William Kidd

William Kidd

Infobox Pirate
name=William Kidd
lived=c. 1645 – May 23, 1701

caption=William Kidd
placeofbirth= Greenock, Scotland
placeofdeath= Wapping, England
allegiance= Kingdom of England
base of operations=

William "Captain" Kidd (c. 1645 – May 23, 1701) [cite web| date =2003| title =William Kidd| publisher =UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography| url =http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5229/is_2003/ai_n19152123| accessdate =2007-12-13] was a Scottish sailor remembered for his trial and execution for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean. Some modern historians deem his piratical reputation unjust, as there is evidence that Kidd acted only as a privateer. Kidd's fame springs largely from the sensational circumstances of his questioning before the English Parliament and the ensuing trial. His actual depredations on the high seas, whether piratical or not, were both less destructive and less lucrative than those of many other contemporary pirates and privateers.


Recent genealogical research suggests that Kidd was born in Dundee, [cite web| title =KIDD-L Archives — Subject: [KIDD-L] Captain William Kidd: recent biography| publisher =RootsWeb| url =http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/KIDD/2003-03/1048442258| accessdate =2007-12-13] [May 2008, Family Tree Magazine, "Terror of the Seas". http://www.family-tree.co.uk] despite his 'death-row' claim to be from Greenock. [cite web| title =William Kidd 1645–1701| url =http://www.greenock-town.co.uk/william_kidd.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] [cite web| title =William Kidd Undiscovered Scotland: The Ultimate Online Guide| url =http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usbiography/jkl/williamkidd.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] According to myth or other stories, his "father was thought to have been a Church of Scotland minister". [cite web| title =Pirates: William Kidd| publisher =Genealogy & Family History Achievements Heraldry and Research| url =http://www.achievements.co.uk/articles/william_kidd.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] [cite web| title =WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE CAPTAIN WILLIAM KIDD WEB SITE |url =http://www.pfrh.supanet.com/HISTORYBODY.htm| accessdate =2007-12-13] After the death of his father, when he was five-years old, Kidd moved to the colony of New York. It was here that he befriended many prominent colonial citizens, including three governors. During the War of the Grand Alliance, on orders from the province of New York, Massachusetts, Kidd captured an enemy privateer, which duty he was commissioned to perform [cite web| title =WILLIAM KIDD| publisher =Online Encyclopedia| url =http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/KHA_KRI/KIDD_WILLIAM.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] off of the New England coast. Shortly thereafter, Kidd was awarded £150 for successful privateering in the Caribbean. One year later, "Captain" Culliford, a notorious pirate, had stolen Kidd's ship while he was ashore at Antigua in the West Indies. In 1695, William III of England replaced the corrupt governor Benjamin Fletcher, known for accepting bribes of one hundred dollars to allow illegal trading of pirate loot, with Richard Coote, Earl of Bellomont. [cite web| date =2001-05 |title =Bellomont, Richard Coote, earl of| publisher =The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition| webhost =Bartleby.com| url =http://www.bartleby.com/65/be/Bellomon.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] In New York City, Kidd was active in the building of Trinity Church, New York. [cite web| title =Trinity Wall Street Historical Timeline |url =http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/history/?timeline| accessdate =2007-12-13]

Preparing his expedition

On December 11, 1695, Bellomont, who was now governing New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, asked the "trusty and well beloved Captain Kidd" [ Hamilton, (1961) p.?] to attack Thomas Tew, John Ireland, Thomas Wake, William Maze, and all others who associated themselves with pirates, along with any enemy French ships. This request preceded the voyage which established Kidd's reputation as a pirate, and marked his image in history and folklore.

Four-fifths of the cost for the venture was paid for by noble lords, who were among the most powerful men in England: the Earl of Orford, The Baron of Romney, the Duke of Shrewsbury and Sir John Somers. Kidd was presented with a letter of marque, signed personally by King William III of England. This letter reserved 10% of the loot for the Crown, and Henry Gilbert's "The Book of Pirates" suggests that the King may have fronted some of the money for the voyage himself. Kidd and an acquaintance, Colonel Robert Livingston, orchestrated the whole plan and paid for the rest. Kidd had to sell his ship "Antigua" to raise funds.

The new ship, the "Adventure Galley", [cite web| title ="Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts" "The Real Captain Kidd"| author =Frank R. Stockton| publisher =The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project| url =http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=stockton&book=buccaneers&story=kidd| accessdate =2007-12-13] was well suited to the task of catching pirates; weighing over 284 tons, it was equipped with 34 cannons, oars, and 150 men. The oars were a key advantage as they would enable the "Adventure Galley" to maneuver in a battle when the winds had calmed and other ships were dead in the water. Kidd took pride in personally selecting the crew, choosing only those he deemed to be the best and most loyal officers.

Because of Kidd's refusal to salute, the Navy vessel's captain retaliated by pressing much of Kidd's crew into naval service, this despite rampant protests. Thus short-handed, Kidd sailed for New York City, capturing a French vessel en route (which was legal under the terms of his commission). To make up for the lack of officers, Kidd picked up replacement crew in New York, the vast majority of whom were known and hardened criminals, some undoubtedly former pirates.

Among Kidd's officers was his quartermaster, Hendrick van der Heul. The quartermaster was considered 'second in command' to the captain in pirate culture of this era. It is not clear, however, if Van der Heul exercised this degree of responsibility because Kidd was nominally a privateer. Van der Heul is also noteworthy because he may have been African or of African-American descent. A contemporary source describes him as a "small black Man"." However, the meaning of this term is not certain as, in late seventeenth-century usage, the phrase "black Man" could mean either black-skinned or black-haired. If van der Heul was indeed of African ancestry, this fact would make him the highest ranking black pirate so far identified. Van der Heul went on to become a master's mate on a merchant vessel, and was never convicted of piracy.

Hunting for pirates

In September 1696, Kidd weighed anchor and set course for the Cape of Good Hope. However, more bad luck struck, and a third of his crew soon perished on the Comoros due to an outbreak of cholera. To make matters worse, the brand-new ship developed many leaks, and he failed to find the pirates he expected to encounter off Madagascar. Kidd then sailed to the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb at the southern entrance of the Red Sea, one of the most popular haunts of rovers on the Pirate Round. Here he again failed to find any pirates. According to Edward Barlow, a captain employed by the British East India Company, Kidd attacked a Mughal convoy here under escort by Barlow's East Indiaman, and was beaten off. If the report is true, this marked Kidd's first foray into piracy.

As it became obvious his ambitious enterprise was failing, he became understandably desperate to cover its costs. But, once again, Kidd failed to attack several ships when given a chance, including a Dutchman and New York privateer. Some of the crew deserted Kidd the next time the "Adventure Galley" anchored offshore, and those who decided to stay behind made constant open-threats of mutiny.

Kidd killed one of his own crewmen on October 30, 1697. While Kidd's gunner, William Moore, was on deck sharpening a chisel, a Dutch ship hove in sight. Moore urged Kidd to attack the Dutchman, an act not only piratical but also certain to anger the Dutch-born King William. Kidd refused, calling Moore a lousy dog. Moore retorted, "If I am a lousy dog, you have made me so; you have brought me to ruin and many more"." Kidd snatched up and heaved an ironbound bucket at Moore. Moore fell to the deck with a fractured skull and died the following day. [Cordingly (1995), p.?]

While seventeenth century English admiralty law allowed captains great leeway in using violence against their crew, outright murder was not permitted. But Kidd seemed unconcerned, later explaining to his surgeon that he had "good friends in England, that will bring me off for that"."

Accusations of piracy

Acts of savagery on Kidd’s part were reported by escaped prisoners, who told stories of being hoisted up by the arms and drubbed with a naked cutlass. In truth, many of these acts were committed by his disobedient and mutinous crew. On one occasion, crewmembers ransacked the trading ship, "Mary" and tortured several of its crewmembers while Kidd and the other captain, Thomas Parker conversed privately in Kidd's cabin. When Kidd found out what had happened, he was outraged and forced his men to return most of the stolen property.

Kidd was declared a pirate very early in his voyage by a Royal Navy officer to whom he had promised "thirty men or so". [Hamilton, (1961) p.?] Kidd sailed away during the night to preserve his crew, rather than subject them to Royal Navy impressment.

On January 30, 1698, he raised French colors and took his greatest prize, an Armenian ship, the 400 ton "Quedah Merchant", [cite web| title =Pirates of the High Seas - Capt. William Kidd| url =http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/01841/kidd.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] [cite web| title =“Quedagh Merchant” (ship)| publisher =Encyclopedia Online| url =http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-486764/Quedagh-Merchant| accessdate =2007-12-13] which was loaded with satins, muslins, gold, silver, an incredible variety of East Indian merchandise, as well as extremely valuable silks. The captain of the Quedagh Merchant was an Englishman named Wright, who had purchased passes from the French East India Company promising him the protection of the French Crown. After realizing the captain of the taken vessel was an Englishman, Kidd tried to persuade his crew to return the ship to its owners, but they refused, claiming that their prey was perfectly legal as Kidd was commissioned to take French ships, and that an Armenian ship counted as French if it had French passes. In an attempt to maintain his tenuous control over his crew, Kidd relented and kept the prize. When this news reached England, it confirmed Kidd's reputation as a pirate, and various naval commanders were ordered to "pursue and seize the said Kidd and his accomplices" for the "notorious piracies" [Hamilton, (1961)] they had committed.

Kidd kept the French passes of the "Quedagh Merchant", as well as the vessel itself. While the passes were at best a dubious defense of his capture, British admiralty and vice-admiralty courts (especially in North America) heretofore had often winked at privateers' excesses into piracy, and Kidd may have been hoping that the passes would provide the legal fig leaf that would allow him to keep the "Quedagh Merchant" and her cargo. Renaming the seized merchantman the "Adventure Prize", he set sail for Madagascar.

On April 1, 1698, Kidd reached Madagascar. Here he found the first pirate of his voyage, Robert Culliford, (the same man who had stolen Kidd’s ship years before) and his crew aboard the "Mocha Frigate". Probably realizing that his men would not attack Culliford's powerful vessel if ordered, Kidd anchored near the "Mocha Frigate" and made peaceful overtures to Culliford, promising him that he meant his fellow pirate no harm. Most of Kidd's men now abandoned him for Culliford. Only 13 remained with the "Adventure Galley."

Deciding to return home, Kidd left the "Adventure Galley" behind, ordering her to be burnt because she had become worm-eaten and leaky. By burning the ship, he was able to salvage every last scrap of metal, for example hinges. With the loyal remnant of his crew, he returned home aboard the "Adventure Prize."


Prior to Kidd returning to New York City, he learned that he was a wanted pirate, and that several English men-of-war were searching for him. Realizing that the "Adventure Prize" was a marked vessel, he cached it in the Caribbean Sea and continued toward New York aboard a sloop. He is alleged to have deposited some of his treasure on Gardiners Island, hoping to use his knowledge of its location as a bargaining tool.

Bellomont (an investor) was away in Boston, Massachusetts. Aware of the accusations against Kidd, Bellomont was justifiably afraid of being implicated in piracy himself, and knew that presenting Kidd to England in chains was his best chance to save his own neck. He lured Kidd into Boston with false promises of clemency [cite web| title ="The Quest for the Armenian Vessel, Quedagh Merchant"| publisher =AYAS Nautical Research Club| url =http://www.amarasonline.com/amaras/events/cillicia-flyer-1.pdf| accessdate =2007-12-13] , then ordered him arrested on July 6, 1699. Kidd was placed in Stone Prison, spending most of the time in solitary confinement. His wife, Sarah, was also imprisoned. The conditions of Kidd's imprisonment were extremely harsh, and appear to have driven him at least temporarily insane.

He was eventually (after over a year) sent to England for questioning by Parliament. The new Tory ministry hoped to use Kidd as a tool to discredit the Whigs who had backed him, but Kidd refused to name names, naively confident his patrons would reward his loyalty by interceding on his behalf. Finding Kidd politically useless, the Tory leaders sent him to stand trial before the High Court of Admiralty in London for the charges of piracy on high seas and the murder of William Moore. Whilst awaiting trial, Kidd was confined in the infamous Newgate Prison and wrote several letters to King William requesting clemency.

Kidd was tried without representation, and was shocked to learn at his trial that he was charged with murder. He was found guilty on all charges (murder and five counts of piracy). He was hanged on May 23, 1701, at 'Execution Dock', Wapping, in London. During the execution, the hangman's rope broke and Kidd was hanged on the second attempt. His body was "gibbeted" — left to hang in an iron cage over the River Thames, London — as a warning to future would-be pirates for twenty years.

His associates Richard Barleycorn, Robert Lamley, William Jenkins, Gabriel Loffe, Able Owens, and Hugh Parrot were convicted, but pardoned just prior to hanging at Execution Dock.

Kidd's Whig backers were embarrassed by his trial. Far from rewarding his loyalty, they participated in the effort to convict him by depriving him of the money and information which might have provided him with some legal defense. In particular, the two sets of French passes he had kept were missing at his trial. These passes (and others dated 1700) resurfaced in the early twentieth century, misfiled with other government papers in a London building. These passes call the extent of Kidd's guilt into question. Along with the papers, many goods were brought from the ships and soon auctioned off as "pirate plunder." They were never mentioned in the trial. Nevertheless, none of these items would have prevented his conviction for murdering Moore.

Mythology and legend

The belief that Kidd had left a buried treasure somewhere, contributed considerably to the growth of his legend. This belief had made its contributions to literature in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Gold-Bug", Washington Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker" , Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" and Nelson DeMille's "Plum Island". It also gave impetus to the never-ending treasure hunts conducted on Oak Island in Nova Scotia, in Suffolk County, Long Island in New York where Gardiner's Island is located, Charles Island in Milford, Connecticut, and in the Thimble Islands in Connecticut.

In 1983, American combat photojournalist Cork Graham, and British comedy actor-turned treasure hunter Richard Knight, illegally entered Vietnamese waters in search of treasure supposedly belonging to Captain Kidd. Knight's research began after a disagreement about a map included in "The Money Pit Mystery" by Rupert Fourneaux. The map, verified as part of Kidd's cache, is labelled "China Sea", yet theorized by Fourneaux to be Oak Island, even though the map and Oak Island topography are completely different. Graham and Knight were held for more than a year on trumped up charges of spying for the CIA. [Graham, Frederick "Cork". "The Bamboo Chest: An Adventure in Healing the Trauma of War"; Dragon Press Publishing, Inc. (2004)]

Captain Kidd did bury a small cache of treasure on Gardiner's Island in a spot known as Cherry Tree Field; however, it was removed by Governor Bellomont and sent to England to be used as evidence against him. [cite book| title ="The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd"| author =Richard Zacks| publisher =Hyperion| ISBN =0786884517| url =http://books.google.com/booksvid=ISBN0786884517&id=8bu7WAHrd9kC&pg=PA241&lpg=PA241&vq=gardiners+island&dq=pirate+hunter&sig=DWRaLqNiKUq-eDc56DhyNM1Ounc] [http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0786884517&id=8bu7WAHrd9kC&pg=PA260&lpg=PA260&vq=gardiners+island&dq=pirate+hunter&sig=8uBgppireKJcJ2k_4GdK5Z3iqQg| accessdate =2007-12-14]

Kidd also visited Block Island around 1699, where he was supplied by Mrs. Mercy (Sands) Raymond, daughter of the mariner James Sands. The story has it that, for her hospitality, Mrs. Raymond was bid to hold out her apron, into which Kidd threw gold and jewels until it was full. After her husband Joshua Raymond died, Mercy moved with her family to northern New London, Connecticut (later Montville), where she bought much land. The Raymond family was thus said to have been "enriched by the apron". [cite book |title="History of New London, Connecticut" |last=Caulkins |first=Frances Manwaring |year=1895 |page=293 ]

There is also a mention of Kidd attacking one of the Japanese islands of the Tokara archipelago, south of Kagoshima. It is the most southern island named Takarajima, which translates literally as "Treasure Island." The legend says that all the pirates requested food and cattle from the inhabitants of the island. Their offer was refused and thus 23 of the pirates landed and burned alive the inhabitants in a lime cave, while after, Kidd has hidden his treasure in one of the caves, for which he has never come back due to his execution in England.

The Dominican Republic's small Catalina Island, in the Caribbean, is being studied since December 13, 2007, by a team of underwater archeologists from Indiana University, after an Italian tourist notified the existence of an old wreckage at just 10 feet of clear-blue waters, at a distance of no more than 70 feet off shore. There was no evidence of looting at the site, despite its remains believed to have been buried since the 17th century in what has proved to be the Quedah Merchant.

In popular culture

* In the popular manga "One Piece", a powerful notable pirate known as Eustass Kidd is a key rival with protagonist Monkey D. Luffy.

* In Chris Archer's Series of books: "Pyrates"; four kids search for Kidd's treasure.

* The MMORPG Pirates of the Burning Sea (set in the year 1720) uses a fictional storyline where William Kidd escaped from his hanging in Wapping (by bribing the hangman involved, according to the game, who subsequently sought Kidd's protection) to Tortuga, where he founded a new Brethren of the Coast organization, and acts as a primary organizer behind the piracy in the Spanish Main in that game. He is still there 19 years later, having fully embraced his role as a pirate.

* The legend of Captain Kidd was made into a popular 1945 movie, "Captain Kidd" starring Charles Laughton as Kidd, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton and John Carradine. The film portrays Kidd as a savvy and manipulative sociopath, ultimately undone by the son of a man whom he had killed. Laughton reprised his role in the comic "Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd" (1952).

* Anthony Dexter and Eva Gabor starred in the 1954 film "Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl".

* In J.M. Barrie's works on Peter Pan, the particular bay in the Neverland in which the pirate ship of Captain Hook lies, is called 'Kidd's Creek'.

* Captain Kidd's legend is also the subject of a traditional English song, "Captain Kidd", which takes the form of Kidd reminiscing about a rather inaccurate version of his life. One recording of it may be found on the album "Fishes and Fine Yellow Sand". Another may be found on the Great Big Sea album "The Hard and the Easy".

* Children's author Robert Lawson wrote "Captain Kidd's Cat" (Little, Brown 1956), in which Kidd's cat McDermot tells the tale of Kidd's adventures on the high seas, arguing that Kidd was no pirate but was rather a victim of circumstances - and politics - beyond his control.

* There are three heavy metal songs based on Kidd's adventures; two by Running Wild called "The Ballad of William Kidd" and "Adventure Galley", released on "The Rivalry" album (1998); and also by Scissorfight called "The Gibbetted Captain Kidd" on the album Balls Deep.

* The time-travel card game Early American Chrononauts includes a card called Captain Kidd's Treasure Chest which players can symbolically acquire from the year 1699.

* The 1980s British band Bucks Fizz recorded "The Land of Make Believe", a 1981 chart-topping song called which contains the line, "Captain Kidd's on the sand, with treasure close at hand".

* The first single of the 2005 album "The Hard and the Easy" by Great Big Sea is "Captain Kidd" which chronicles the story of Captain William Kidd. The lyrics are derived from a traditional Newfoundland folk song supposedly sung during Kidd's time.

* In the video game "Sid Meier's Pirates!", Captain Kidd is one of the nine other notorious pirates with whom the player competes.

* Captain Kidd is also mentioned in the Relient K/Veggie Tales song "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything".

* In Wildwood, New Jersey, the third weekend in May is known as "Captain Kidd's Weekend". During this weekend, children dig up small candy-filled plastic treasure chests buried on the beach. Here, the name 'Kidd' is a pun to the word 'kid', a slang term that has come to mean 'child'.

* In Corunna, Ontario, Canada, the first weekend in August is know as "Captain Kidd Days".

* There is a pub, "The Captain Kidd" next to the Thames in the Wapping area of London, close to Execution Dock where Kidd was hanged.

* Kidd is mentioned in Bob Dylan's 1965 song "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream". In the fictional song, the Coast Guard asks Dylan/narrator his name, to which he replies: "And I said, 'Captain Kidd'/They believed me but they wanted to know what exactly that I did/I said for the Pope of Eruke I was employed/They let me go right away/They were very paranoid."

* German pop band Dschinghis Khan recorded a song called "Käpt'n Kid (Wir sind Piraten)" in 1982, but released it on 2004's "Jubilee" album.

* In 2006 the celtic folk rock band [http://www.tempestmusic.com Tempest] released an album called The Double Cross. The first song tells Captain Kidd's story from his point of view, with emphasis on how he was double-crossed by the English.

* Kidd's buried treasure was uncovered in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Gold Bug"

* There is the Captain Kidd Bar that has been located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts for over 100 years.

* Jon Bon Jovi used 'Captain Kidd' as a pen name in the credits for the song "Ride Cowboy Ride" in his's 1988 album New Jersey.
* In the World Heroes videogames is a character named Captain Kidd. He is a based of the actual Captain Kidd and is a pirate themed fighting character.

Quedagh Merchant Ship Found

For years, people and treasure hunters have tried to locate the Quedagh Merchant ship. [cite web| title =Captain Kidd (1645-1701)| publisher =PortCities London| url =http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/show/ConFactFile.3/Captain-Kidd.html| accessdate =2007-12-13] It was reported on December 13, 2007, that "wreckage of a pirate ship abandoned by Captain Kidd in the 17th century has been found by divers in shallow waters off the Dominican Republic." The waters in which the ship was found were less than ten feet deep and were only 70 feet off of Catalina Island, just to the south of La Romana on the Dominican coast. The ship is believed to be "the remains of Quedagh Merchant". [cite web| date =December 13, 2007| title =Captain Kidd Ship Found| publisher =Yahoo News| url =http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20071213/sc_livescience/captainkiddshipfound| accessdate =2007-12-13] [cite web| date =December 13, 2007| title =Captain Kidd's Shipwreck Of 1699 Discovered| publisher =Science Daily| url =http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071213162036.htm| accessdate =2007-12-13] Charles Beeker, the director of Academic Diving and Underwater Science Programs in IU Bloomington's School of Health, was one of the experts leading the Indiana University diving team. He said that it was "remarkable that the wreck has remained undiscovered all these years given its location", and given that the ship has been the subject of so many prior failed searches. [cite web| date =December 13, 2007| title =IU team finds fabled pirate ship| publisher =INDYSTAR.COM| url =http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071213/LOCAL/712130548| accessdate =2007-12-13]

ee also

*Gardiners Island
*Oak Island
*Treasure Island


* Botting, Douglas (1978). "The Pirates". Time Life Books (ISBN 0-8094-2650-1).
* Cordingly, David (1995). "Under The Black Flag : The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates". Harcourt Brace & Company.
* Hamilton, Cochran. et al. (1961) "Pirates of the Spanish Main, 1st Edition", American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., New York.


Further reading

* Campbell, "An Historical Sketch of Robin Hood and Captain Kid" (New York, 1853)
* Dalton, "The Real Captain Kidd: A Vindication" (New York, 1911)
* Gilbert, H. (1986). "The Book of Pirates". London: Bracken Books.
editor-first=T. B.
contribution=The Trial of Captain William Kidd and Others, for Murder and Piracy
title=A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors
publisher=Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown

editor-first=T. B.
contribution=The Trial of Captain William Kidd and Others, for Piracy and Robbery
title=A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors
publisher=Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown

* Zacks, Richard (2002). "The Pirate Hunter : The True Story of Captain Kidd". Hyperion Books (ISBN 0-7868-8451-7).;Articles
* [http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/conn.river/kidd.html Captain Kidd] Pirate's Treasure Buried in the Connecticut River
* [http://thomastew.steventew.co.uk/kings_commission.htm The King's Commission to William Kidd for the Capture of Captain Thomas Tew and Others]
* [http://www.piratesinfo.com/biography/biography.php?article_id=36 Biography at piratesinfo.com]
* [http://web.me.com/daverust/profile/blog/blog.html Dave's Blog] Blog, observer with the Indiana University expedition to the Quedagh Merchant (ongoing)
* [http://yourarchives.nationalarchives.gov.uk/index.php?title=Captain_William_Kidd%2C_Pirate] National Archives - Article listing Records held concerning Captain Kidd
* [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/imagelibrary/piracy/default.htm] National Archives - Images of letters and other documents concerning Captain William Kidd

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