Sharon Rickman

Sharon Rickman

] and one of "life's survivors", who has had "many moments of emotional turmoil".

Character development

An early controversial storyline involving Sharon revolved around her desire to take contraceptive pills in order to persuade Kelvin Carpenter to go out with her. This storyline caused tremendous interest in the UK. It was a fairly daring issue to tackle at that time in the 1980s, involving as it did a girl who was under sixteen, and it was aired at a time when the issue was extremely prominent in British society. People started to take sides with the issue: should Sharon go on the pill, or not? Sharon's story became a focus of debate used as a teaching method, both in school classrooms and the home. A large number of families admitted that as a result, taboo subjects like sex were being openly discussed in the home for the first time in years.

Sharon would later go on to feature in an important and complicated storyline about the ups and downs of a pop group entitled The Banned. A song entitled "Something Outa Nothing", which was performed on-screen in the plot, was released in the real world by actors Letitia Dean and Paul J. Medford. It was seen as an interesting and major undertaking in the serial, but one that Holland and Smith felt never entirely worked.In the early years, Sharon's main storylines depicted the plight of a young woman, growing up in a broken home and struggling to find her true identity. It wasn't until both her on-screen parents had departed the show by early 1989 that the writers and producers decided to develop the character and move away from the 'spoilt princess' image that she was initially given.cite book |last=Brake|first= Colin|authorlink= Colin Brake|title= |year=1995|publisher=BBC Books|id=ISBN 0-563-37057-2] Being the only remaining member of the Watts family, Sharon was required to become more independent and determined, which was perhaps cemented on-screen by the discovery that her father, who she adored, had got her best-friend Michelle pregnant at the age of 16. Sharon was to find this out in a special two-hander episode written by Tony McHale, which aired in April 1989. The episode returned to a model established by the first Den and Angie solo episode, with revelations and major character changes to an important relationship. This episode gave Letitia Dean and Susan Tully (Michelle) the chance to demonstrate just how much they had grown as actresses during the four years they had been in the programme, and was held in high regard by the producers, directors and writers on the show.

The arrival of the Mitchell brothers in 1990 heralded a new era for "EastEnders", but also for Sharon Watts. Phil and Grant Mitchell were introduced by Executive Producer Michael Ferguson, as he wanted to bring in a couple of young men who would bring an air of danger to the show. Both the Mitchell brothers would prove to be extremely important for the character of Sharon in the following years, most notably marrying one brother and then having an affair with the other. Despite the fact that Sharon married Grant initially, former "EastEnders" writer Tony Jordan has revealed in "The Mitchells - The Full Story" that the love-triangle storyline between Grant, Sharon and Phil had been planned from their introduction after the writers came to the realisation that "Sharon was perfect for them both". [" [ Mitchells Special] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] This storyline was slow burning and was spread out for several years. Things finally came to a head in 1994 with some of "EastEnders"' most popular and renowned episodes, which have been dubbed "Sharongate". The episodes centred around Grant's discovery that his wife had been having an affair with his brother. It was watched by 18.4 million viewers [" [ Sharongate] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] and was voted the sixth top soap opera moment of the decade in a poll of 17,000 people for "What's On TV" magazine. The aftermath of the storyline eventually saw Sharon depart Walford after ten years in the show. Off-screen, Letitia Dean had decided to leave the show to take other acting roles.

The character was reintroduced to the show in 2001 by then producer John Yorke, [" [ Biographies John Yorke] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] almost six years after her initial departure. [" [ Letitia Dean back in EastEnders] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] Her return was voted one of the top 100 TV moments of 2001 in a Channel 4 poll, and was chosen as the favourite soap comeback by almost one third of viewers. [" [ Dirty Den makes Square return] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] Since her return, the character has undergone several character changes and has been central to many key storylines, most notably the return of her infamous father Den Watts, [" [ Watts family reunited] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] and her relationship with her adoptive brother Dennis Rickman, a storyline that was nicknamed "Shannis". [" [ Tony Jordan:EastEnders Lead Scriptwriter] ", "BBC". URL last accessed on 2006-09-18.] Sharon has had several departures and returns since this time and has become one of the longest-running characters in the show's history. She was last seen on-screen in January 2006.


Early life

Sharon was born to Carol Stretton and adopted as a three-year-old by Den and Angie Watts. She was constantly in the middle of her adoptive parents' stormy marriage. A spoilt child, Den's "princess" was initially troublesome — her problematic behaviour resulting from a resentment to Den's womanising and Angie's alcoholism, although she loved them nonetheless.

A brief romance with Ian Beale in 1986 ended when Sharon realised she preferred the more experienced man, and she went on to date lothario Simon Wicks; however, he grew bored when she refused to have sex and dumped her. In the midst of all the arguments at home, Sharon sought comfort from the curate at her local church, Duncan Boyd, in October 1987. They got engaged, but Sharon tired of Duncan's inability to have fun; when he decided to move away from Walford in 1988, she called off the engagement.When Angie emigrated, Sharon remained with her father, who bought her a flat, which she shared with her best-friend Michelle Fowler. Den became involved with a gangster organisation, "The Firm", who attempted to kill him in February 1989; he was shot and presumed dead. A devastated Sharon then found out that Vicki Fowler, Michelle's daughter, was Den's child. Sharon was furious, but eventually came to accept Vicki as a surrogate sister and reconciled with Michelle. Whilst feeling isolated and alone, Sharon began a second relationship with Simon Wicks. Her behaviour was erratic during this time; she tried to spend all her father's inheritance on lavish gifts for Simon. He began to feel like a kept man and had a one-night-stand with Cindy Williams, leaving her pregnant. Simon rejected Cindy, professing to love Sharon. They moved in together to manage Sharon's childhood home The Queen Victoria (The Vic) public house, but by 1990 he had changed his mind; he walked out on Sharon to reuinte with Cindy.

Sharon was startled to discover Den's signet ring on a market stall. With Den's body missing, Sharon persuaded the police to drag the canal in April 1990; a body was found and identified as Den's. Rejected by Simon and with both her parents gone, Sharon traced her real mother, Carol Hanley, in May. They had several meetings, but after Carol's confession that she only thought of her as a good friend, Sharon realised there would never be a parental bond and stopped seeing her.

Marriage to Grant Mitchell

Sharon began dating Grant Mitchell in 1990. A possessive boyfriend, Grant beat Sharon's boss, Eddie Royle, for making a pass at her. Sharon grew apprehensive, but after she learnt that Grant's violent behaviour resulted from a traumatic experience in the Falklands War, she agreed to marry him. Eddie would not condone this, and fired Sharon. Furious, Sharon took Eddie to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal; she won, but Eddie still refused to reinstate her, so Sharon told Grant she would only marry him if he got her the Vic. Grant did, and Sharon became the Vic's new licensee in October 1991. On Boxing day that year, Grant sprung a surprise wedding on Sharon. She was initially unimpressed with his romantic gesture, but following persuasion from Michelle, she married him.Sharon and Grant's marriage was combustible and rows occasionally ended in violence. Grant wanted to start a family, while Sharon preferred to concentrate on making the Vic a success. When Grant discovered Sharon was still taking contraception, he smashed up the pub and disappeared, leaving Sharon to be comforted by his brother Phil. Sharon began to wonder if she had married the wrong brother and in September 1992, she slept with Phil. Phil was prepared to risk everything to be with Sharon, but she chose Grant. However, her marriage deteriorated when Grant torced the Vic in an insurance scam, nearly killing Sharon and her dog Roly, who were trapped inside. Unable to forgive, Sharon decided their marriage was over. A power struggle for management of the Vic occurred in 1993, which resulted in Grant hitting Sharon in March. During one of Grant's outbursts, Michelle called the police and when they arrived, Grant assulated them and was imprisoned. While he was away, Sharon and Phil reunited and lived secretly as a couple at the Vic; however, neither wanted to tell Grant the truth, and when Grant was released remorseful, Sharon — realising she and Phil would never be an item — took Grant back, leaving Phil dejected. Sharon and Grant ended the year happily reunited.In September 1994, Phil got engaged to Kathy Beale. Sharon began to realise that her feelings for him had not gone away. She tried to seduce Phil again, professing to love him, and in a moment of passion, Phil kissed her. Phil regretted it, and the kiss went no further, so Sharon put the dalliance behind her, convinced herself she was happy with Grant, and even talked about having children with him. Meanwhile, Michelle's boyfriend, Geoff Barnes, wanted to interview Sharon for a book he was writing. After the recorded interview (conducted by Michelle), the girls inadvertently left the tape recording and discussed Sharon's affair with Phil. Grant came across the tape and listened to it on the night of Phil and Kathy's engagement party in October 1994. A devastated Grant played the tape to a packed Queen Vic and beat Phil so badly he was hospitalised. He then proceeded to humiliate and bully Sharon, which led to her giving Grant the divorce he wanted on Christmas Day 1994. She then left to stay with her mother in America.

Sharon returned in March 1995 to hostility from Grant, Phil and their mother Peggy. Sharon was not perturbed and her gutsy behaviour eventually earned her the respect of Grant, who began to realise that he was still in love with her. Sharon wanted revenge for her mistreatment, so she led Grant on while confessing to Michelle that it was really her plan to publicly humiliate him. They slept together and Sharon led Grant to believe that a public proposal of remarriage would seal their reunion. Grant decided to do this on the Vic's quiz night, and Sharon was ready to turn him down in front of everyone, but in the end, she could not go through with it and stopped him from proposing before he humiliated himself. She confessed that she still loved him, then departed for America, leaving Grant sobbing on the pavement.

Sharon's return to Walford

In May 2001, Peggy Mitchell sold the Vic to an anonymous buyer, who turned out to be Sharon. Peggy loathed Sharon for her treatment of Grant, and she immediately regretted selling the pub. Sharon's boyfriend Ross Fletcher joined her for a while, with the promise that he had left his wife; however, Sharon soon discovered that this was a lie and kicked Ross out. Soon after, Phil and Sharon rekindled their romance and became legitimate lovers, although Peggy tried to split them up continuously. Problems arose when Sharon revealed she could not have children — she had aborted Grant's baby in 1995 and it left her infertile. Phil took this news badly. Despite Phil's assurances, Sharon was certain that he would never be happy unless she provided him with a child. She left him after informing him that he had fathered Lisa Fowler's baby, unwilling to play second best to his newfound child. Sharon spent time in America, and upon her homecoming in 2002, she buried her mother, who had died of liver poisoning — the result of years of alcoholism. Sharon took her mother's death hard, and rebuffed Phil's attempts to reignite their relationship. Fireman Tom Banks, an old school friend of Sharon's, attended Angie's funeral. They began a relationship, which managed to survive their stormy rows, the arrival of Tom's psychotic wife, Sadie, and her attempts to split them up. Sadie spread lies about Tom, broke into Sharon's flat, dressed in her clothes, beat Sharon, held her hostage and threatened to commit suicide unless Tom took her back. Tom and Sharon managed to stop her and Sadie was hospitalised. Sharon sold her share of the Vic to the Mitchells in September 2002 — vowing to lay the ghosts of her past to rest — and she and Tom purchased the e20 club from Beppe di Marco, renaming it "Angie's Den", after Sharon's parents. Soon after, Tom was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour. When Sharon found out, she pledged to stand by him. They planned to marry and go travelling, but on the night of their engagement party, Tom ran into a house-fire to save Little Mo and Trevor Morgan and was killed in an explosion. Sharon went through a tough period of grief.

Early in 2003, Sharon and her half sister, Vicki, discovered that Den had another son, Dennis Rickman, whom he had never known. After making contact, Dennis moved to Walford to live with them. Dennis had links to the same criminal organisation as his father, and after doing some detective work, he discovered that Den was still alive, although Sharon refused to believe this. Vicki was not so sceptical; unbeknown to Sharon, she left in search of Den.

hannis; Den's return and demise

Meanwhile, Dennis fell in love with Sharon (they were siblings by adoption, not blood). Despite claiming she only saw Dennis as a brother, Sharon also harboured feelings for him. They had sex in September 2003; however, the affair was halted due to Den's return. Den had survived the shooting 14 years earlier and fled to Spain for his and Sharon's safety, only to be traced by Vicki. Sharon had spent years feeling guilty about disowning Den before his supposed demise. She was thrilled to see him, but also furious when she reflected upon the unnecessary hurt he had caused, though she eventually welcomed him back into her life. Sharon became romantically involved with Dennis again, but Den ended their relationship by telling Dennis that if he continued seeing her, he would lose his family. Dennis begrudgingly finished with her and, somewhat unenthusiastically, started a relationship with Zoe Slater, but towards the end of 2004, after trying several times to persuade Sharon to give him another chance, she finally gave in and they secretly resumed their affair. They planned to move to America on Christmas Day 2004, until Zoe announced she was pregnant — a ruse concocted by Den to split Sharon and Dennis up. Sharon would not allow Dennis to abandon his baby, so she left Walford alone. She returned briefly in February 2005 on the instruction of Den's wife Chrissie, who asked her back so she, Zoe and Sam Mitchell could inform her about Den's deceitful deeds, including Zoe's fake pregnancy. Sharon was disgusted; she disowned Den, and left. In the aftermath, Den was bludgeoned to death by Chrissie. Chrissie, Zoe and Sam covered up the murder, burying Den's body in the Vic's cellar.

Dennis reunited with Sharon off-screen, and in June 2005 they returned to Walford, searching for Den. Chrissie claimed he had left with another woman. Sharon and Dennis decided to get married on 29 August 2005, but during their wedding reception, Sam Mitchell was arrested for digging up Den's body to incriminate Chrissie; however, it was Sam who was charged with his murder. Phil and Grant Mitchell returned to expose Chrissie and exonerate their sister, Sam. They convinced Sharon of Chrissie's guilt and after a decade apart, Sharon and Grant put their differences behind them and became friends. Sam was released after Johnny Allen recorded Chrissie confessing to Den's murder. Chrissie was caught at the airport attempting to flee, and Sharon punched her before she was arrested. The Rickmans began to enjoy married life together. On Christmas Day 2005, Sharon was hospitalized with suspected food poisoning, but she and Dennis were overjoyed to discover she was actually pregnant and not infertile as she had thought.Their happiness was cut short on New Year's Eve 2005, when Dennis became involved in Phil Mitchell's vendetta against Johnny Allen. Sharon and Dennis had previously interfered in Johnny's relationship with his daughter Ruby; Johnny responded by throttling Sharon and threatening to kill Dennis unless they left Walford by midnight on New Year's Eve. Sharon persuaded Dennis to leave after confiding in Phil, but Phil informed Dennis, and he responded by beating Johnny almost unconscious. Before passing out, Johnny called a henchman to kill Dennis. Dennis was stabbed by a masked Danny Moon and died in Sharon's arms just seconds into the new year. Devastated, Sharon refused to speak, eat or sleep, only breaking her silence to ask Phil to enact revenge on Johnny. She broke down at Dennis's funeral, clawing her face in distress by his open grave. She later attacked Johnny during Dennis's wake. Concerned for her unborn child, Phil persuaded Sharon to leave Walford so she and her baby would be safe from Johnny. She left for America on 13 January 2006. Phil attempted to enact revenge on Johnny in March 2006; however, his plan went awry, and in the end, Johnny was imprisoned after confessing to the murder. Danny was killed whilst attempting to murder Phil and Grant. On 4 July 2006, Pauline Fowler received news that Sharon had given birth to a son, Dennis Rickman Jr. On 1 january 2007, Sharon sent a reef of flowers to Pauline's funeral. No news has been heard of Sharon since then.

In popular culture

The character of Sharon Rickman has been spoofed in the ITV cartoon sketch show "2DTV". In one sketch she was likened to the Jim Henson Muppet Miss Piggy, but she is more regularly depicted as someone who is always crying, and says "Oink!" (in a further Miss Piggy reference).

The character has also been spoofed by the Scottish impressionist Ronni Ancona in BBC's "Big Impression". Ancona's impression mocked Letita Dean's pronunciation skills, inferring that she pouts a lot and that she looks badly dubbed, as her lips quiver after delivering a line. The episodes featuring Sharon aired on the Christmas day special of the programme, in 2001.

The British celebrity-based magazine "heat" regularly mocked the character of Sharon in their television reviews of upcoming "EastEnders" episodes, often referring to her as "Sharon and her incredible acting eyebrows".

In "The League of Gentlemen" TV series, Judee Levinson bears a resemblance to Sharon, which is commented on in "The League of Gentlemen" DVD commentaries.


ee also

* Sharongate
* Shannis

External links

* [ Letitia Dean] , BBC actor profile

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