List of English writers

List of English writers

List of English writers is an incomplete alphabetical list of writers from England. It includes writers in all genres and in any language. This is a subsidiary list to the List of English people.


*Douglas Adams, (1952-2001), comic novelist
*Cyril Alington, (1872-1955), crime novelist and non-fiction writer
*Kingsley Amis, (1922-1995), poet and novelist
*Martin Amis, (born 1949), novelist
*Matthew Arnold, (1822-1888), poet
*David Attenborough, (born 1926), naturalist and broadcaster
*W. H. Auden, (1907-1973), poet
*Jane Austen, (1775-1817), novelist
*Alan Ayckbourn, (born 1939), playwright
*Pam Ayres, (born 1947), poet


*Francis Bacon, (1561-1626), essayist
*Julian Barnes, (born 1946), novelist
*Leslie Barringer, (1895-1968), editor, fantasy and historical novelist
*Max Beerbohm, (1872-1956), comic writer and caricaturist
*Aphra Behn, a writer
*Hilaire Belloc, (1870-1953), writer and poet
*Alan Bennett, (born 1934), playwright
*Arnold Bennett, (1867-1931), novelist
*E. F. Benson, (1867-1940), novelist and short story writer. Author of the Mapp and Lucia series.
*John Betjeman, (1906-1984), Poet Laureate
*Robert Black, (1829-1915), fiction writer, translator and journalist
*William Blake, (1757-1827), artist and poet
*Enid Blyton, (1897-1968), children's author
*Robert Bolt, (1924-1995), dramatist and screenwriter. Wrote "A Man For All Seasons"
*Ernle Bradford, (1922-1986), historian and writer
*Anne Brontë, (1820-1849), novelist
*Charlotte Brontë, (1816-1855), novelist
*Emily Brontë, (1818-1848), novelist and poet
*Rupert Brooke, (1887-1915), poet
*Elizabeth Barrett Browning, (1806-1861), poet
*Robert Browning, (1812-1889), poet
*Anthony Buckeridge, (1912-2004) children's author
*John Bunyan, (1628-1688), author
*Anthony Burgess, (1917-1993), novelist
*Fanny Burney, (1752-1840), writer
*Samuel Butler (1612-1680), poet and satirist
*Samuel Butler (1835-1902), writer and satirist


*Sir Hall Caine, (1853-1931), romantic novelist and playwright
*Lewis Carroll, (pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), (1832-1898), author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
*Angela Carter, (1940-1992), novelist
*Geoffrey Chaucer, (c. 1343-1400), poet, author of "The Canterbury Tales"
*G. K. Chesterton, (1874-1936), novelist, poet and essayist
*Agatha Christie, (1891-1976), mystery writer
*Winston Churchill, (1874-1965), British prime minister, author and Nobel prizewinner
*John Clare, (1793-1864), poet
*Brian Cleeve, (1921-2003), novelist
*Jonathan Coe, (born 1961), novelist
*Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (1772-1834), poet
*Wilkie Collins, (1824-1889), novelist
*William Congreve, (1670-1729), playwright and poet
*Joseph Connolly, (born 1950), journalist and novelist
*Joseph Conrad, (1857-1924), novelist
*Noel Coward, (1899-1973), playwright


*Daniel Defoe, a novelist and author of famous Robinson Crusoe
*Walter de la Mare (1873-1956)
*Thomas de Quincey, (1785-1859)
*Charles Dickens, (1812-1870), a novelist
*John Donne, poet (1572-1631)
*Lord Alfred Douglas, (1870-1945)
*John Dryden, poet (1631-1700)
*Carol Ann Duffy, (born 1955)
*Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989)
*Arthur Conan Doyle, (1859-1930)


*Maria Edgeworth, (1767-1849), Anglo-Irish novelist
*George Eliot, (pen name of Mary Ann Evans) (1819-1880), novelist
*T. S. Eliot, (1888-1965), poet, playwright, literary critic and Nobel prizewinner
*Warren Ellis, (born 1968), comic book/graphic novel writer
*Alfred Elwes, (1819-1888), author of children's literature and translator
*George Etheridge, (1635?-1692), playwright


*Henry Fielding, (1707-1754), novelist
*Ian Fleming, (1908-1964), author, creator of James Bond
*C. S. Forester, (1899-1966), author
*Helen Forrester, (born 1919), author
*E. M. Forster, (1879-1970), author
*Frederick Forsyth, (born 1938), author and political commentator
*Christopher Fry, (1907-2005), dramatist
*Stephen Fry, (born 1957), novelist and comedian
*David Forrest, novelist, a pseudonym of R.Forrest-Webb & David Eliades.


*John Galsworthy, (1867-1933), author and dramatist
*Elizabeth Gaskell, (1810-1865), novelist
*William Golding, (1911-1993), novelist, poet and Nobel prizewinner
*Elizabeth Goudge, (1900-1984), novelist and children's writer
*Kenneth Grahame, (1859-1931), author
*Robert Graves, (1895-1985), poet, scholar and novelist
*Thomas Gray, (1716-1771), poet
*Henry Green, (pen name of Henry Vincent Yorke), (1905-1973), novelist
*Graham Greene, (1904-1991), author


*Thomas Hardy, (1840-1928), novelist and poet
*Eliza Haywood, (1793-1756), novelist, playwright and poet
*William Hazlitt, (1778-1830), essayist and literary critic
*Robert Herrick, (1591-1674), poet
*James Herriot, (pen name of James Alfred Wight),(1916-1995), writer
*Jack Higgins, (pen name of Harry Patterson) (1929 - Present)
*Barry Hines, (born 1939), novelist
*Gerard Manley Hopkins, (1844-1889), poet
*Nick Hornby, (born 1957), novelist
*A. E. Housman, (1859-1936), poet and scholar
*Laurence Housman, (1865-1959), playwright
*Hartley Howard, (1908-1979), (pen name of Leopold Horace Ognall), crime novelist
*Ted Hughes, 1930-1998), Poet Laureate
*Leigh Hunt, (1784-1859), poet
*Aldous Huxley, (1884-1963), writer
*Thomas Henry Huxley, (1825-1895), scientific essayist, coiner of the term "agnosticism"
*Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, (1899-1980), Artist, director


*David Icke, (born 1952), conspiracy theorist
*William Ralph Inge, (1860-1954), clergyman, writer and mysticist
*Christopher Isherwood, (1904-1986), novelist


*Richard Jefferies, (1848-1887), nature writer and essayist
*Jerome K. Jerome, (1859-1927), humorist and playwright
*Samuel Johnson, (1709-1784), poet
*Ben Jonson, (1573-1637), poet and dramatist
*John Josselyn, (dates unknown; seventeenth century), author of books about New England


*John Keats, (1795-1821), poet
*Lena Kennedy, (1914-1986), novelist
*Charles Kingsley, (1819-1875), novelist
*Rudyard Kipling, (1865-1936), author
*Hanif Kureishi, (born 1954), novelist and playwright
*Thomas Kyd, (1558-1595), playwright - The Spanish Tragedy


*Charles Lamb, (1775-1834), essayist
*Philip Larkin, (1922-1985), poet
*Hugh Laurie, (born 1959), actor, comedian and novelist
*D. H. Lawrence, (1885-1930), poet
*Edward Lear, (1812-1888), artist, humorist and poet
*John Lennon, (1940-1980), author of In His Own Write & A Spaniard In The Works
*Archibald Low, (1888-1956), science writer


*Lord Macaulay, (1800-1859), essayist, historian and poet
*Colin MacInnes, (1914-1976), novelist
*Thomas Malory, (c. 1430-c. 1471), author of Le Morte d'Arthur
*Andrew Mango, (born 1926), author
*Christopher Marlowe, (1564-1593), playwright
*Eric Maschwitz, (1901-1969), writer, lyricist and entertainer
*John Masefield, (1878-1967), Poet Laureate and novelist
*William Somerset Maugham, (1874-1965), writer
*Ian McEwan, (born 1948), novelist
*Andy McNab, (born 1959), novelist and ex-soldier
*A. A. Milne, (1882-1956), author and poet
*John Milton, (1608-1674), poet
*Nancy Mitford, (1904-1973), novelist
*Alan Moore, (born 1953), comic book/graphic novel writer
*Thomas More, (1478-1535), author and scholar
*William Morris, (1834-1896), author, artist and poet
*Margaret Murphy, (born ?), crime novelist


*Beverley Nichols, (1898-1983), author
*Kim Richard Nossal, (born ?), professor and author


*Joe Orton, (1933-1967), dramatist
*George Orwell, (pen name of Eric Blair), (1903-1950), journalist and novelist
*John Osborne, (1929-1994), dramatist, wrote "Look Back in Anger"
*Wilfred Owen, (1893-1918), war poet


*Walter Pater, (1839-1894), essayist and novelist
*Hesketh Pearson, (1887-1964), biographer
*Samuel Pepys, (1633-1703), diarist
*Harold Pinter, (born 1930), playwright and Nobel prize winner
*Alexander Pope, (1688-1744), poet
*Beatrix Potter, (1866-1943), author and illustrator
*Terry Pratchett, (born 1948), fantasy author
*Nancy Price, (1880-1970), dramatist, novelist, poet and diarist
*J. B. Priestley, (1894-1984), dramatist and novelist
*Philip Pullman, (born 1946), author
*C. B. Purdom, (1883-1965), drama critic, author, biographer


*Arthur Quiller-Couch a.k.a. Q, (1863-1944), novelist and literary critic


*Ann Radcliffe, (1764-1823), writer (gothic novel)
*Arthur Ransome, (1884-1967), author and journalist
*Rony Robinson, (born 1940), author
*Christina Rossetti, (1830-1894), poet
*J. K. Rowling, (born 1965), author of the Harry Potter books
*John Ruskin, (1819-1900), essayist, poet and art critic

*Vita Sackville-West, (1892-1962), poet and novelist
*Saki (pen name of Hector Hugh Munro), (1870-1916), short story writer and satirist
*Siegfried Sassoon, (1886-1967), poet and novelist
*Dorothy L. Sayers, (1893-1957), mystery author, scholar, translator and religious writer
*George Bazeley Scurfield, (1920-1991), poet, novelist, author, and politician
*William Shakespeare, (c. 1564-1616), poet and playwright
*Mary Shelley, (1797-1851), author
*Percy Bysshe Shelley, (1792-1822), poet
*Philip Sidney, (1554-1586), poet and soldier
*Joe Simpson, (born 1960), mountaineer and author of many books including Touching the Void
*John Skelton, (c.1460-1529), poet
*Edmund Spenser, (c. 1552-1599), poet, wrote "The Faerie Queene"
*Nevil Shute, (1899-1960), aeronautical engineer and author
*Stevie Smith, (1902-1971), poet and novelist
*Dodie Smith, (1896-1990), novelist and playwright
*Robert Southey, (1774-1843), Poet Laureate
*Stephen Spender, (1909-1995), poet
*Algernon Swinburne, (1837-1909), poet


*Alfred, Lord Tennyson, (1809-1892), Poet Laureate
*William Makepeace Thackeray, (1811-1863), novelist
*Francis Thompson, (1859-1907), poet
*H. E. Todd, (died 1988), children's writer
*Kay Thorpe, romantic novelist (debut 1968, The Last of the Mallorys)
*J. R. R. Tolkien (1892–1973), author of The Lord of the Rings
*Doreen Tovey (1918-2008), cat writer
*Anthony Trollope, (1815-1882), novelist
*Robert Trevelyan; four historical novels; a pseudonym of author Robert Forrest-Webb


*Hugh Walpole, (1884-1941), novelist
*Evelyn Waugh, (1903-1966), novelist
*John Webster, (died 1630), poet
*H. G. Wells, (1866-1946), novelist and social critic
*Charles Williams, (1886-1945), novelist and scholar
*Gilbert White, (1720-1795), naturalist
*P. G. Wodehouse, (1881-1975), humorous author, playwright and lyricist
*Mary Wollstonecraft, (1759-1797), pioneer feminist known for "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"
*Virginia Woolf, (1882-1941), author and feminist
*William Wordsworth, (1770-1850), Romantic poet
*John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, (1647–1680), satirical poet
*Derrick Wright, (1928- ), military history author


*Charlotte Mary Yonge,(1823-1901), novelist

ee also

*List of English novelists
*English novel
*English literature

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