Annia Aurelia Galeria Faustina

Annia Aurelia Galeria Faustina

Annia Aurelia Galeria Faustina (147-after 165), was a daughter and eldest child to Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Roman Empress Faustina the Younger. Her younger sister was Roman Empress Lucilla and younger brother was Roman Emperor Commodus.

Faustina married Gnaeus Claudius Severus Arabianus around 162/3. Severus (born around 133) was a Roman, who was originally from the Black Sea. Severus was consul in 167 and probably around 173. Severus’ father Gnaeus Claudius Severus Arabianus, (born around 113) was consul in 146 and 173. He was a senator and philosopher. Severus’ paternal grandfather of the same name was consul in 112.

Faustina bore a Severus a son, Tiberius Claudius Severus Proculus, who was consul in 200. Severus Proculus married his maternal cousin Plautia Servilla (daughter of Aurelia Fadilla and consul Marcus Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus). Their child a daughter, Annia Faustina became a Roman Empress and third wife of Roman Emperor Elagabalus.


* "This article is partly based on the German version of Wikipedia."

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