Ingmar Bergman filmography

Ingmar Bergman filmography

The following are the films and plays of Ingmar Bergman.


* "Crisis" (1946) ("Kris")
* "It Rains on Our Love" (1946) ("Det regnar på vår kärlek")
* "A Ship to India" (1947) ("Skepp till Indialand")
* "Music in Darkness" (1948) ("Musik i mörker")
* "Port of Call" (1948) ("Hamnstad")
* "Prison" (1949) ("Fängelse")
* "Thirst/Three Strange Loves" (1949) ("Törst")
* "This Can't Happen Here" (1950) ("Sånt händer inte här")
* "To Joy" (1950) ("Till glädje")
* "Summer Interlude" (1951) ("Sommarlek")
* "Secrets of Women" (1952) ("Kvinnors väntan")
* "Sawdust and Tinsel" (1953) ("Gycklarnas afton")
* "Summer with Monika" (1953) ("Sommaren med Monika")
* "A Lesson in Love" (1954) ("En lektion i kärlek")
* "Dreams" (1955) ("Kvinnodröm") aka "Journey Into Autumn"
* "Smiles of a Summer Night" (1955) ("Sommarnattens leende")
* "The Seventh Seal" (1957) ("Det sjunde inseglet")
* "Wild Strawberries" (1957) ("Smultronstället")
* "The Magician/The Face" (1958) ("Ansiktet ")
* "Brink of Life" (1958) ("Nära livet")
* "The Devil's Eye" (1960) ("Djävulens öga")
* "The Virgin Spring" (1960) ("Jungfrukällan") (won Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film)
* "Through a Glass Darkly" (1961) ("Såsom i en spegel") (won Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film)
* "Winter Light" (1962) ("Nattvardsgästerna")
* "The Silence" (1963) ("Tystnaden")
* "All These Women" (1964) ("För att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor")
* "Persona" (1966)
* "Hour of the Wolf" (1968) ("Vargtimmen")
* "Shame" (1968) ("Skammen")
* "The Rite" (1968) ("Riten") (TV)
* "The Passion of Anna" (1969) ("En passion")
* "The Touch" (1971) ("Beröringen")
* "Cries and Whispers" (1973) ("Viskningar och rop") (won Academy Award for Best Cinematography)
* "Scenes from a Marriage" (1973) ("Scener ur ett äktenskap")
* "The Magic Flute" (1975) ("Trollflöjten"), first shown on Swedish television, followed by a cinematic release
* "Face to Face" (1976) ("Ansikte mot ansikte")
* "The Serpent's Egg" (1977) ("Das Schlangenei")
* "Autumn Sonata" (1978) ("Höstsonaten")
* "From the Life of the Marionettes" (1980) ("Aus dem Leben der Marionetten")
* "Fanny and Alexander" (1982) ("Fanny och Alexander") (won 4 Academy Awards, including one for Best Foreign Language Film)
* "Karin's Face" (1984) ("Karins ansikte")
* "After the Rehearsal" (1984) ("Efter repetitionen") (TV)
* "In The Presence of a Clown" (1997) ("Larmar och gör sig till") (TV)
* "The Image Makers (2000) ("Bildmakarna") (TV)
* "Saraband" (2003) (TV)


* "Torment" ("Hets") (1944) (Directed by Alf Sjöberg)
* "Woman Without a Face" ("Kvinna utan ansikte") (1947) (Directed by Gustaf Molander)
* "Eva" (1948) (Directed by Gustaf Molander)
* "While the City Sleeps" ("Medan staden sover") (1950) (Directed by Lars Erik Kjellgren)
* "Divorced" ("Frånskild") (1951) (Directed by Gustaf Molander)
* "Last Pair Out" ("Sista paret ut") (1956) (Directed by Alf Sjöberg)
* "The Pleasure Garden" ("Lustgården") (1961) (Directed by Alf Kjellin)
* "The Best Intentions" ("Den goda viljan") (1992) (Directed by Bille August)
* "Sunday's Children" ("Söndagsbarn") (1992) (Directed by his son Daniel Bergman)
* "Private Confessions" ("Enskilda samtal") (1996) (Directed by Liv Ullmann)
* "Faithless" ("Trolösa") (2000) (Directed by Liv Ullmann)

tage productions and radio theatre credits

List of plays that Ingmar Bergman directed for the stage and/or radio theatre.

* "Rosmersholm" (radio theatre; 2004)
* "The Pelican / Death Island" (radio theatre; 2003)
* "Ghosts" (Dramaten; 2002)
* "John Gabriel Borkman" (radio theatre; 2001)
* "Mary Stuart" (Dramaten; 2000)
* "The Ghost Sonata" (Dramaten; 2000)
* "Storm Weather" (radio theatre; 1999)
* "The Imagemakers" (Dramaten; 1998)
* "The Bacchae" (Dramaten; 1996)
* "Harald & Harald" (Dramaten; 1996)
* "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" (Dramaten; 1995)
* "The Misanthrope" (Dramaten; 1995)
* "The Winter's Tale" (Dramaten; 1994)
* "Goldberg Variations" (Dramaten; 1994)
* "The Time and the Room" (Dramaten; 1993)
* "The Last Gasp" (SFI/Dramaten; 1993)
* "Peer Gynt" (Dramaten; 1991)
* "The Bacchae" (Royal Swedish Opera/SVT/CD; 1991)
* "Miss Julie" (BAM; 1991)
* "A Spiritual Matter" (radio theatre; 1990)
* "A Doll's House" (Dramaten; 1989)
* "Madame de Sade" (Dramaten; 1989 - also TV theatre 1992)
* "Long Day's Journey into Night" (Dramaten; 1988)
* "Hamlet" (Dramaten; 1986)
* "A Dream Play" (Dramaten; 1986)
* "Miss Julie" (Dramaten; 1985)
* "John Gabriel Borkman" (Residenztheater München; 1985)
* "A Hearsay" (radio theatre; 1984)
* "The Dance of the Rainsnakes" (Residenztheater München; 1984)
* "King Lear" (Dramaten; 1984)
* "Dom Juan" (Landestheater Salzburg/Cuvilliéstheater München; 1983)
* "Nora/Julie/Scenes from a Marriage" (Residenztheater/Marstall; 1981)
* "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" (Residenztheater München; 1980)
* "Hedda Gabler" (Residenztheater München; 1979)
* "Tartuffe" (Residenztheater München; 1979)
* "Three Sisters" (Residenztheater München; 1978)
* "A Dream Play" (Residenztheater München; 1977)
* "Twelfth Night, or What You Will" (Dramaten; 1975)
* "To Damascus" (Dramaten; 1974)
* "The Misanthrope" (Det Kongelige Teater/TV; 1973)
* "The Ghost Sonata" (Dramaten; 1973)
* "The Wild Duck" (Dramaten; 1972)
* "Show" (Dramaten; 1971)
* "Hedda Gabler" (Royal National Theatre/Cambridge Theatre; 1970)
* "The Dream Play" (Dramaten; 1970)
* "Woyzeck" (Dramaten; 1969)
* "Six Characters in Search of an Author" (Nationaltheatret; 1967)
* "School for Wives/The Criticism of the School for Wives" (Dramaten; 1966)
* "The Investigation" (Dramaten/radio theatre; 1966)
* "Tiny Alice" (Dramaten; 1965)
* "Don Juan" (Dramaten at Chinateatern; 1965)
* "Hedda Gabler" (Dramaten; 1964)
* "Three Knives from Wei" (Dramaten; 1964)
* "The Legend" (Dramaten; 1963)
* "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (Dramaten; 1963)
* "The Rake's Progress" (Royal Swedish Opera; 1961)
* "Playing with Fire" (radio theatre; 1961)
* "The Seagull" (Dramaten; 1961)
* "First Warning" (radio theatre; 1960)
* "The People of Värmland" (Malmö City Theatre; 1958)
* "He Who Nothing Owns" (radio theatre; 1958)
* "Ur-Faust" (Malmö City Theatre; 1958)
* "The Legend" (Malmö City Theatre/radio theatre; 1958)
* "The Misanthrope" (Malmö City Theatre; 1957)
* "Counterfeiters" (radio theatre; 1957)
* "The Prisoner" (radio theatre; 1957)
* "Peer Gynt" (Malmö City Theatre; 1957)
* "Erik XIV" (Malmö City Theatre; 1956)
* "Portrait of a Madonna" (radio theatre; 1956)
* "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (Malmö City Theatre; 1956)
* "The Tunnel" (radio theatre; 1956)
* "Everyman" (radio theatre; 1956)
* "Vox humana" (radio theatre; 1956)
* "The Poor Bride" (Malmö City Theatre; 1956)
* "Grandma and Our Lord" (radio theatre; 1956)
* "Leah and Rachel" (Malmö City Theatre; 1955)
* "The Monk Strolls in the Meadow" (at ?; 1955)
* "The Ball" (radio theatre; 1955)
* "Wood Painting" (Malmö City Theatre, Intiman; 1955)
* "The Tea House of the August Moon" (Malmö City Theatre; 1955)
* "Don Juan" (Malmö City Theatre; 1955)
* "The Apple-Tree Table" (radio theatre; 1954)
* "Twilight Games" (Malmö City Theatre; 1954)
* "The Merry Widow" (Malmö City Theatre; 1954)
* "Wood Painting" (radio theatre; 1954)
* "The Ghost Sonata" (Malmö City Theatre; 1954)
* "The Castle" (Malmö City Theatre, Intiman; 1953)
* "Six Characters in Search of an Author" (Malmö City Theatre, Intiman; 1953)
* "The Dutchman" (radio theatre; 1953)
* "A Caprice" (radio theatre; 1953)
* "Unto My Fear" (radio theatre; 1953)
* "The Restless Heart" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "The Crown Bride" (Malmö City Theatre; 1952)
* "The Day Ends Early" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "Easter" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "Blood Wedding" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "Murder at Barjärna" (Malmö City Theatre; 1952)
* "Crimes and Crimes" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "The Guiltburden of the Night" (radio theatre; 1952)
* "The People of Värmland" (radio theatre; 1951)
* "The Rose Tattoo" (Norrköping-Linköping City Theatre; 1951)
* "Summer" (radio theatre; 1951)
* "The Country Girl" (Folkparkerna; 1951)
* "The City" (radio theatre; 1951)
* "Light in the Schack" (Dramaten; 1951)
* "A Shadow / Medea" (Intiman; 1950)
* "The Three-penny Opera" (Intiman; 1950)
* "Divine Words" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1950)
* "Come Up Empty" (radio theatre; 1949)
* "A Streetcar Named Desire" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1949)
* "The Restless Heart" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1949)
* "Mother Love" (at ?; 1948)
* "Thieves' Carnival" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1948)
* "Lodolezzi Sings" (radio theatre; 1948)
* "Macbeth" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1948)
* "Dancing on the Pier" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1948)
* "Playing with Fire" (radio theatre; 1947)
* "Unto My Fear" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1947)
* "The Waves" (radio theatre; 1947)
* "Magic" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1947)
* "The Dutchman" (radio theatre; 1947)
* "The Day Ends Early" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1947)
* "Summer" (radio theatre; 1946)
* "Caligula" (Gothenburg City Theatre; 1946)
* "Rachel and the Cinema Doorman" (Malmö City Theatre; 1946)
* "Requiem" (Helsingborg City Theatre/radio theatre; 1946)
* "The Pelican" (Malmö City Theatre, Intiman; 1945)
* "Rabies" (Helsingborg City Theatre/radio theatre; 1945)
* "Jacobowsky and the Colonel" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1945)
* "Reduce Morals" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1945)
* "The Legend" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1945)
* "Kriss-Krass-Filibom: New Year's Cabaret" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1945)
* "The Tinder Box" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1944)
* "Macbeth" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1944)
* "When the Devil Makes an Offer" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1944)
* "The Ascheberg Widow at Wittskövle" (Helsingborg City Theatre; 1944)
* "Little Red Riding Hood" (Boulevardteatern; 1944)
* "The Gambling Hall/Mr. Sleeman Cometh" (Borgarskolan; 1944)
* "The Hotel Room" (Boulevardteatern; 1944)
* "The Fun Fair" (Kårhusscenen; 1943)
* "Niels Ebbesen" (Borgarskolan; 1943)
* "En däjlig rosa" (A beautiful rose) (Folkparkerna; 1943)
* "Geography and Love" (Folkparkerna; 1943)
* "Just Before Awakening" (Kårhusscenen; 1943)
* "U-boat 39" (Dramatikerstudion; 1943)
* "When the Devil Makes an Offer" (SU - Student Theatre; 1943)
* "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Norra Latin; 1942)
* "Death of Punch" (SU - Student Theatre; 1942)
* "Beppo the Clown" (Medborgarhuset/Folkparkerna; 1942)
* "Little Red Riding Hood" (Medborgarhuset/Folkparkerna; 1942)
* "Sniggel snuggel / The Three Stupidities" (Medborgarteatern - Sagoteatern; 1942)
* "Bluebird" (Medborgarteatern - Sagoteatern; 1941)
* "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Medborgarteatern - Sagoteatern; 1941)
* "A Ghost Sonata" (Medborgarteatern; 1941)
* "The Tinder Box" (Medborgarhuset; 1941)
* "The Father" (Folke Walder's tour at Kårhusscenen; 1941)
* "Swanwhite" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1940)
* "The Merchant of Venice" (Norra Latin; 1940)
* "The Pelican" (Kårhusscenen; 1940)
* "Return" (at ?; 1940)
* "The Hour Glass/The Pot of Broth" (Stortorget 3 IV; 1940)
* "Macbeth" (Mäster-Olofs-gården; 1940)
* "The Black Glove" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1940)
* "In Betlehem" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1940)
* "The Man Who Lived His Life Over" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "Christmas/Advent" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "Autumn Rhapsody/The Romantics" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "Evening Cabaret For the Entire Family" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "Lucky Per's Journey" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "The Hangman/The Golden Chariot" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1939)
* "Outward Bound" (Mäster Olofs-gården; 1938)


* "Fårö Documentary" (1969) ("Fårö dokument")
* "Fårö Documentary 1979" (1979) ("Fårö-dokument 1979")
* "Fanny and Alexander Documentary" (1985) ("Dokument Fanny och Alexander")


* [ Ingmar Bergman Theatre and radio]

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