Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini

The Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini was a highly controversial political militia force formed in 1975 with a status of an elite force which was loyal to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was assigned an apparent functionality of recovering arms from the civilians but actually acted as an armament to protect the Sheikh Mujibur Rahman-regime from military coup and other armed challenges. [ [http://www.photius.com/countries/bangladesh/national_security/bangladesh_national_security_postindependence_per~263.html "Bangladesh Postindependence Period"] ]

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini is considered one of the main ingredients of discontent among the army and the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as well.

After the assassination the organization was abolished and the personnel were absorbed into the regular army.


The repatriated army officers, who had languished in West Pakistani jails during the civil war, had every support to Mujib in the question of the independence of Bangladesh. But they were in opposition to the pro-Indian sympathy and the abstract support for the Soviet Union of Mujib. Also they were not in favor of his effort to restrict the role of Islam in national affairs.

Repatriated offices were highly trained personnel. After the independence they expected to be absorbed in a regular and disciplined military force. Mujib had consistent attachment and sympathy to the freedom fighters. He favored them by giving appointments to his civil government and especially in the military. Repatriates constitute only the half of the military which was dominated by former guerrillas and some civilians induced as a reward for their contribution in the liberation war. [ [http://www.countrystudies.us/bangladesh/19.htm "Fall of the Bangabandhu, 1972-75"] ] Most of the repatriated officers were denied their expected posts and some of them were denied promotions throughout the rest of Mujib's regime. The repatriates viewed this as a breach of discipline and threat to the integrity of the military. So they felt no personal loyalty to Mujib and viewed the freedom fighters as an undisciplined and politicized element in the military.

Repatriates were trained in Pakistan in British tradition of strict military professionalism. To them the prospect of serving an individual rather than an institution was reprehensible. The officers were engaged in disarming the civilians and taming Mujib's political opponents. Moreover most of them were assigned to functionless jobs as "Officers on special duty".

These acts of Mujib created enough discontent among the repatriated officers. There were always fears for coup in the military. Mujib then viewed the establishment of a new elite force as the solution to this problem. He formed the Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini (National Defense Force) and given it the status of an elite force. It worked parallel to the regular army intended to recover arms from civilians and to insulate the regime against military coups and other armed challenges to its authority. Its members took a personal pledge to Mujib and became, in effect, his private army. Mujib's Prime Minister Muhammad Mansur Ali helped Mujib to organize this militia of political loyalists. [ [http://www.zimbio.com/Sheikh+Hasina+Wajed/articles/11/khabor+com+Compilation+heroes+pride+four+national "Compilation: Our heroes, our pride, our four national leaders"] ]



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