Kuczmarski & Associates

Kuczmarski & Associates

company_name = Kuczmarski & Associates
company_type = Private
company_slogan =
foundation = 1983
location = Chicago, USA
key_people = Thomas D. Kuczmarski, Founder & President
num_employees =
industry = Management Consulting
products =
revenue =
homepage = [http://www.kuczmarski.com/ www.kuczmarski.com]

Kuczmarski & Associates is a Chicago based management consulting firm founded in 1983, specializing in innovation. The company focuses on creating innovation strategies, implementing innovation processes, and developing portfolios of new products and services for its clients.

In 2002, along with the Chicago Sun-Times, K&A started the Chicago innovation awards which honor the most innovative companies in Chicago area.

Tom Kuczmarski, president, is adjunct professor of marketing at The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

External links

* [http://www.chicagoinnovationawards.com The Chicago Innovation Awards]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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