Ulrich Duchrow

Ulrich Duchrow

Ulrich Duchrow, Born 1935, professor of systematic theology at the University of Heidelberg specialising in ecumenical theology and theology-economy issues. He was the co-founder and co-moderator of [http://www.c3.hu/~bocs/kairos-a.htm Kairos Europa] , a "European decentralised network of justice, peace and creation initiatives working in collaboration with churches, social movements, trade unions and non-governmental organisations both in and outside Europe, for a more just and tolerant society." Duchrow is a critic of neoliberalism and global capitalism who has articulated a role for the church in founding a better world in his writings.


*1981, "Conflict over the Ecumenical Movement: Confessing Christ today in the universal Church", WCC, Geneva
*1987, Global Economy – "A Confessional Issue for the Churches?", WCC, Geneva
*1989: Duchrow, Ulrich, Liedke, G., Shalom – "Biblical Perspectives on Creation, Justice & Peace", WCC, Geneva (also published in German, Korean and Dutch)
*1990: Duchrow, Ulrich, Eisenbürger, G., Hippler, J.(ed.), "Total War Against the Poor: Confidential Documents of the 17th Conference of American Armies", Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1987, New York CIRCUS Publications, Inc., New York
*1992, "Europe in the World System 1492-1992: Is Justice Possible?", WCC, Geneva
*1998, "Alternatives to Global Capitalism – Drawn from Biblical History, Designed for Political Action", International Books, Utrecht (also published in German, Italian, Spanish, Indonesian, Korean and Chinese)
*1997, People’s and Social Movements in Western Europe, in:I. Batista (ed.), "Social Movements, Globalisation, Exclusion: Challenges and Perspectives", WCC, Geneva
*2002: Duchrow, Ulrich, (ed.), Colloquium 2000: Faith communities and social movements facing globalization. "Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches" No 45, Geneva
*2004: Duchrow, Ulrich, Hinkelammert, F.J., "Property for People, Not for Profit: Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital", Zed Books/CIIR, London and WCC, Geneva (also available in Spanish andChinese)

Periodical articles

*1997, Christianity in the Context of Globalized Capitalistic Markets, in "Concilium" 97/2, April 1997 (also reprinted in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)
*2005 "Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Arm und Reich und seine Folgen" (Briefe an den Reichtum. Hrsg. von Carl Amery. München 2005. ISBN 3-630-87186-0)
*2005 "Biblical perspectives on empire: a view from western Europe. "The AISLING Magazine". Issue 32, February 2005.

Other writings

*"Ending the Spiral of Violence" Address at the wreath-laying memorial for victims of western wars before the US and Nato-headquarters in Heidelberg on 1/26/2002 [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2005/10/14/17744181.php?printable=true]
*Desai Letter
*Faith Communities and Social Movements Facing Globalization
*The God of the European Constitution
*God or Mammon
*Life is More than Capital
*Literacy in Economic Questions : LA IMC
*Neo Liberalism Economic Justice and the Western Church
*Private Property– a Growing Danger for Life
*The Spirit of Capitalist Globalization and People’s Spirituality in the Light of Faith
*Towards an Ethics of Solidarity
*World Social Forum 2005

In Spanish

1997, El Christianismo en el contexto de los mercadoscapitalistas globalizados, en: Concilium no 270, abril 1997

1998, Alternativas al capitalismo global – extraídasde la historia bíblica y disenadas para la acciónpolítica, Ediciones ABYA-YALA, Aya-Yala

2002 , La liberación inconclusa del espírituimperial - Iglesia y teología al final del segundo milenio,en: Fornet-Betancourt, R. (ed.),Globalización capitalista yliberación, Editorial Trotta. Madrid

2003, Duchrow, Ulrich, Hinkelammert, F. J., La vida o el capital.Alternativas a la dictatura global de la propiedad, San José,Costa Rica: DEI


[http://www.ulrich.duchrow.de.vu/ Offizielle Homepage von Ulrich Duchrow, Professor für systematische Theologie an der Universität Heidelberg]

External links

*Changes Since Basil 1989 Assembly--Interview [http://bocs.hu/%7Ebocs/eintduch.htm]
*The [http://cms.kairosamerica.org/ Kairos America] website has a list of articles available online: [http://kairosamerica.org/php_uploads/joomla/content/view/212/2/ Ulrich Duchrow - Articles]

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