Qana airstrike

Qana airstrike

The 2006 Qana airstrike was an attack by the Israel Air Force (IAF) on a three-story" [ Qana 'stronger' on anniversary of Israeli attack] , "Daily Star", July 30, 2007] building in the small community of al-Khuraybah near the South Lebanese village of Qana on July 30, 2006, during the 2006 Lebanon War in which 28 civilians were killed, about half being children. [Reuters (July 9, 2007). [ "Factbox – War in Lebanon, one year ago"] . Retrieved July 30, 2007.] Israel halted airstrikes for 48 hours following the attack, amid increasing calls for a cease-fire in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas.cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=]

Initial media reports stated that more than 50 people, including 37 children, had died" [ The children went to sleep believing they were safe. And then Israel targeted them as terrorists] . "Daily Telegraph", July 31, 2006"] [" [ 34 Youths Among 56 Dead in Israeli Attack] . ABC News, July 30, 2006"] , though later reports revised this to a lower figure of 28, including 16 children, with 13 people reported missing. [ "Israel/Lebanon: Qana Death Toll at 28"] , Human Rights Watch, August 2, 2006] [" [ ZeeNews, Qana death toll revised to 28 : Lebanese hospital officials] "] [Ghattas, Sam F. "Human Rights Watch, Lebanese Red Cross and civil defense report lower Qana death toll." "The Associated Press". 3 August 2006. International News. 31 August 2006 LexisNexis Academic.] Residents dug through the rubble with their hands, searching for survivors as bodies were removed. Video broadcast by Arab TV showed the bloodied bodies of women and children who appeared to be wearing nightclothes.cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=] According to the Israel Defense Forces, the bombing was an attempt to stop Katyusha rockets being fired by Hezbollah into northern Israel from the village over a two-week period. [ [ IDF: 150 rockets fired from Qana at Israeli cities | Jerusalem Post ] ]

Attack; medical and humanitarian response

The airstrike was carried out using two bombs, at least one of which was precision guided, which were dropped in the hour following 1 a.m. on July 30, The second bomb was dropped five to fifteen minutes after the first. The aerial attack killed members of the Shalhoub and Hashem families who had used an underground garage below a three-story apartment building as a shelter during the bombing. Initial news reports state that the families were asleep when the two bombs were dropped on their building. While Israel had directed residents of South Lebanon to flee the conflict, roads out of the area were also subject to Israeli bombardment. [Sabrina Tavernise, " [ A Night of Death and Terror for Lebanese Villagers] ," "New York Times", July 31, 2006] One of the eight survivors of the blast said that attacks on the roads out of Qana discouraged the two families from leaving.Ilene R. Prusher and Nicholas Blanford, " [ New urgency for Lebanon cease-fire] ," "Christian Science Monitor", July 31, 2006.]

The "Christian Science Monitor" reported that further airstrikes and artillery attacks, which destroyed several houses in Qana, delayed the rescue response. Sami Yazbuk, the head of the Red Cross in Tyre, told "The Guardian" that the first call about the bombing was received at 7 a.m. He said that previous shelling on the road to Qana had delayed the arrival of Red Cross personnel.cite news|title=UN 'They found them huddled together'|url=,,1833884,00.html|publisher=The Guardian|date=2006-07-31]

Casualties and memorial services

According to Lebanese Red Cross and Tyre hospital records, twenty-eight people were recorded killed in the attack on Qana. At least eight people in the homes survived the attack, some of whom were wounded. ["Dozens, including 21 refugees in the back of a pickup truck on July 15, have been killed by Israeli strikes while trying to evacuate." Sabrina Tavernise, " [ A Night of Death and Terror for Lebanese Villagers] ," "New York Times", July 31, 2006] The dead ranged in age from nine months to 75 years.Human Rights Watch. [ Fatal Strikes: Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon] , August 2006.]

Memorial services were delayed until after the ceasefire, and a funeral was held on August 17 for at least 26 civilians killed in the strike as well as four Hezbollah fighters, said by the militia to have been killed in Bint Jbail and Ayta ash-Shab. [ [ Lebanese Bury Victims of Qana Airstrike] , VOA.] The pro-Israel media watchdog group CAMERA speculates that the fighters were killed in Qana. [ [ Questioning the Number of Civilian Casualties in Lebanon] ] Hundreds of people, predominantly Lebanese but including foreign peace activists, marched in the funeral. The civilians were buried under Lebanese flags, and the Hezbollah fighters under the Hezbollah flag.cite news|title=Mass burials begin in Qana, Lebanon|url=|publisher=McClatchy Newspapers|date=2006-08-18]


Responding to the incident, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora denounced "Israeli war criminals" and canceled talks with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In a television address to the country, he said, "There is no place on this sad morning for any discussion other than an immediate and unconditional cease-fire as well as an international investigation into the Israeli massacres." [" [ Lebanon cancels talks with Rice] ,July 30, 2006"] After the announcement, Rice canceled her planned visit to Beirut.cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=]

Prime Minister Siniora appealed to the U.N. Security Council for an emergency session, which held consultations on July 30, 2006. In a statement, the Security Council expressed the world body's "extreme shock and distress" at the Qana bombing and offered its condolences for the deaths. The airstrike on Qana threatened to derail work toward a resolution in the 19-day conflict between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas.cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=]

In Beirut and Gaza, outrage over the attack sparked violent protests outside the cities' respective U.N. offices. Palestinian security forces had to eject about 2,000 demonstrators who had stormed the U.N. compound in protesting the Qana attack. [" [ Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours] , July 30, 2006"] In Israel, thousands joined in protests on July 30, most of them in the Arab village of Umm al-Fahm, but also including hundreds of Gush Shalom and Meretz supporters in separate demonstrations in Tel Aviv, and smaller numbers in Haifa and the Galilee. [" [ Thousands of Israelis protest military offensives] , "Malaysia Sun", July 30, 2006"]

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel called for state commission of inquiry into "a [alleged] blatant violation of two basic principles of humanitarian law and international criminal law." []

International Reaction

The Qana airstrike was condemned by several countries and non-governmental organizations, as well as resulting in public demonstrations in a number of countries in the Middle East and elsewhere. On July 31, in response to global criticism, Israel agreed to suspend air strikes over southern Lebanon for up to 48 hours, which would allow for further civilian evacuations from the area, as well as investigation of the incident, but would not refrain from responding to imminent threats. [cite news | title = Israel halts fire for Qana probe | publisher = BBC | date = July 31, 2006 | url =] During that time, Hezbollah also halted cross-border rocket fire into Israel. [cite news | title = Israel Pushes On Despite Agreeing to Airstrike Lull | publisher = New York Times | date = August 1,2006 | url =,%20Condoleezza]

The International Committee of the Red Cross said in a July 30 statement on the IDF's attack on Qana: "Issuing advance warning to the civilian population of impending attacks in no way relieves a warring party of its obligations under the rules and principles of international humanitarian law." It also called for "a distinction to be drawn at all times between civilians and civilian objects on the one hand, and military objectives on the other. All necessary precautions must be taken to spare civilian life and objects and to ensure that the wounded have access to medical facilities." [cite news|url=!OpenDocument|title=Lebanon/Israel: ICRC alarmed by high number of civilian casualties and disrespect for international humanitarian law
] Red Cross worker Sami Yazbak, who was helping to pull bodies from the building, said that "many of the children who were sleeping inside were handicapped."cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=] Human Rights Watch also warned that the "consistent failure to distinguish combatants and civilians is a war crime." cite news | title = Witnessing war crimes | date=August 2 2006|url=] [cite news|title=Qana bombs an Israeli 'war crime'|url= |publisher=BBC News|date=2006-07-31|accessdate=2006-08-01]

Journalist commentary

Some commentators have pointed out similarities to the 1996 shelling of Qana, in which over 100 civilians were killed by Israeli anti-personnel shells. In both cases, the IDF claimed it was acting to stop repeated rocket attacks by Hezbollah, and both incidents resulted in increased pressure on Israel to declare a cease-fire. Qana's strategic location at the confluence of five major roadways and on the northern edge of Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon may have contributed as to its repeatedly being caught in the crossfire. [cite news|url=|title=BBC News: Qana makes grim history again|date=2006-07-31|accessdate=2006-08-03]

Position of Israel

Israeli Defense Force spokesmen initially reported that they understood the building to have collapsed several hours after Israeli bombing. According to the IAF Chief of Staff, Brigadier-General Amir Eshel, the building was attacked a little after midnight. He also stated that he did not know when the building collapsed, but "according to foreign press reports, and this is one of the reports we are relying on, the house collapsed at 8 A.M. We do not have testimony regarding the time of the collapse. If the house collapsed at 12 A.M., it is difficult for me to believe that they waited eight hours to evacuate it." [ [ IDF says it may not be responsible for Qana deaths] , "Haaretz",1 August, 2006] In addition, it was reported that senior IAF officers had said that the collapse could have been caused by an unexploded missile or by a Hezbollah-planted explosive device. [ [ "Kana collapse was hours after attack"] , "Jerusalem Post", July 30, 2006]

Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Halutz expressed regret over the incident and apologized for the pain the Lebanese people had endured, while also blaming the Hezbollah for using the villagers as "human shields" [ [ "Israeli regret over Qana bombing"] "BBC News". 3 August 2006. 15 December 2007.] , a tactic used by Hezbollah militants throughout the war. [] Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman also initially accused Hezbollah of possibly being responsible for the civilian deaths: "Israel has [beseeched] and asked repeatedly for the residents of Qana to leave. I would not be surprised if the Hezbollah made them stay." [ [ "Democracy Now!", Headlines for July 31, 2006] ] Gillerman called it a "horrible, tragic incident," but he said the dead were "victims of Hezbollah," which he said was using civilian buildings as cover to launch rockets into Israel. "We are dealing with a ruthless, cynical, cruel enemy, one of the most monstrous terror organizations this world has known," he said. "They have no regard for Israeli life, and they have no regard for Lebanese life."

"Clearly, we did not know the civilians were in the way," said IDF spokesman Jacob Dalal, who added that Israel was exercising its right to defend itself with its campaign of airstrikes. Israel reserved the right to take action against targets preparing attacks against it during the 48-hour period, an Israeli official said. Other officials called the attack a tragic mistake. [ [ Israel halts air strike for 48 hours] ,, 30 July 2006 (accessed 18 January,2007)] Israel also arranged with U.N. officials to allow safe passage for 24 hours so residents of southern Lebanon can flee the region. The official confirmed an earlier announcement by U.S. State Department spokesman Adam Ereli, who said the bombing halt should "significantly speed and improve the flow of humanitarian aid."cite news|title=Israel halts airstrikes for 48 hours|date=2006-07-30|publisher=CNN|url=]

A high-ranking IAF officer said on July 31 that the IDF had targeted the village since July 28, when it struck 10 targets there, and that the building that was hit on July 30 was chosen as a target after Israeli intelligence indicated that Hezbollah soldiers along with Katyusha rockets and launchers were hidden inside. The IDF has claimed that the airstrike was in response to over 150 Katyusha rockets fired from the area of the village into Israel in a two week period.cite web| last = Weiss| first = Efrat| title = IDF: We assumed building in Qana to be empty| publisher = Ynet News| date = 2006-08-03| url =,7340,L-3285572,00.html| accessdate = 2007-01-12 ] The IDF also said that they believed the building to be empty. "We warned the residents that we would be attacking there," a high-ranking IDF officer said, "We work under the belief that the villages are empty and that whoever is there is affiliated with Hezbollah." [ [ "Kana collapse was hours after attack"] , "Jerusalem Post",July 30, 2006]

The IDF did not release footage of the airstrike itself, but did release [ a video] it said was taken some time before the incident showing Katyusha rockets being fired southwest of Qana. The video also showed rocket launchers being hidden in buildings but the buildings were not identified as being in Qana as was reported. [ [ "IDF: 150 rockets fired from Qana at Israeli cities"] , "Jerusalem Post", July 30, 2006] . On August 6, the BBC News reported that in a second attack in Qana, the IDF destroyed the Hezbollah rocket launchers in the village used against targets in Haifa, Israel. [" [ Hezbollah launches rocket barrage] ", "BBC News". 6 August 2006. 31 August 2006.]

Timeline of events according to IDF

Accounts have differed regarding the timing of events at Qana. According to reports of the incident:cite news|title=UN 'They found them huddled together'|url=,,1833884,00.html|publisher=The Guardian|date=2006-07-31] [cite news|title=Inside a death house|url=,20876,20009239-28737,00.html| publisher=The Australian|date=2006-08-04] [cite news|title=Qana villagers refute IDF claims building fell hours after strike|url=| publisher=Haaretz|date=2006-07-31]

* In the two weeks prior to the bombing, Hezbollah fired a number of Katyusha rockets from an area between Qana and the nearby village of As Şiddiqin (transliterated as "Zidkin" in IDF statements).
* The Israeli Defence Forces identified a building in the hamlet of Al Khuraybah just north of Qana as a Hezbollah hideout/weapons store.
* Around 1:15 A.M on July 30, 2006, the Israel Air Force bombed the building in al-Khuraybah.
* At least part of the building collapsed instantly, killing at least several young children who were sheltering inside.
* Following the initial strike, some of the people in the building exited in an attempt to survey the damage.
* Within ten minutes, a second IAF airstrike hit the building, causing the walls to collapse on the residents who did not vacate, killing them in the process.

Allegations of a hoax and of staging

Following the attack, a number of commentators asserted that the loss of life reported during the Qana attack was brought about by Hezbollah fighters themselves, in order to generate anti-Israel sympathy [ [ "Evidence Mounts that Kana "Massacre" Was a Fake"] , "Arutz 7", August 3, 2006] . On August 2, the Israel Defense Forces stated they were "aware of the rumors" [ [ "Bloggers raise questions about Kana"] , "Jerusalem Post", August 2, 2006] , although the allegations did not form part of their later statement on the bombing. Others have argued that some widely-circulated photographs of the dead in Qana were staged. [Fox News Channel, "'Green Helmet Man' accused of staging pix", August 15, 2006]

Investigations into the airstrike

On August 1, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported:

"As the Israel Air Force continues to investigate the air strike [at Qana] , questions have been raised over military accounts of the incident. It now appears that the military had no information on rockets launched from the site of the building, or the presence of Hezbollah men at the time. The Israel Defense Forces had said after the deadly air-strike that many rockets had been launched from Qana. However, it changed its version on Monday. The site was included in an IAF plan to strike at several buildings in proximity to a previous launching site. Similar strikes were carried out in the past. However, there were no rocket launches from Qana on the day of the strike." [Stern, Yoav, Yuval Yoaz, and Amos Harel. [ Livni: Qana attack led to turning point in support for Israel] ." Ha'aretz. 1 August 2006. 1 September 2006.]

IDF investigation

On August 2, the IDF concluded its investigation into the attack on Qana. The report was not released to the public but was presented to IDF Chief of Staff Halutz and Defense Minister Peretz. In a statement read out to the press Chief of Staff Halutz's summary of the report was given. [ "Completion of inquiry into July 30th incident in Qana"] , "IDF", August 2, 2006] The IDF stated that the building was thought to have been empty, and "was struck at 00:25 Sunday by two bombs launched by the IAF. One of the bombs exploded and the other was apparently a dud. The statement accused Hezbollah of using human shields. The statement noted that the IDF "operated according to information that 'the building was not inhabited by civilians and was being used as a hiding place for terrorists.' Had they known that civilians were in the building, the attack would not have been carried out." The statement also noted that "the building was adjacent to areas from which rockets had been launched towards Israel" [ [ "IDF: Intel. failure caused Kana deaths."] "". 3 August 2006. 11 August 2006.] and prior to the 30 July attack, "several other structures were attacked in the same area, because they served as terrorist infrastructure.

The IDF did not explicitly take responsibility for the casualties, but Lt. General Halutz was quoted as saying that he "expressed his sorrow for the deaths of civilians, among them children, in the incident in Qana". Amnesty International responded by describing the inquiry as flawed and "a whitewash," and called for an independent inquiry which has the "capacity to cross borders and talk to survivors of the attack as well as to the forces involved."Amnesty International, [ Israel: IDF inquiry into Qana a whitewash] , 3 August 2006.]

Human Rights Watch

According to Human Rights Watch on 2 August, the initial estimate of 54 persons killed was based on a register of 63 persons who had sought shelter in the basement, and the rescue teams first having located only nine survivors. However, it was later established that 22 had escaped the basement and that 28 bodies had been recovered, of whom 16 were children. There were still 13 people missing, and locals feared they were buried in the rubble.

Human Rights Watch also added that its own researchers, who visited Qana on July 31, the day after the attack, did not find any destroyed military equipment in or near the house. They reported:

:"Similarly, none of the dozens of international journalists, rescue workers and international observers who visited Qana on July 30 and 31 reported seeing any evidence of Hezbollah military presence in or around the home. Rescue workers recovered no bodies of apparent Hezbollah fighters from inside or near the building." [ [ "Israel/Lebanon: Qana Death Toll at 28"] , Human Rights Watch, 2 August, 2006. 1 September 2006.]

Bomb details

A piece of bomb fuselage bearing the markings (in English) "FOR USE ON MK-84 GUIDED BOMB BSU-37/B (ASSY) 96214-700922-6" was reportedly unearthed by Lebanese Civil Defense officials at the scene of the bombing and was seen by the international media. [ [ Associated Press image by Lefteris Pitarakis] , July 31, 2006; " [ Israel Moves to Suspend Air Attacks for 2 Days After Strike in Lebanese Village Kills 57 Civilians] ", "Washington Post". July 30, 2006] The BSU 37/B is a detachable tail fin unit which is used to stabilize the Mk 84 bomb, a United States-made general-purpose bomb which weighs around 2,000 lb (900 kg). ["Jane's Air-Launched Weapons" issue 47, 2006] Israel received some 2,500 Mk 84s equipped with precision-guidance systems in an arms transfer agreement with the United States Government in 2004. [" [ U.S. to Sell Precision-Guided Bombs to Israel] ", Newhouse News Service. September 23, 2004]

August 6 attack

On August 6 the IDF announced that a missile launcher located in the area of Qana which had fired rockets into Haifa was later destroyed in an Israeli airstrike.cite news|title=Hezbollah rockets pound northern Israel: report|date=2006-08-06|publisher=CNN|url=] As part of the announcement the IDF released a video of the launcher which showed three rocket launchers in an area the video described as "between Qana and Zidkin." This area is a large uninhabited area to the southwest of Qana.cite news|title=IDF video #7: Hizbullah fires missiles from Qana and Zidkin (Aug 6)|date=2006-08-06|publisher=IDF|url=]

ee also

*1996 shelling of Qana
**Salam Daher
*2006 al-Qaa airstrike
*2006 Shiyyah airstrike
*2006 Ghaziyeh airstrikes
*2006 Marjayoun convoy


External links

* [ Video of the scene of the air strike in the morning from Al Manar TV] ar icon
* [ Qana Massacre #1 in 1996]
* [ Qana Massacre #2 in 2006]
* [ Undated Israeli Aerial Surveillance footage of Hezbollah rockets launched South West outside Qana] en icon he icon
* [,35.30037&spn=0.004363,0.010729&t=k&om=1 Satellite view of Qana showing the area to the bottom left of the image where rockets were fired on an unspecified date.]

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