expressed concerns about resulting divisions,[15] saying that he "already had enough trouble on [his] hands with the separatists of Quebec, and didn't want to take on the monarchists in the rest of Canada, too."[16]

Other media at the time noted that, though there was "no longer any strong idea behind the Canadian monarchy and its representative," in the absence of which "there can be no pulse in common between the people and their constitution,"[17] there simply was no debate about any republic amongst the general populace, with discussion limited to a political and journalistic few.[n 3] An inadequate number of willing participants was pointed to as a reason for this phenomenon – which was seen as a manifestation of what Carolyn Tuohy had called Canada's "institutionalized ambivalence" – as well as a lack of alternate model to be discussed, with no method put forward by which the powers of the Crown could be soundly transferred to a president, no definitive solution to where Canadian sovereignty would be placed should the sovereign be removed from Canada,[n 4][17] nor any means by which the constitutionally required consent of all 11 parliaments (one federal and 10 provincial) could be achieved.[13] It was also theorised that Canadians had a growing sense of distrust for politicians (which is what a president would be), more pressing issues to deal with, and no appetite for nationally divisive constitutional change.[18] Political scholar David Smith expressed his thoughts on how the Canadian monarchy had benefited from this dearth of discussion.[19]

Debate on the monarchy was seen through the first decade of the 21st century in other Canadian media, generally at times of national significance, such as Canada Day and Victoria Day,[20] or during a royal tour.[2][21][22][23]

In 2007, Quebec's Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs, Benoît Pelletier, expressed his opinion that it was "not impossible that we might have to reconsider the role of the monarch, the lieutenant governor, and the governor general... I'm not saying that the monarchy must be abolished, but it will take some thought, especially on its usefulness and relevance.[24]

At the time of the visit in 2009 of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, self-described monarchist Andrew Coyne characterized loyalty to Canada's monarchy as being "the obsession of a radical fringe group dismissively referred to as 'monarchists'." In the same article, he portrayed Canada as an "ancient kingdom" having had "nine French and nine English" kings and queens, argued that the debate was futile because the monarchy was here to stay given all the references to the "Queen" throughout the constitution, but then also called for importing "not just a King of Canada, but a Canadian King" that would reside permanently in Canada.[25]


Polls on the Canadian monarchy have been regularly conducted, since the 1990s, typically coinciding with a royal tour or other major royal event. Such polls on the institution have been accused of using "inconsistent and sometimes ambiguous wording."[26] Some have referred in their questions to British monarchy or called the British monarch Canada's head of state.[27][28] This terminology is at odds with the contemporary situation in Canada, wherein the monarchy is a Canadian institution[29][30][31] separate from that of the United Kingdom,[32][33][34][35][36] being called the Canadian Crown and Canadian monarchy by the government[37][38][39] and constitutional scholars,[40] and the monarch is uniquely titled as Queen of Canada.[41][42][43] The government of Saskatchewan has stated it is incorrect to denote the Canadian Royal Family as the British Royal Family.[44]

It has been noted,[26] and confirmed by polls, that Canadians are not well educated about the monarchy and its role.[45] In 2002, the majority polled thought the prime minister was head of state, only 5% knowing it was the Queen.[46] Both republicans and monarchists in Canada have noted this fact in relation to polls on the monarchy.[47]


When constitutional amendments were being considered in the 1960s, the role of the monarchy was not strenuously questioned, as it was deemed to be "no great priority in the present round of constitutional changes."[9] This statement was reflected in the four opinion polls conducted in 1970, which showed that the monarchy was favoured by two thirds of those questioned. The Canadian Institute of Public Opinion asked nationally: "Do you think Canada should continue to pay allegiance to The Queen, or do you think we should become a republic with an elected president?" To this, 50% opted for retention of the status quo, 33% favoured a republic, and the remainder declined to answer. Further, the answers differed by region: in Quebec, 46% wished for a republic as against 23% for monarchy, while in Ontario the monarchy was favoured well above the national average, and support was even higher in the western provinces. Older persons (over 50 years) were the strongest advocates for the monarchy than any other age group, although those in their 20s also gave their preference for the Crown. Similarly, another poll that year revealed that in Canada, exclusive of Quebec, the monarchy was of no issue to 37% of the populace, and a further 41% rated themselves as loyalists, although many of the older responders "recognised that youth had different ideas which might have an effect in the future."[9]


A 1993 poll by Angus Reid Group found that 51% of Canadians thought Canada should move to abolish its formal constitutional connection with the monarchy, while 42% thought it should be preserved.[48]

An EKOS Research Associates poll in 1994 found that 47% of Canadians thought it was time to abolish the monarchy in Canada, while 27% disagreed.[49]

In a 1996 poll by Angus Reid, almost half of Canadians, 47%, thought Canada should move to abolish its formal constitutional connection with the monarchy, while 44% thought it should be preserved.[48]

A 1997 poll by Pollara found that the plurality 41% of Canadians favoured abolishing the monarchy when the present Queen dies and having a Canadian head of state, 39% thought it really made no difference to them, while 18% opposed abolishing the monarchy.[50]

A 1999 Gallup poll found that 48% of Canadians thought Canada should have a monarch as its head of state, while 43% thought Canada should discontinue its ties with the monarchy.[citation needed]


A 2002 poll by EKOS Research Associates found that the majority 52% of Canadians think that "the monarchy is an outdated and regressive institution that has no real relevance to most of Canadians today." 33% disagreed.[49]

The plurality 48% of Canadians think that "instead of a British monarch we should have a Canadian citizen as our head of state." 35% disagreed.

Opinion whether it was the right time to abolish the monarchy was more evenly divided, with 43% disagreeing and 41% agreeing.[49]

The majority 69% of Canadians think the Prime Minister is the head of the state, 9% think the Governor General is, and only 5% think the Queen is.[49]

The poll did find, however, that 55% of Canadians think "the monarchy is one of those important things that provides Canadians with unique identity separate from the U.S," while 31% disagreed.[49]

According to a 2002 poll by Ipsos-Reid, 79% of Canadians supported "the constitutional monarchy as Canada's form of government where we elect governments whose leader becomes Prime Minister,"[51] and a further 62% believed the monarchy helped to define Canada's identity.[51]

At the same time, however, 48% of Canadians said that "the constitutional monarchy is outmoded and would prefer a republican system of government with an elected head of state, like in the United States,"[52] and 65% believed that the royals were simply celebrities who should not have any formal role in Canada.[51]

The same poll found that 58% of the population felt that "the issue of the monarchy and the form of Canada's government isn't important to them and if the system is working OK why go through all the fuss to change it?"[53]

A 2002 poll by Léger Marketing found that half, 50%, of Canadians believed that the connection with the monarchy should be preserved, while 43% disagreed.[54]

The majority 56% of Canadians thought the head of Queen Elizabeth II on the Canadian dollar should be replaced by people who have influenced Canadian history, whle 39% disagreed.[54]

A survey taken by COMPAS, as commissioned by the National Post/Global Television media outlet, showed that 63% of Canadians "believe the monarchy should retain or strengthen its role in Canada," while 12% felt moderately that the monarchy should be abolished, and 18% felt strongly about the same. 69% agreed with the statement: "the government accepts the Monarchy but doesn't give it much thought."[citation needed]

2005 - 2008

A 2005 poll by The Strategic Counsel reported Canadians to be uncertain "about the legitimacy and role of the British monarchy remaining as Canada's head of state". The poll found an equal number, 47% supporting and 47% opposed to retention of the British monarchy.[51]

Also in 2005, a Pollara poll for Rogers Media and Maclean's found that 46% of Canadians supported replacing the British Monarch as Canadian Head of State, while 37% disagreed.[55]

An Angus Reid Strategies poll conducted in September 2007 reported that the majority of Canadians, 53%, thought that "Canada should end its formal ties to the British monarchy", while 35% thought the contrary, and 12% were unsure.[56]

A poll conducted by Angus Reid in March 2008 also reported that the majority of Canadians believe "it is time to end the country's official relationship with either the British monarchy or the monarchy". The majority 55% of Canadians favour ending formal ties - the plurality 34% of Canadians "strongly" so, and the second largest group of respondents, 21%, "moderately" so - while 34% disagreed.[57]


An August 2009 poll commissioned by "Canadian Friends of the Royal Family" found that the majority of Canadians, more than 60%, felt that a constitutional monarchy was outdated.[58]

An October 2009 poll by Léger Marketing found that 45% of Canadians consider the monarchy to be useless to Canada and feel that the country should sever all formal ties with the Queen, while 44% considered the monarchy to be a tradition that should be maintained. Opposition to the institution was strongest in Quebec where 78% believe the monarchy is useless to Canada and should be ended, and only 11% wanted to maintain it.[59]

In an October 2009 poll by Angus Reid, only a minority 27% of Canadians preferred Canada to remain a monarchy. The plurality 35% of Canadians prefer Canada to have an elected head of state. When asked who they would prefer as a monarch after Queen Elizabeth II, the plurality 37% of Canadians responded by saying there should be no monarch after her.[60]

An Ipos Reid poll conducted in late October 2009 found that the majority 53% of Canadians want Canada to end its constitutional ties to the monarchy after the Queen dies. 49% of Canadians want to abolish the constitutional monarchy structure now and become a republic, with an elected head of state. The majority 60% of Canadians said the Queen and the Royal Family should have no formal role in Canadian society, and that they are "simply celebrities and nothing more."[61]

In November 2009, a poll by Angus Reid found that the majority two-thirds of Canadians would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, while 18% disagreed. Only a minority 27% preferred Canada to remain a monarchy, while the plurality 43% preferred Canada to have an elected head of state.[60]


In May 2010, a poll by Angus Reid found that more than two-thirds of Canadians, a 69% majority, would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, and a 52% majority of Canadians support reopening the constitutional debate to discuss replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state, while only 32% oppose doing so. Despite 69% of Canadians having a "mostly favourable" opinion of Queen Elizabeth II as a person, only one third, 33%, of Canadians preferred Canada to remain a monarchy - the plurality 36% of Canadians said they would prefer to have an elected head of state, another 21% were indifferent, and 11% were unsure. When asked who they would prefer as a monarch after Queen Elizabeth II, three-in-ten Canadians responded by saying there should be no monarch after her. 31% of Canadians also want members of the Royal Family to stop visiting Canada.[62]

Also in May 2010, an online poll by Leger Marketing for QMI Agency found that majority 59% of Canadians said that they had little or no interest in the Queen's visit to Canada, while 39% did. The poll found that only 32% of 18 to 34 year-olds had an attachment to the crown. In the 65-and-over group, 46% reported an attachment. One fifth of Canadians said the Queen should stay home, and that furthermore, "Canada should sever its ties with the British Crown".[3]

In June 2010, a national poll by the Association for Canadian Studies found decidedly lukewarm feelings about the concept of monarchy. The survey found that 49% of Canadians had a negative reaction to the word "monarchy", compared to just 41% with a positive reaction. In the Maritimes, where the Queen would begin her Canadian visit, the majority 60% registered a negative opinion of monarchy, compared to only 37% positive. (The poll did not refer to the Canadian monarchy or to the Queen specifically, but to the concept of monarchy.)[3]

A poll by Ipsos-Reid, also in June 2010, found that the majority two-in-three Canadians agree the royal family should not have any formal role in Canadian society, and reported growing sentiment that Elizabeth II should be Canada's last monarch. The majority 58% of Canadians want Canada to end ties to monarchy when Queen Elizabeth II's reign ends, and the majority 62% of Canadians believe that Canada's head of state should be the Governor General, not the Queen.[63][64]

A fifth poll, conducted by Harris-Decima for The Canadian Press a few days ahead of the Queen's nine-day visit to Canada in June, found that nearly half of Canadians, 48%, consider the monarchy to be "a relic of our colonial past that has no place in Canada today." The poll also found that 44% of Canadians want a national referendum to decide whether Canada should keep the monarchy.[65]

An Angus Reid poll just after the Queen's visit found that 36% of Canadians want Canada to remain a monarchy, 30% prefer having an elected head of state, and 21% felt it made no difference to them.[66]

See also


  1. ^ In an interview in Saskatchewan, and in response to a question on the role of the monarchy in a sovereign Quebec, René Lévesque responded: "Are you joking? Why? I have great respect for the Queen... but what the hell part should monarchy have in Quebec?"[8]
  2. ^ The Globe and Mail condemned the proposed changes as "[a downgrading] of the symbol most central to Canada's identity" and "crypto-republicanism."[12]
  3. ^ Valpy claimed about the debate: "The push to get rid of the Canadian monarchy comes from people like Citizenship Minister Lucienne Robillard who don't understand it, from people in the Prime Minister's Office desperate for something to merchandise as an idea, and from an arid assemblage of academic, bureaucratic and journalistic elites cemented into some curious antediluvian profession of anticolonialism and sort-of nationalism indecipherable in 1999 to all but themselves.
  4. ^ Reg Whitaker said on this: "If sovereignty is now to be vested in the Canadian nation or the Canadian people, what precisely is this? Is it Canada including a Quebec that thinks of itself as a different, perhaps separate nation? Is it Preston Manning's "New Canada," shorn one way or another of a distinctive Quebec? Is it a two-headed, dualist sovereign nation, perhaps even sprouting additional heads – Aboriginal nations, regional identities – like some genetically engineered Medusa?"


  1. ^ Smith, David. Policy Options: Bye-Bye for Good? (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy) (May 1999): p. 8. Retrieved 10 February 2009. 
  2. ^ a b Hanon, Andrew (20 May 2005). "Monarchists, republicans square off". Edmonton Sun. Retrieved 17 February 2009. [dead link][dead link]
  3. ^ a b c "One in five Canadians think the Queen should stay home: Poll". 28 June 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. 
  4. ^ Philips, Stephen (Summer 2003). "The Emergence of a Canadian Monarchy: 1867-1953". Canadian Monarchist News (Toronto: Monarchist League of Canada) 7 (4): 1–2. Retrieved 8 February 2009. [dead link]
  5. ^ Chevrier, Marc (2001). "Our Republic in America". In Venne, Michel. Vive Quebec!: new thinking and new approaches to the Quebec nation. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company. p. 87. ISBN 9-7815-5028-7349. 
  6. ^ Horne, Alistair (2008-11-04). Cohen, Andrew. ed. The Unfinished Canadian. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 2007. p. 42. ISBN 978-0771022869.,%20Cohen%20(2007).%20The%20Unfinished%20Canadian. 
  7. ^ Buckner, Phillip (2005). "The Last Great Royal Tour: Queen Elizabeth's 1959 Tour to Canada". In Buckner, Phillip. Canada and the End of Empire. Vancouver: UBC Press. p. 85. ISBN 0-7748-0915-9. Retrieved 24 October 2009 
  8. ^ "René, The Queen and the FLQ". CBC. Retrieved 10 February 2009. 
  9. ^ a b c Michener, Roland (1971). "The Empire Club of Canada Speeches 1970-1971". Toronto: The Empire Club Foundation. pp. 130–149. Retrieved 10 February 2009. 
  10. ^ Heinricks, Geoff (2001). National Post. "Trudeau and the Monarchy". Canadian Monarchist News (Toronto: Monarchist League of Canada) (Winter/Spring 2001–2001). July 2001. Retrieved 10 February 2009. [dead link]
  11. ^ a b (Smith, p. 11)
  12. ^ a b c Phillips, Stephen. "Republicanism in Canada in the reign of Elizabeth II: the dog that didn't bark". Canadian Monarchist News (Toronto: Monarchist League of Canada) Summer 2004 (22): 19–20. Retrieved 10 February 2009. [dead link]
  13. ^ a b Valpy, Michael. Policy Options: Bye-Bye for Good? (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy) (May 1999): pp. 26. Retrieved 17 February 2009. 
  14. ^ Smith, David E. (1995). The Invisible Crown: The First Principle of Canadian Government. Toronto-Buffalo-London: University Of Toronto Press. ISBN 0802077935. 
  15. ^ a b "Liberals considering break from monarchy". CBC. 18 December 1998. Retrieved 11 February 2009. 
  16. ^ Chrétien, Jean (2007). My Years as Prime Minister. Toronto: Knopf Canada. p. 248. ISBN 9780676979008. 
  17. ^ a b (Smith, p. 10)
  18. ^ Elkins, David J.. Policy Options: Bye-Bye for Good? (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy) (May 1999): p. 24. Retrieved 10 February 2009. 
  19. ^ (Smith, p. 9)
  20. ^ Blizzard, Christina; Coren, Michael (2 July 2007). "The debate: Do we need the monarchy?". CNews. Retrieved 16 February 2009. 
  21. ^ Simpson, Jeffrey; Valpy, Michael (13 April 2002). "Has the magic gone out of our monarchy?". The Globe and Mail: pp. F6. 
  22. ^ O'Neill, Juliet (2 October 2002), "The fight for the Republic of Canada", The Ottawa Citizen,{1f3ef50e-2a74-401b-883e-ad27a04b271a}, retrieved 16 February 2009 
  23. ^ Heydel-Mankoo, Rafal; McCullough, John J. (2002). Today (Television). Toronto: CBC Newsworld. Retrieved 17 February 2009. 
  24. ^ Fox, Jim (6 May 2007). "Quebec dredges up monarchy issue once again". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 17 February 2009. 
  25. ^ Coyne, Andrew (13 November 2009). "Defending the royals". Maclean's (Toronto: Roger's Communications). ISSN 0024-9262. Retrieved 18 February 2010. 
  26. ^ a b Boyce, Peter (2008). The Queen's Other Realms. Annandale: Federation Press. p. 2. ISBN 9781862877009. 
  27. ^ EKOS Research Associates (30 May 2002). "F. Monarchy" (PDF). Trust and the Monarchy: an examination of the shifting public attitudes toward government and institutions. Montreal: EKOS Research Associates. p. 37. Retrieved 8 February 2009. 
  28. ^ EKOS Research Associates 2002, p. 39
  29. ^ MacLeod, Kevin S. (2008). A Crown of Maples (1 ed.). Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada. pp. 2, 3, 39, 40. ISBN 978-0-662-46012-1. Retrieved 21 June 2009 
  30. ^ Monet, Jacques (2007). "Crown and Country" (PDF). Canadian Monarchist News (Toronto: Monarchist League of Canada) Summer 2007 (26): 8. Archived from the original on June 25, 2008. Retrieved 15 June 2009. 
  31. ^ Valpy, Michael (13 November 2009). "The monarchy: Offshore, but built-in". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 14 November 2009 
  32. ^ Trepanier, Peter (2004). "Some Visual Aspects of the Monarchical Tradition". Canadian Parliamentary Review (Ottawa: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association) 27 (2): 28. Retrieved 8 October 2009. 
  33. ^ R v Foreign Secretary, Ex parte Indian Association (as referenced in High Court of Australia: Sue v Hill [1999] HCA 30; 23 June 1999; S179/1998 and B49/1998), QB 892 at 928 (English Court of Appeal June 1999).
  34. ^ Buchan, John (1969). Canadian Occasions: Addresses. Manchester: Ayer Publishing. p. 94. ISBN 9780836912753. 
  35. ^ Department of Canadian Heritage. "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion > The crown in Canada". Queen's Printer for Canada. Retrieved 19 February 2009. 
  36. ^ The Royal Household. "The Queen and the Commonwealth > Queen and Canada > The Queen's role in Canada". Queen's Printer. Retrieved 15 May 2009. 
  37. ^ Harper, Stephen (2008). "Letter". In MacLeod, Kevin S.. A Crown of Maples. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada. p. vii. ISBN 978-0-662-46012-1. 
  38. ^ Kenney, Jason (23 April 2007). "Speech to the Lieutenant Governors Meeting". written at Regina. In Department of Canadian Heritage. Speeches > The Honourable Jason Kenney. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada. 
  39. ^ MacLeod 2008, pp. 2–3, 9–10, 35–38, 40, 50, 53, 56, XII
  40. ^ Monet, Jacques (1979). The Canadian Crown. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. ISBN 978-0772012524. 
  41. ^ Elizabeth II (11 February 1953). An Act respecting the Royal Style and Titles. 1. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada. Retrieved 15 May 2009 
  42. ^ Office of the Provincial Secretary. Forms of Address. Queen's Printer for Saskatchewan. Retrieved 24 July 2010 
  43. ^ MacLeod 2008, pp. iv, 2, 10–11, 29–30, 35
  44. ^ Saskatchewan Office of the Provincial Secretary. "About OPS > Protocol Office > Protocol in Practice > Royal Visits > Royal Family Titles". Queen's Printer for Saskatchewan. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  45. ^ EKOS Research Associates 2002, p. 34
  46. ^ EKOS Research Associates 2002, p. 35
  47. ^ "Opinion Polls in Canada". Citizens for a Canadian Republic. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  48. ^ a b "Angus Reid Poll 1993 and 1996". Southam News. February 3, 1996. Retrieved July 13, 2010. [dead link]
  49. ^ a b c d e EKOS Research Associates 2002, p. 47
  50. ^ Aubry, Jack (17 December 1997). "Support for monarchy plummets". Ottawa Citizen. 
  51. ^ a b c d Ipsos-Reid (3 February 2002). "While Half (48%) of Canadians Say They Would Prefer a U.S. Style Republic System of Government With an Elected Head of State, and Two-Thirds (65%) Believe the Royals Should not Have any Formal Role and Are "Simply Celebrities"... Eight-in-Ten (79%) Support the Constitutional Monarchy as Canada's Form of Government" (PDF). Winnipeg: Ipsos-Reid. p. 4. Retrieved 19 February 2009. 
  52. ^ (Ipsos-Reid, p. 3)
  53. ^ (Ipsos-Reid, p. 5)
  54. ^ a b Leger Marketing (March 2002). "Canadians' Attachment to the Monarchy" (PDF). Montreal: Leger Marketing. p. 2. Retrieved 19 February 2009. 
  55. ^ Maclean's (Toronto: Kenneth Whyte): 15. 21 March 2005. 
  56. ^ "Monarchy: Over Half Think Canada Should Break Ties With the Queen" (Press release). Angus Reid Strategies. 1 October 2007. Retrieved 5 July 2010. 
  57. ^ "Angus Reid Poll: Men, Wealthier Canadians More Willing to End Formal Ties with the Monarchy" (Press release). Angus Reid Strategies. 12 March 2008. Retrieved 20 February 2009. 
  58. ^ "CBC News - Canada - Canadians apathetic about Prince Charles: poll". 2009-10-27. Retrieved 2010-06-30. 
  59. ^ "Journal de Québec – Actualités - Le Québec contre la monarchie". 2009-04-23. Retrieved 2010-06-30. 
  60. ^ a b "Canadians Divided Over Having a Monarch or an Elected Head of State (PDF)". 25 May 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. 
  61. ^ Black, Conrad (31 October 2009). "Royalty for a grown-up nation". National Post. Retrieved 8 November 2009. 
  62. ^ "Canadians Divided Over Having a Monarch or an Elected Head of State". 25 May 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. 
  63. ^ "Six in Ten Canadians (58%, +5) Believe Canada Should End Ties to Monarchy When Her Majesty’s Reign Ends". 16 June 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. 
  64. ^ "Canadians don't want Queen, even if she's done great job". 16 June 2010. Retrieved 3 July 2010. 
  65. ^ "Canadians apathetic about monarchy: poll". CBC. 31 May 2010. Retrieved 28 June 2010. 
  66. ^ "Queen’s Visit Raises Monarchy Profile in Canada: Angus Reid Global Monitor". Angus Reid. 15 July 2010. Retrieved 22 July 2010. 

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