

Cárdenas is a surname generally of Spanish origin. FAMILY ORIGIN:

The family name Cardenas is a local surname which came from the region of La Rioja, Spain. The place and/or name Cardenas was derived from the Aragonese word cardelina which is Spanish for "goldfinch", a kind of a European songbird.

Originating from the gentlemen of Vizcaya, they joined with the first Spanish nobles and proved their nobility innumerable times in the Military and Royal Orders of the Maestranzas de Caballieras, the soceity of nobleman of spain for practicing equestrian exercises.

The root of this family belongs to Don Lope Diaz, Count and gentlemen of Vizcaya who held the rank of Lieutenant Major of King Alfonso VII and that of his son, Sancho III of Castille. The Cardenas possessed the Lordships of Najera, Haro and Canes, Don Lope diaz, married to Dona Alfonsa Rodriguez de Castro, was the father of Don Lope Sanchez, Lord of the Villa de Cardenas who battled the moors in Andalucia, fighting under the standards of Don Alfonso XI and Don Enrique II, fathering Don Lope Ruiz de Cardenas, the first to adopt the family name taken from this fiat.

The Cardenas possesses many titles of nobility.

Today, in a plaza in Madrid Spain is an obelisk where the names of prominent Cardenas are inscribed, most notably that of LAZARO CARDENAS, president of Mexico in the mid 1930's.









  • Cárdenas, Táchira

Cardenas Colombia

As a personal name

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