Democratic Party of New Mexico

Democratic Party of New Mexico
Democratic Party of New Mexico
Chairperson Javier Gonzales
Headquarters 3200 Monte Vista NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
Seats in the Senate
27 / 42
Seats in the House
37 / 70

The Democratic Party of New Mexico is the local branch of the United States Democratic Party in the state of New Mexico, headquartered in Albuquerque.[1] The party is led by Chairman Javier Gonzales and Vice-Chair Annadelle Sanchez.


Historical development

The Democratic Donkey

Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo made well-known contributions to the New Mexico Democratic Party back in the early 1900s. His involvement had long lasting effects on New Mexico's constitution. He insisted that the 1910 document safeguard the rights of Spanish-speaking New Mexicans. When writing the articles on the Bill of Rights, Education and the Elective Franchise, Larrazolo and others deemed it essential to guarantee the political, civil, and religious rights of those of Spanish and Mexican descent. The resulting constitution made it unique among the American states. Octaviano Larrazolo was elected governor of New Mexico in 1918. Throughout his administration, Larrazolo made his decisions based on principle rather than on partisan politics. Labor activists strongly criticized his declaration of martial law at the time of a coal miners’ strike. On the other hand, corporations roundly criticized him for supporting a stronger state income tax law. In another instance, he vetoed a Republican resolution passed by the state legislature which condemned the League of Nations. This defiance angered the dominant members of his party. Hence why during the constitutional convention, Larrazolo decided to leave the Democratic Party. He did not approve of the Democratic delegates plan to block ratification of the constitution. He joined the Republican Party and remained a Republican throughout his life. [2]

In the 1970s women wanted to have their own voice and get more involved so the Democratic Women of New Mexico was formed in 1977 to give women a stronger voice in the Democratic Party of NM. The State organization became an affiliate of the National Federation of Democratic Women in 1977. Kathy Duffy is the President of the organization and Marie Sedillo is the vice president.

Ideological & issue stances

The New Mexico Democratic Party's platform adopted on March 13, 2010 focuses on some important issues such as the economy, environment and energy, government and civil liberties, health, education, social security, etc.[3]

The economic section of the platform advocates a balanced budget that supports the needs of all citizens by applying progressive taxes, fair trade, fair labor practices, and measures to ensure a sustainable environment.

The environment and energy section states that the party values the people, land, water, and air that sustain us and believe that we have a responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.

The government and civil liberties section states that the party values an ethical, open, and participatory government that protects the freedom and liberty of its citizens.

The health, education, and social security sections asserts that every citizen has the right to universal health care, superior education, and a protected future.

The military & international relations section supports a multilateral foreign policy that respects the sovereignty of nations, follows international law, and policies that honor veterans, and protect national security.

The Tribal Sovereignty section of the platform supports protecting tribal sovereignty and the recognition of Native American contribution.

The cultural affairs and arts section supports a vibrant arts community that is advanced by and accessible to the public [4]

Organizational structure

The Democratic Party of New Mexico has committees on various important issues such as an affirmative action committee, budget committee, platforms and resolution committee, rules committee, and the judicial council.

The Affirmative Action committee's mission "is to assure that all registered Democrats in the State of New Mexico are adequately represented and treated equally within the Rules of the Democrat Party and the Laws of the State of New Mexico."

Current Democratic officeholders

New Mexico has seven positions that can be held by various political parties. Of those seven positions, four of them are held by Democrats as of 2011.

On the state level the Attorney General, State Auditor, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Public Lands are all held by Democrats.

On the federal level the United States Senate has two Democrats in office, and the House of Representatives has two Democrats.

All officials who hold positions in New Mexico are elected by the public during a general election. The positions that are held by the Democratic Party of New Mexico can change during every election. [5]

The New Mexico Democratic Party holds four of the state's seven statewide offices and holds a majority in both the New Mexico Senate and the New Mexico House of Representatives. Democrats also hold both of the state's U.S. Senate seats and two of the state's three U.S. House seats.


Current elected officials

Jeff Bingaman, The United States Senator of New Mexico

Legislative leaders

Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives


  1. ^ "Home." Democratic Party of New Mexico. Retrieved on May 13, 2010.
  2. ^ Cline, Dorothy I. New Mexico’s 1910 Constitution: A 19th Century Product. Santa Fe: The Lightning Tree, 1985.
  3. ^ DPNM Platform
  4. ^ Democratic Party of New Mexico(DPNM.Web. 06 Sept. 2011.
  5. ^ Democracy In New Mexico. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

External links

Party Website: Democratic Party of New Mexico

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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