Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine

Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine

- named after his title and his surname.


Early life

Louis-Auguste de Bourbon was born at the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye on March 31 1670. He was placed in the care of his mother's friends, the widowed Madame Scarron. Named "Louis" after his father"Athénaïs:The Real Queen of France" by Lisa Hilton] and "Auguste" after the famous Roman Emperor Augustus (A similar naming process was used with his brothers Louis-"César" and Louis-"Alexandre"). As his mother was often occupied with her court duties, she rarely saw her children. As a result, it was Madame Scarron who was to become Louis-Augusts mother in all but name.

In December 1673 at the age of 3, he was legitimised by his father and was given the title of duc du Maine. His younger sister, Louise-Françoise de Bourbon (b 1673) was also legitimised at the same time and was given the title of "Mademoiselle de Nantes".

Some time after his birth, his father bought a house in the capital on "rue de Vaugirard", near the Palais du Luxembourg, in a wooded suburb of the city. He was placed there with his siblings Louis César de Bourbon, comte de Vexin (b 1672) and "Mademoiselle de Nantes". Another sister was born before Louis-Auguste, but she died before Mlle de Nantes was born. The children were then joined by a new sister in 1674 with the birth of Louise Marie Anne de Bourbon, who was later given the name "Mademoiselle de Tours". The duchesse d'Orléans, sister-in-law of Louis XIV and famous court writer, believed that du Maine was not the son of the king:

"I can readily believe that the comte de Toulouse is the King's son; but I have always thought that the duc du Maine is the son of Terme [member of the court] , who was a false knave, and the greatest tale-bearer in the Court" [Memoirs of the duchesse d'Orléans]


In 1674, at the age of four, he was officially introduced to the royal court of his father along with his other siblings and their governess, who was initially disliked by his father. In the same year he was made the "Colonel Général des Suisses et Grisons" (Colonel-General of the Swiss Guards). He was also made the Grand Maître de France which was laster held by his future brother-in-law.

To the court, it was quickly becoming obvious that Louis-Auguste was the king's favourite son. He showered him with gifts and titles. Louis-Auguste was given the best tutors, one of whom was the famous military strategist, the maréchal du Luxembourg, who was put in charge of the child's military training. Louis-Auguste, however, was never to be a good soldier. In 1680, the king made him an official Prince de Bourbon, giving him an even more legitimate status at court.

More gifts came. His parents managed to bribe the vastly wealthy Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier, into giving him some of her many titles in return for her imprisoned lover's return to court. The duc du Maine as a result known became the "comte d'Eu" and the sovereign "prince de Dombes". In addition, he later received the title of duc d'Aumale. Along with the governorship of Languedoc, he was awarded the "Ordre du Saint-Esprit" at Versailles . His cousin, Philippe Charles d'Orléans, was awarded the same decoration on the same day. Philippe Charles was later to order the imprisonment of Louis-Auguste when he became the regent of France after the death of Louis XIV..

In 1688, Louis-Auguste was made a "général des galères" (General of Galleys). He served under the style of "capitaine-général des galères". The year before his marriage, his estranged mother left the court to lead a religious life in a convent. As a result, the magnificent apartments at Versailles she had occupied were given to her uncaring son, who was later seen throwing his mother's unwanted furniture out of the window! [ [http://enviedhistoire.canalblog.com/ duc du Maine]


As all of his legitimised siblings had married into very prominent families, it was decided that he too should make a prestigious marriage. It was suggested that he marry either his first cousin, Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans, the only unmarried daughter of his uncle, "Monsieur", or a granddaughter of the prince de Condé. Élisabeth Charlotte was spared from the social disgrace of marrying a social inferior, as a marriage to an illegitimate person was considered by the court. The prince de Condé, however, was willing to overlook the discrepancy in social status as he simultaneously had several eligible granddaughters who needed to marry and was desperate to curry favor with the king.

Anne-Marie-Victoire de Bourbon-Condé and then Marie Anne de Bourbon-Condé (later duchesse de Vendôme) were first considered but Louis-Auguste said he preferred a younger sister, Anne-Louise-Bénédicte de Bourbon-Condé, known at court as "Mademoiselle de Charolais".

In 1692 Louis-Auguste married Anne-Louise-Bénedicté (1676-1753), who was the daughter of the duc d'Enghien and Anne of Bavaria, a daughter of the well known political hostess, Anna Gonzaga. The wedding took place at the Palace of Versailles without the groom's mother being present.


The "duc" and "duchesse du Maine" had seven children. Only three survived infancy but all of their children were:

*Mademoiselle de Dombes (Born 11 September 1694 and died on the 15 of the same month),
*Louis Constantin de Bourbon, "prince de Dombes" (Born at Versailles on the 17 November 1695, died 28 September 1698),
*Mademoiselle d'Aumale (Born in 1697, died 24 August 1699),
*Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, prince de Dombes (Born at Versailles: 4 March 1700, died 1 October 1755),
*Louis-Charles de Bourbon, comte d'Eu (Born at Sceaux 15 October 1701, died 13 July 1775 at Sceaux),
*Charles de Bourbon, duc d'Aumale (Born at Versailles: 31 March 1704, died September 1708 at Sceaux),
*Louise Françoise de Bourbon, known as "Mademoiselle du Maine" (Born 4 December 1707 at Versailles and died 19 August 1743 at the Chateau d'Anet).

The marriage was very unhappy. His wife (called Louise-Bénédicte) was, in her eyes, disgraced with having to marry a "légitimé de France" and as a result was a deliberate source of embarrassment to her husband. She was often unfaithful [ [http://forum.alexanderpalace.org/index.php?topic=6346.0 Duchess of Maine ] ] . As the groom and his wife were both lame, Louise-Bénédicte had a bad right arm and Louis had a lame leg, the court said:

"Here is the union of a lame and a one-armed; What a beautiful couple!" ["Voici l'union d'un boiteux et d'une manchote. Ah, le beau couple" Place de Condé Site]

Later life

In 1707, his mother died, and he inherited a large portion of her fortune. He received the Château de Clagny which had been built for her by his father near Versailles. In the same year, his daughter, Louise Françoise de Bourbon-Maine, known as "Mademoiselle de Maine", was born. He loved her intensely just as he did his two sons.

Prince du Sang

In the summer of 1714, Louis XIV placed Louis-Auguste and his younger brother, the comte de Toulouse, in direct line of succession to the throne of France, in case the legitimate line of the House of Bourbon should die out.

This controversial decision was made because three heirs to the throne had died in a single year, leaving only one legitimate candidate with an unquestionable claim to the throne, the king's great-grandson, the infant duc d'Anjou.

After the duc d'Anjou, the succession was questionable. The two main candidates were King Philip V of Spain, who was a grandson of Louis XIV and uncle to the duc d'Anjou, but who had renounced his claim to the French throne by treaty so that he could succeed to the throne of Spain, and Philippe II d'Orléans, duc d'Orléans, who was Louis XIV's nephew and, by the King of Spain's renunciation, Louis' next male heir, but whose accession could be challenged by Spain.

His wife.
Louis XIV hoped to continue his own line on the French throne and prevent civil war by means of legitimising his illegitimate children. However, the legitimate French princes, such as the prince de Condé and the duc d'Orléans, were not happy to see the illegitimate sons of Louis XIV come between them and the throne.

In August 1715, King Louis' health deteriorated drastically. On August 22, the king was unable to attend a troop parade in the gardens of Versailles, and he ordered the duc du Maine take his place at this event. This public display of the duc's "promotion" greatly concerned the duc d'Orléans and his family, the House of Orléans.

The Cellamare Conspiracy

On September 1 1715, the king died. His last will and testament gave the regency to both the duc d'Orléans and the duc du Maine. However, the next day, the duc d'Orléans ensured the annulment of Louis XIV's will in the Parlement de Paris.

Displeased with the duc d'Orléans' actions, Louis-Auguste (and his very ambitious wife) joined in the "Cellamare Conspiracy" in the hopes of transferring the regency to King Philip V of Spain who was also the uncle of the young king. The plot was named after the Spanish ambassador to the French court. Unfortunately for du Maine and his wife, the conspiracy was discovered. The duke was arrested and imprisoned in the fortress of Doullens. His wife was exiled to Dijon.

In 1720, the couple was pardoned by the Council of the Regent amd were allowed to return to court. Afterwards, Louise-Bénédicte made an effort to reconcile with her husband, whom she had practically forced to join the plot. She remarked:

"I owe a full and rightful explanation to M. le Duc du Maine which is more precious to me than my own liberty or life" [Je dois une justification authentique à M. le Duc du Maine, qui me tient infiniment plus à coeur que ma liberté et que ma propre vie. etc Place de Condé site]


After his imprisonment, Louis-Auguste led a more subdued life, living at his famous Château de Sceaux where his wife (with whom he reconciled with later) had created a well known little court composed of popular literary figures of the day. The château had originally been bought by Louis XIV for his beloved son. It was at Sceaux that the duke died on May 14 1736 at the age of sixty-six.

His eldest son, Louis Auguste II de Bourbon-Maine, who was given the title of "prince de Dombes" at his birth, continued the Bourbon du Maine line until its extinction in 1775. The large fortune that the du Maine family had amassed from royal gifts and the will of the "la Grande Mademoiselle" (1693), was later passed onto their cousins, the descendants of the duke's brother, the comte de Toulouse, the "House of Bourbon-Penthièvre".

List of Honours

* Born March 31 1670;
* Legitimised ("légitimé de France") December 20 1673;
* Given the tile of duc du Maine (1673) and made "colonel général des Suisses et Grisons" 1674;
* Captain of the Gardes Suisses February 3 1674;
* Colonel of the Regiment of Infantry of Turenne August 13 1675;

* Declared a "Prince de Bourbon" January 1680;
* Declared "prince de Dombes" and "comte d'Eu" February 2 1681;
*Declared governor of Languedoc May 29 1682;
*Declared chevalier des Ordres du roi June 2 1686;
*Named "général des galères" and the Lieutenant General of the Seas September 15 1688;
*Marshal de camp April 2 1690;
*Lieutenant général on April 3 1692;
*Married Louise-Bénédicte;
*Colonel of the regament of the 'Royal-Carabiniers' November 1 1693;
*Made a Peer of France 1694;
*Made Grand Master of the Atrillery September 10 1694;
*Declared a Prince du sang July 29 1714;
*Declared Superintendent of the education of Louis XV September 1715;
*Stripped of the rank of prince du sang by his cousin the Régent de France July 1717;
*Died May 14 1736


Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan had seven children, only four of whom survived to adulthood. In addition to the duc du Maine, the other surviving children were :

* Louise Françoise (1669-1672) - died in childhood.
* Louis César de Bourbon, comte de Vexin, abbot of Saint-Germain-des-Prés (1672-1683)
* Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, "Mademoiselle de Nantes" (1673-1743).
**Married Louis III, Prince of Condé, became duchesse de Bourbon and later princesse de Condé
* Louise Marie Anne de Bourbon, "Mademoiselle de Tours" (1674-1681) - died in childhood
* Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, "Mademoiselle de Blois" (1677-1749), married in 1692 the future regent Philippe II, duc d'Orléans (1674-1723)
**"duchesse d'Orléans". Through her son, Françoise-Marie became the ancestor of King Louis-Philippe of the French and the modern House of Orléans.
* Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse (1678-1737) married Marie Victoire de Noailles.
**Founder of the House of Bourbon-Toulouse-Penthièvre
**The modern House of Orléans is also related to him through his grand-daughter Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon-Penthièvre who married Philippe Egalité and became the mother of Louis-Philippe.

Paternal legitimate half-siblings

*Louis de France (1661 - 1711
**The Dauphin of France from 1661 till his death in 1711.
*Marie-Thérèse de France (1667 - 1672)
**The only legitimate daughter of Louis XIV to live older then the age of four. She was known as "Madame Royale" at court.
*4 other who died before the age 5

Paternal illegitimate half-siblings

*Marie Anne de Bourbon, "Mademoiselle de Blois" (1666 - 1739)
**Eldest surviving daughter of Louis XIV and Louise de la Vallière
**Later wife to Louis Armand I, Prince of Conti and as such the princesse de Conti.
*Louis de Bourbon, comte de Vermandois (1667 - 1683)
**Eldest surviving son of Louis XIV and Louise de la Vallière
*Louise de Maison Blanche (1676-1718)
**Daughter of "Mlle des Oeillets" Married Bernard de Prez and had 11 children.

Maternal legitimate half-siblings

*Marie-Christine de Pardaillan de Gondrin (1663 - 1675)
**Died while in the country with her father the marquis de Montespan
*Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, marquis d'Antin (1665 - 1736)
**Louis Antoine later was given the title of duc d'Antin.


style=font-size: 90%; line-height: 110%;
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1= 1. Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duke of Maine
2= 2. Louis XIV of France
3= 3. Françoise-Athénaïs, Marchioness of Montespan
4= 4. Louis XIII of France
5= 5. Anne of Austria
6= 6. Gabriel de Rochechouart, Duke of Mortemart
7= 7. Diane de Grandseigne
8= 8. Henry IV of France
9= 9. Marie de' Medici
10= 10. Philip III of Spain
11= 11. Margaret of Austria
12= 12. Gaspard de Rochechouart, Marquis of Mortemart
13= 13. Louise de Maure, Countess of Maure
14= 14. Jean de Grandseigne, Marquis of Marsillac
15= 15. Catherine de La Béraudière, Lady of Villenon
16= 16. Antoine de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme
17= 17. Jeanne III of Navarre
18= 18. Francesco I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany
19= 19. Johanna of Austria
20= 20. Philip II of Spain
21= 21. Anna of Austria
22= 22. Charles II of Austria
23= 23. Maria Anna of Bavaria
24= 24. René de Rochechouart, Seigneur de Mortemart
25= 25. Jeanne de Saulx de Tavannes
26= 26. Charles, Count of Maure
27= 27. Diane de Pérusse des Cars, Princess of Carency
28= 28. Pierre de Grandsaigne, Seigneur of La Flotte
29= 29. Françoise Baillard
30= 30. François de La Béraudière, Seigneur of Villechèze
31= 31. Anne Adrienne Frotier



* "This article is based on the present French [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Auguste_de_Bourbon "Louis-Auguste de Bourbon" article] "
* W.H. Lewis: "Louis XIV, the Sun King", ISBN 978-3-453-55034-6
* Wolf, J. B. (1968). Louis XIV. New York: Norton.
* Lewis, W.H. (1955). Sunset of the splendid century; the life and times of Louis Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine, 1670-1736. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode.

Further reading

*"Athénaïs:The Real Queen of France" by Lisa Hilton
*"Love and Louis XIV" by Lady Antonia Fraser
*"The Sun King" by The Hon. Nancy Freeman-Mitford



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