List of national parks of Colombia

List of national parks of Colombia
Natural parks of Colombia

The protected areas of Colombia are grouped in the National System of Protected Areas. As of 2008, it has 58 natural national parks which cover about 12,579,081 ha and represent more than 10% of the country's continental land.


National System of Protected Areas

The National System of Protected Areas comprises four broad groups:

  • National protected areas, most of them in the Natural National Park System.
  • Regional protected areas.
  • Local protected areas.
  • Private protected areas.

Natural National Park System

The National Natural Park System is divided into natural national parks, fauna and flora sanctuaries, natural reserves, unique natural areas and one vía parque (park along a road).

National Natural Parks of Colombia
Photo Established Name Region Department Extension (ha)[1]
1960 Cueva de los Guácharos Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Huila 9,000
Sierra nevada.JPG 1964 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park Caribbean region Magdalena
La Guajira
Cienaga6.png 1964 Salamanca Island Road Park Caribbean region Magdalena 56,200
Los Farallones.jpg 1968 Farallones de Cali National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Occidental) Valle del Cauca 150,000
Zona Purace.jpg 1968 Puracé National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Central) Cauca
Arrecifes.jpg 1969 Tayrona National Natural Park Caribbean region Magdalena 15,000
1970 El Tuparro National Natural Park Orinoquía region Vichada 548,000
Macarena bergkette.jpg 1971 Serranía de la Macarena Orinoquía region Meta 620,000
1973 Las Orquídeas National Park Andean region (Cordillera Occidental) Antioquia 32,000
1973 Los Katíos National Park Pacific region Chocó
Losnevados.jpg 1973 Los Nevados National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Central) Risaralda
Riverguama1.jpg 1975 Amacayacu National Park Amazon region Amazonas 293,500
Hermosas JAL.jpg 1977 Las Hermosas National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Central) Tolima
Valle del Cauca
Huila7.jpg 1977 Nevado del Huila Andean region (Cordillera Central) Huila
Valle del Cauca
1977 Cordillera de los Picachos National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Meta
Parque Chingaza.jpg 1977 Chingaza National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Cundinamarca
Laguna Chisacá - PNN Sumapaz.jpg 1977 Sumapaz National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Meta
Pan de azucar.jpg 1977 Sierra Nevada del Cocuy Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Arauca
1977 Pisba National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Boyacá 45,000
1977 Tamá National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Norte de Santander 15,000
1977 Lake Iguaque Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Boyacá 6,750
1977 Rosario and San Bernardo Corals National Natural Park Caribbean region Bolívar
Cienaga6.png 1977 Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Caribbean region Magdalena 26,810
1977 Sanquianga National Park Pacific region Nariño 80,000
1977 Serranía de Macuira Caribbean region La Guajira 25,000
1977 Paramillo National Park Caribbean region (Cordillera Occidental) Córdoba
Munchique.JPG 1977 Munchique National Natural Park Andean region (Cordillera Occidental) Cauca 44,000
1977 Los Colorados Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Caribbean region Bolívar 1,000
Lagunadelacocha4.jpg 1977 Isla de La Corota Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Andean region (Cordillera Central) Nariño 16
Los Flamencos.jpg 1977 Flamingos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Caribbean region La Guajira 7,682
BeachWalking2.jpg 1983 Gorgona Island National Park Insular region Cauca 61,687
1984 La Paya National Park Amazon region Putumayo 422,000
Volcán Galeras (cropped).jpg 1985 Galeras Andean region (Nudo de los Pastos) Nariño 7,615
1986 Cahuinarí National Park Amazon region Amazonas 575,000
Ensenada de Utría - Mangroven.jpg 1987 Ensenada de Utría National Park Pacific region Chocó 54,300
1987 Tatamá National Park Andean region (Cordillera Occidental) Chocó
Valle del Cauca
Los Estoraques Norte de Santander Colombia by Edgar.png 1988 Los Estoraques Unique Natural Area Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Norte de Santander 640
1989 Chiribiquete National Park Amazon region Caquetá
1989 Nukak Natural Reserve Amazon region Guaviare
1989 Puinawai Natural Reserve Amazon region Guainía 1,092,500
1989 Tinigua National Park Amazon region Meta 201,875
1989 Catatumbo Barí National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Norte de Santander 158,125
1993 Guaneta Alto Río Fonce Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Santander 10,429
2006 01 04 4.JPG 1995 Old Providence McBean Lagoon National Natural Park Insular region San Andrés y Providencia 995
Malpelo island NOAA.jpg 1995 Malpelo Island Insular region Valle del Cauca 120
Laguna del Otún.JPG 1996 Otún Quimbaya Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Andean region (Cordillera Central) Risaralda 489
2002 Río Puré National Park Amazon region Amazonas 999,880
2002 Alto Fragua Indi-Wasi National Park Amazon region Caquetá 68,000
2002 "El mono Hernández" Cork Forest Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Caribbean region Sucre
2005 Selva de Florencia National Park Andean region (Cordillera Central) Caldas 10,019
2005 Yariguíes National Park Andean region (Cordillera Oriental) Santander 78,837
CV Dona Juana.jpg 2007 Doña Juana-Cascabel Volcanic Complex Andean region (Nudo de los Pastos) Cauca
2007 Serranía de los Churumbelos Amazon region Cauca
2008 Santuario Orito Indí-Andé Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Amazon region Nariño
2009 Yaigojé Apaporis Natural Park[2] Amazonian region Vaupés 1,060,603
2010 Uramba Bahia Malaga Natural Park[3] Pacific region Valle del Cauca 47,094

Proposed areas

Currently there are other proposed areas for national natural parks:

The following locations could be declared fauna and flora sanctuaries:

Disbanded areas

Some zones of the park system had been disbanded because of negative human impact on the environment:

  • Arauca Fauna and Flora Sanctuary
  • Manaure National Natural Park


External links

Media related to National parks of Colombia at Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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