Raimondo Feletti

Raimondo Feletti

Raimondo Feletti (1887-1927) was an Italian physician and zoologist. Feletti worked at a clinic in Catania where a street is named for him "Via Raimondo Feletti".With Giovanni Batista Grassi he published several works on malarial parasites in birds.They described, and introduced the names "Haemamoeba vivax" (1890) and "H. malariae" (1889) for, two of the malaria parasites, soon revising the genus to "Plasmodium". In 1889 Grassi and Feletti, as an honor to Laveran, proposed the genus name "Laverania" . It is now a subgenus of "Plasmodium".


*With Grassi, B., 1889, 1890. Sui parassiti della malaria. "Rif. Med." 6 : 62-64. (The 1889 paper was a preprint of the 1890 paper according to Hemming, 1954).
*With Grassi, B., 1890. Parasites malariques chez les oiseaux. "Arch. Ital. de Biologie" 13 : 297-300.
*With Grassi, B., 1892. Contribuzione allo studio die parassiti malarici. "Atti Accad. Gioenia". Series 4,5 : 1-81.


*Conci, C. & Poggi, R. 1996 "Iconography of Italian Entomologists, with essential biographical data". Mem. Soc. Ent. Ital. 75 159-382, 418 Fig.
*Howard, L. O. 1930 "History of applied Entomology (Somewhat Anecdotal)". Smiths. Miscell. Coll. 84 X+1-564, 51 plates
*Roncalli, Amici R 2001 The history of Italian parasitology. "Vet. Parasitol." 98(1-3):3-30.

External links

* [http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/DPDX/HTML/PDF_Files/Primate%20Malarias%20Chapters/chap_18.pdf Plasmodium malariae Nomenclature history and account]
* [http://www.malariasite.com/malaria/history_science.htm All about Malaria]

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