

Strindberg may refer to:

* August Strindberg, Swedish writer, playwright, and painter.::*The Strindberg Museum, a museum in Stockholm, Sweden.
* Nils Strindberg, Swedish photographer and one of the three members of S. A. Andrées ill-fated Arctic balloon expedition of 1897.
* Anita Strindberg a is a former Swedish actress known for Italian giallo films in the 1970s.
* Henrik Strindberg a Swedish composer of contemporary music.

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  • Strindberg — Strindberg, August, schwed. Schriftsteller, geb. 22. Jan. 1849 zu Stockholm, 1875 82 an der königl. Bibliothek das., lebte seitdem meist im Auslande, seit 1899 wieder in Stockholm; bekannt bes. durch das Reformationsdrama »Meister Olaf« (1872),… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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