Sayid Jarrah

Sayid Jarrah

Infobox Lost character

First="Pilot, Part 1"
Flashback1= "Solitary"
"The Greater Good"
"One of Them"
"Enter 77"
"The Economist"
"There's No Place Like Home"
Name=Sayid Jarrah
Actor=Naveen Andrews

Sayid Hassan Jarrah (Arabic: سعيد حسّان جراح) is a fictional character on the ABC television series "Lost", played by Naveen Andrews.

Fictional character biography

Prior to the crash

The son of an Iraqi war hero from the Iran–Iraq War, Sayid served as a communications officer in the Iraqi Republican Guard and is a skilled radio and mechanical engineer. During the Gulf War, Sayid's base was captured by the Americans. Since he is the only Iraqi in his squad to speak English, he is forced to ask his superior officer about a missing U.S. pilot. When Sayid learns of a planned attack on his home village, his head capturer, Kelvin Inman gives him a box of torturing tools, and forces Sayid to use them to gain the desired information of the missing pilot, who he learns was executed earlier. Another one of his captors was Kate's father, Sam Austen, who even shows a picture of a young Kate to Sayid. At the end of the Gulf War, with Saddam still in power, Sayid is released back into the Republican Guard. Inman tells him that he now has a valuable gift of being able to gain information, but Sayid swears that he will never to torture again. However, he later, through unknown circumstances, becomes a torturer for that Guard. He sinks into extreme self hatred along the way. At one point, he learns that his newest patient is his childhood friend Nadia. Sayid falls in love with her, and she provides the impetus for Sayid to begin his road to redemption, and he does not torture her. However, he learns that she will soon be executed, and he helps her escape by shooting his commanding officer and shooting himself in the leg, making it look as though Nadia was responsible. Before leaving, Nadia writes him a message in Arabic on the back of a photograph Sayid had of her.

Some time after, Sayid leaves the Republican Guard in order to track down Nadia. He eventually travels to Paris, where he works as a chef under the alias Najif, claiming to be from Syria. Sayid is soon offered a job with higher pay at another restaurant, owned by an Iraqi couple. Upon arriving at this restaurant, however, Sayid is taken prisoner and locked in the pantry. Sami, the owner, recognizes Sayid as the man who tortured his wife with boiling oil, and attempts to beat a confession out of him. Sayid denies ever meeting his wife; when Sami's wife, Amira, confronts him, Sayid finally admits to torturing her, and tearfully apologizes to her, saying that her face has haunted his nightmares ever-since he hurt her. Sayid is forgiven, and Amira tells Sami that Sayid is not the man who tortured her after all; Sayid is released soon after. Later, Sayid travels to England, where he is picked up by the ASIS and the CIA. They admit to have been following Sayid's movements, and make him a deal: if Sayid can infiltrate a terrorist cell in Sydney, whose members he is familiar with, and uncover stolen C-4, then they will tell him where Nadia is.

Sayid accepts, and is dropped off in Australia, where he meets with his former college roommate, Essam, from Cairo University. Sayid convinces Essam to become a suicide bomber in order for the intelligence to take possession of the stolen explosives. However, at the very last moment, Sayid admits to Essam that he is working with the CIA, and attempts to allow his friend to escape; Essam realizes that Sayid has deceived him over a woman, and kills himself. Sayid is given tickets to Los Angeles, departing that day, but he insists on giving Essam a proper Muslim funeral, and asks to catch a flight the next day instead; he is then given tickets for Oceanic Flight 815. At the airport the next day, Sayid asks Shannon to watch his bag while he enters a gift shop, but she turns him over to the authorities. Sayid is promptly released and allowed to board the doomed flight.

After the crash

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Sayid is accused by Sawyer of being a terrorist and blames him for crashing the plane. Sayid fixes the transceiver recovered from the cockpit, and leads a group into the jungle in order to send out a distress signal. However, he instead picks up a looping message (recorded by Rousseau). Later, he, Kate and Boone try to triangulate the signal in order to locate its origin. However, his efforts are thwarted by Locke, who knocks him out. When Shannon suffers from a near-fatal asthma attack, Sayid brutally interrogates Sawyer in an attempt to recover Shannon's medication. Kate convinces him and Jack that she will be able to get the information out of Sawyer. When she reports that he doesn't have it, Sayid lapses into extreme guilt.

Having again broken his promise to never torture again, Sayid exiles himself from the survivors, and leaves the beach in order to explore the island, by following the beach. On his way, he discovers a cable in the sand. Curious, he follows it inland, discovering that it runs into the ground within a few hundred feet of a ravine with a rope bridge crossing it. While following it, he snagged in a booby-trap. A mysterious woman cuts him down and ties him to a bed in a bunker. She asks where Alex is, but when Sayid says he does not know, she shocks him with electricity using batteries and a cable. Sayid tells his torturer his story and about the French transmission. The torturer then identifies herself as Danielle Rousseau, the person who sent out the distress signal. Danielle finds a picture of a woman among Sayid's possessions, and he identifies her as Nadia. Danielle asks Sayid about Nadia, and he says she is dead because of him. Danielle shows Sayid a broken music box, and he tells her he will fix it. She gives Sayid a sedative and moves him. Danielle tells Sayid she was part of a science team, and they crashed on the island about three days from Tahiti. She identifies the Others as the carriers of a sickness that her companions caught, and says that the Others whisper in the jungle. Sayid doesn’t believe her, and continues to fix the music box. After he is finished, he asks Danielle to let him go. They hear a growl outside, and Danielle pursues it, leaving Sayid alone.

Sayid escapes from Rousseau's bunker while she is gone and grabs a rifle along with some maps and notes she made about the island. Danielle finds him and they have a standoff. He fires the rifle, but nothing happens. Danielle says she removed the firing pin, and Robert, her deceased husband, made the same mistake before she killed him. She then reveals that it was she who killed her team, under the motive of stopping the disease from reaching the outside world. Sayid talks Danielle into letting him go. Before he leaves, Sayid asks about Alex. Danielle says that Alex was her child. While trying to find his way back to camp, Sayid hears the whispering Danielle told him about.

Upon returning, he seeks Shannon's help with translating the maps. Upon doing so, the two bond and eventually form a relationship, much to Boone's resentment. He tells Sayid to stay away from her, but the two grow even closer. Sayid takes Shannon to an isolated part of the beach for a romantic night.

Upon their return, Sayid and Shannon are informed of Boone's death. Sayid is the only person to speak at Boone's funeral. Locke asks for Shannon's forgiveness, but to no avail; Shannon instead goes to Sayid and asks if he could do something about Locke for her (implying that she wants him to kill Locke). Sayid then goes to the caves and begins questioning Locke, asking Locke to show him the Beechcraft. As they walk to it, Sayid interrogates Locke, who realizes just what Sayid is doing. Upon arriving at the plane, their cat-and-mouse game escalates. Sayid tells Locke he knows Locke has a gun, and Locke hands it over. He then reveals that it was he who hit Sayid over the head when he was trying to triangulate the distress signal. This enrages Sayid, who pulls the gun on Locke and questions him about the hatch. Locke lies, saying Boone was talking about the plane's hatches. Sayid returns to the beach and explains to Shannon that he believes Locke did not mean to harm Boone. This prompts an angry Shannon to take matters into her own hands. Shannon steals the guncase key from a sleeping Jack, and confronts Locke in the jungle. Kate, Jack, and Sayid arrive during the confrontation, but Shannon refuses to back down. Left with no choice, Sayid tackles Shannon just as she fires the gun, the bullet grazing Locke's head. That night, Sayid visits Locke, who thanks him for saving his life. Sayid replies that he only did it because he believes Locke to be their best chance for survival. He then tells Locke to take him to the hatch. After showing him the hatch, Sayid takes Jack and shows it to him as well, and the three speculate how to enter.

Rousseau arrives on the beach one morning with news that the Others are coming to abduct a child, basing this on the black smoke from a fire the Others have set, which is visible to the survivors. Sayid begins to lead a group into the caves when he is sidetracked by Rousseau. Shortly after, he learns that Claire's baby, Aaron, had been kidnapped by Rousseau. Sayid surmises that Rousseau intends to attempt an exchange of Aaron, Claire's baby, for her own child, Alex, with the "Others". As evening approaches, Charlie and Sayid head toward the black smoke. During their journey, Charlie is injured by one of Rousseau's traps, which slices his forehead severely. He bleds profusely, and Sayid tries to make him go back to get help because the wound is bleeding too much. Charlie refuses, and Sayid is forced to use an old army remedy on him, i.e. that of pouring gunpowder into the wound and lighting it on fire. Although causing Charlie extreme pain, he is able to recover and the two continue their trek. They also encounter the downed drug smugglers' plane, which Sayid, unaware of Charlie's past as an addict, reveals is full of heroin. When Sayid and Charlie arrive on the beach with the black smoke, there are no other people, just a pyre, but they follow the sound of the baby's crying to find Rousseau's hiding place. She tearfully tells them that she overheard them saying that they were going to go after "the boy", and she thought that if she brought him to them, they would return her child. She returns the baby, and they reunite it with Claire.

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Sayid and Shannon's relationship seems to be back on track. However, when Shannon tells him that she has seen Walt in the jungle, he suggests she was having a dream. Sayid is then called into the hatch after the computer is damaged. He manages to repair it successfully. Days later, Sayid and Shannon decide to spend the night together when she again encounters Walt during his brief absence. Later, Sayid finds her with Vincent at Boone's grave, and asks what she is doing. She tells him she's going to find Walt and gets up to follow Vincent, whom she believes is following Walt's scent. Sayid comes along, protesting. Shannon yells at Sayid, telling him that he does not believe in her and is going to abandon her.

Sayid tells her that he loves her and will never leave her. The pair embrace, then suddenly hear whispering; they look up and see Walt, who gestures them to remain silent. Shannon dashes after Walt and Sayid follows her until he trips. He then witnesses Ana Lucia shooting Shannon; she collapses in his arms and dies. Enraged and filled with grief, he pulls his gun on Ana Lucia, but she knocks him unconscious, and ties him up.

She then interrogates Sayid, asking him odd questions such as whether or not he has any children. He asks her if she is going to kill him. Clearly experiencing mental anguish, he says perhaps she should kill him. Ana in response, relates her story, saying that when she was shot, all she heard was a pop and that by the time she hit the ground she thought she was dead. She tells him that she feels dead. When Sayid asks her what happened to the man who shot her, she lies and says that nothing happened to him, and that he was never found. She then frees Sayid with Eko's machete, drops her weapon, and dares Sayid to take his revenge. But Sayid refuses, saying, "What good would it be to kill you, if we're both already dead?" and walks over to Shannon's body. He is later seen digging her grave.

At the funeral, Sayid tries to say a few words but, overcome by emotion, can only declare that he loved her before walking away. Jack, Locke, and the others continue the improvised ceremony by each pouring a handful of sand into the grave. Later, Sayid, going to Shannon’s grave to place his necklace on her cross, discovers Kate sitting there. She apologizes for missing the funeral and confesses that she thinks she is going crazy. When asked if he believes in ghosts, Sayid says that he saw Walt in the jungle just before Shannon was shot and asks if that makes him crazy too. Some time later, Ana Lucia brings Sayid into the jungle, and he tells her to go back after seeing Danielle, who tells him she was looking for him. Danielle asks Sayid to follow her, but he doesn't trust her, since the last time they met she set up a diversion and stole Claire's baby. She gives him her gun as a symbol of trust.

Danielle takes Sayid to a man she captured, who is in a net hanging from a tree. Danielle tells Sayid not to let him go, because she thinks he is "one of them". The man identifies himself as Henry Gale from Minnesota, saying he crashed in a hot-air balloon on the island about four months ago. Ignoring Danielle's warning, Sayid frees the man, who attempts to flee until Danielle shoots him in the back with a crossbow. When Sayid points out she almost killed him, she replies that if she wanted to kill him, she would have done so already. Sayid brings Henry Gale to the hatch and tells Locke that Gale claimed he and his wife were in a hot air balloon that crashed on the island. Jack interrupts and notices Henry's injury. Sayid explains that it wasn't treated because they want to learn as much as they can about the man while he is still wounded. Jack intervenes and removes the arrow. Sayid asks Locke to change the combination in the hatch, so he can find out more by torturing Henry in a secure room. Sayid tells Jack to put him in the armory so no one else will see him. There, Sayid enters with Gale, and closes the door behind him.

Sayid interrogates Henry, who says that he and his wife, Jennifer, were in a hot air balloon crossing the Pacific Ocean when they crashed four or more months ago on the north shore. He said he "was" rich because he owned a company that mined for non-metallic minerals. Sayid picks up on this and questions his use of the past tense. Henry admits he's taken to thinking of his life in the outside world as something in the past. He continues, saying he met his wife at the University of Minnesota. After they crashed on the island, Gale claims that his wife got sick three weeks earlier, starting with a fever, degrading to delirium and ultimately resulting in her death. He describes his hot air balloon and says he dug his wife's grave near where they crashed. Sayid then moves forward and grabs one of Henry's fingers, holding it with the pliers. He then starts questioning more ferociously, threatening to break Henry's finger. In response to Sayid's questioning, Henry is unable to recount the specific details of burying his wife. Sayid believes he is lying about his identity, stating he would know every last detail about digging his wife's grave. Henry then realizes that Sayid had lost someone close to him on the island. Sayid beats Henry as Jack and Locke listen from outside. Later, after getting the code to the armory from Locke, Jack bursts in and stops an enraged Sayid, who yells, "He's lying!" several times. They lock a bloodied Henry back in the armory. Jack recalls to Sayid how Danielle tortured him because she thought Sayid was an "other". Later, he allows Mr. Eko to speak with him briefly. One day, while working on building a table for the beach with Charlie, Ana Lucia approaches him with a map to the alleged balloon that crashed in the jungle. The three head off into the jungle and eventually discover the balloon, along with a grave that matched Henry's description. Still not satisfied, Sayid digs up the grave and discovers that it is not Henry's wife that is buried - it is actually a man with an ID card, revealing that the dead body is the real Henry Gale.

Sayid returns to the hatch and fiercely continues to interrogate him. However, Henry refuses to speak with anyone, causing Sayid to give up. He fixes a radio that Hurley brings him, and also suggests taking Libby on a picnic using the same beach he took Shannon. When he learns of Michael's return, and the deaths of Ana Lucia and Libby, Sayid offers to help Michael with confronting the Others. However, Michael declines his offer, causing Sayid to grow suspicious. He tells Jack that he suspects Michael has been "compromised", and plans to follow him somehow. Fortunately, Desmond unexpectedly returns with his boat, and Sayid plans on using it. He asks Jin to accompany him, but Sun insists on joining them, knowing that Sayid would need her to translate for him. The three head off and follow Jack and the others by sea. On their journey, they pass a statue of a four-toed foot. They arrive at the Others' camp, and Sayid enters cautiously, only to learn that the camp is merely a decoy. He later witnesses the island being engulfed in a violet glow.

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Sayid is still at sea with Sun and Jin. He plans to lure the Others to the pier, in an attempt to kidnap two of them for interrogation, and asks Sun to lie to Jin until he creates a smoke signal; Jin sees through Sayid's plan, using his knowledge of English to realize his plan. Sayid and Jin wait that night on the pier. However, their plan backfires when the Others arrive via the sea and hijack the boat. After being reunited with Sun, Sayid and the Kwons make their way back to their camp. Upon returning, Sayid checks up on Mr. Eko, and helps put out the fire when his tent is set alight. Later, Sayid joins Locke, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo on a trek to the station. Once there, Sayid reconfigures the circuits in the television screens until he manages to gain brief surveillance footage from another station (The Flame), where they see an eye patched man. Upon leaving he witnesses Mr. Eko's death. He agrees with Locke to inform Hurley and Charlie, but rushes back to the beach to witness Desmond rescuing Claire. When Kate and Sawyer return, Sayid and Locke join her and Rousseau in rescuing Jack.

The four arrive at the station, where they encounter Mikhail, the man they saw in the surveillance feed of the Pearl. He decides to approach Mikhail, unarmed, as a gesture of good faith. Mikhail responds by immediately shooting Sayid in the shoulder. Though in extreme pain, Sayid tells him who he is and about the plain crash. Mikhail is then captured by Kate and Locke. Mikhail tells them that he is the sole surviving member of the Dharma Initiative. Sayid allows himself to be patched up by Mikhail, with the help of a first-aid kit from the Flame. While stitching up the bullet hole, Mikhail tells him the story of how he joined the Dharma Initiative. During a time when Kate and Sayid are alone, he reveals that he is certain that Mikhail is one of the Others. Kate asks why Sayid is keeping up the act, and Sayid says it is because he is certain that Mikhail is not alone. This is because he noticed that the saddle on the horse outside of the Flame is fitted for someone smaller than Mikhail. He then speaks with Mikhail, and covertly taunts him by bringing up how the survivors killed Ethan. Mikhail relinquishes the act and attacks Sayid, only to be defeated by the former and Kate, who tie him up. Sayid enters the basement of the Flame, and takes some maps of the different stations, discovering in the way that the basement is full of C-4 explosives. They also manage to capture Bea Klugh. As they exit the station, he sees Locke taken hostage by Mikhail, who has escaped his bonds, and a stalemate is reached, due to both sides having hostages. While trying to negotiate, he witnesses Klugh beg Mikhail, in Russian, to kill her, and he reluctantly complies. Sayid then saves Locke from being shot by Mikhail by beating the latter with the end of his rifle. Mikhail asks Sayid to kill him, but he refuses. As they exit the flame, Sayid witnesses the Flame's destruction, blaming Locke for the incident. Locke, however, claims ignorance as to the existence of C-4 in The Flame's basement. Regardless, the five move along following the maps indications, towards the Barracks, until they come across a sonar panel fencing. Sayid scolds Locke when he pushes Mikhail through it, apparently killing him. Sayid then discovers the stolen C-4 explosives in Locke's bag, and questions his reason for accompanying them. The four later arrive at the Others' barracks, where they watch, in shock, as Jack bonds with the Others. That night, Sayid and Kate infiltrate the barracks, only to be kidnapped. Sayid is tied to a swing in a playground. Alex collects his bag, to which Sayid hints to her that her mother is still alive. He is then gassed the next day, released only when Juliet discovers him. He returns to the beach with Jack, Kate and Juliet.

Sayid attempts to interrogate Juliet on the journey, but she says that if she tells him everything, then he will kill her. He responds by asking her "What do you think I will do to you if you don't (answer my questions)?". His efforts are then thwarted by Jack, who fiercely defends Juliet. The day after returning to the beach, Sayid and Sawyer follow Juliet and surround her when she collects medicine for Claire, and attempt to interrogate her. He later changes his mind when she reminds Sayid of Claire's safety. She also reveals that she has extensive knowledge of his past, due to the files that her people have on the survivors. Sayid is soon informed of Naomi's presence, and after speaking to her begins to question her; he is soon taken aback when she gives him her satellite phone, having expected her to have no way to contact her boat. After fixing it and picking up static, Sayid asks Kate not to tell Jack about Naomi. The next day, Sayid is taken into the jungle, where Jack and Juliet come clean and reveal their secretive plans to destroy the Others. When Karl warns them of their imminent arrival, Sayid remains on the beach to detonate the dynamite, along with Jin and Bernard. That night, Sayid shoots his target accurately, but ultimately winds up captured by the remaining three Others. Just as Sayid, Jin and Bernard are about to be killed, they are rescued, Hurley runs over Ryan Pryce using the DHARMA Van which kills him and when the other called Jason walks in front of Sayid, Sayid trips him up and snaps his neck with his feet killing him. Sawyer, meanwhile, shoots the last remaining Other (Tom) in cold blood. Sayid is later seen at the end of the finale covering the corpses of the three dead Others with Juliet.

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After defeating The Others on the beach, Sayid continues to cover the bodies until they are interrupted by the arrival of Desmond, back from The Looking Glass. Desmond warns them about Charlie's last message ("Not Penny's Boat"), telling them that the freighter that Jack is looking to contact is not what its occupants claim it to be. The group quickly wants to radio a warning to Jack, however Sayid warns against this, believing that the freighter more than likely is monitoring their communications, and that any attempt to contact Jack would give away the element of surprise. After learning of Charlie's death, and the decision to contact Jack taken away by Hurley who throws the radio in the ocean, Sayid joins them in trekking to Jack's location on foot. Hurley is separated from the group and returns to them with Locke. Locke asks the group for support in arguing with Jack, however Sayid refuses to help him due to Locke's destroying of The Other's submarine. Eventually, Jack and Locke have their confrontation, and Locke asks everyone to follow him to The Barracks, splintering the group between Jack loyalists and Locke loyalists. Sayid elects to remain with Jack. After he stays loyal to Jack, he goes out to hunt for more of the people who crashed on the helicopter. He finds an apartment, and inside Hurley is tied up in the closet, claiming that "They left him". Sayid and Kate then split up, only having Kate being found by Sawyer, yelling to Sayid for help. Sayid is then found by Locke, who imprisons him with Ben. Sayid then makes a trade with Locke for Charlotte, who he brings back to Jack and the helicopter. Charlotte then doesn't want to go home, so Sayid, Desmond, and a dead Naomi get on the helicopter.

During the helicopter ride, the passengers experience turbulence, and Sayid witnesses Desmond's time travel. He is disturbed when Desmond fails to recognize him. Once they land, Sayid makes sure to keep a gun in his pants before departing the helicopter. When Keamy and Omar attempt to take Desmond to their Sickbay, he insists on accompanying them, but Keamy doesn't let him. Over the next few hours, he witnesses Desmond's continuing travels through time. When Desmond becomes aware of his need for a constant, Sayid helps him and Minkowski, who has been suffering from the same condition, escape the sickbay. They make their way to the communications room, and attempt to repair the equipment, which had previously been mysteriously damaged. They are successful, but Minkowski dies of a brain aneurism brought on by his continuous time travel. Sayid assists Desmond in calling Penelope Widmore, which cures Desmond of his condition.

Later, they wait, on deck, to meet with the captain of the freighter, Gault. While waiting, they see Regina walk towards the edge of the boat, while wrapped in chains. They realize that she is about to commit suicide, and attempt to stop her, while yelling at the crew for help. They are unable to get to her in time to stop from jumping overboard. They are prevented from going after her by Gault, who also tells the rest of the crew to get back to work, even though none of them had tried to help. When questioned as to why he didn't try to stop her, Gault claims that he didn't want to lose anymore of his crew. He then explains that his crew have been suffering from "a heightened case of cabin fever". He takes them to his cabin, where he talks about his employer. Sayid believes that he will not tell them the name of his employer, but Gault tells them it is Charles Widmore. He also says that to fake a plane crash would require tremendous resources, and that Widmore is trying to find this person, (he implies that this person is Ben Linus). Later, the ship's doctor, Ray, shows Sayid and Desmond to their courters, which has a mysterious blood-stain on the wall. Ray apologizes, saying he'd thought it had been cleaned up. He calls a deck-hand named Kevin, who is cleaning in the shadows, to clean it up. Kevin approaches, and when he comes into the light, Sayid recognizes that "Kevin" is none other than his fellow crash-survivor, Michael Dawson. He chooses not to reveal this to Ray. He later confronts Michael about his purpose on the freighter, and Michael tells him. Sayid is appalled at Michael's duplicity, and in a rage, he turns Michael in to Gault, revealing that he is a spy, as well as one of his fellow survivors.

Sayid and Desmond later witness Keamy's furious return to the boat after his failed attempt to capture Ben. Fearing Keamy's intentions, he persuades Gault to give him and Desmond a Zodiac boat to return to the island, hoping to save as many people as possible by moving them from the island to the boat. Desmond refuses to accompany him, saying that he would never return to the island after he left.

Sayid returns to the beach on the freighter's Zodiac just as Kate returns. Sayid and Kate go after Jack and Sawyer, who are following a homing beacon left by Lapidus. Instead of finding Jack and Sawyer, they are captured by Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) and the rest of the Others. He and the Others successfully ambush Keamy and his mercenaries by sending Kate out to them, and then getting into a gunfight with them. All of the mercenaries are dispatched, with the exception of Keamy, whom Sayid attacks. For most of the fight, Sayid goes toe-to-toe with Keamy, even managing to stab him with his own knife. However, Keamy eventually gains the upper-hand, and begins strangling Sayid with a large tree branch. At the last minute he is saved by Alpert, who shoots Keamy multiple times in the back.

Sayid arrives at the beach on the freighter's Zodiac raft just as Kate returns. Sayid and Kate go after Jack and Sawyer, but are instead captured by Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) and the rest of the Others. He witnesses Sawyer's heroic attempt to save them by jumping from the helicopter, in order to lighten the load. They are able to land on the ship, but are quickly informed that the ship is about to explode. They quickly refuel, patch-up, and pick up Desmond, Sun, and Aaron, before lifting off. Sayid, along with the others witnesses the destruction of the Kahana. On the way back to the island, they see a white light envelop it, before the entire island appears to sink beneath the waves. With nowhere, to land, the helicopter runs out of gas and crashes in the ocean. Sayid, along with everyone else survives and makes it to the life raft. They drift for several hours, but are eventually rescued by another boat owned by Penelope Widmore. Jack also informs all of them that they will have to lie about their entire experience on the island in order to protect the people still there from Charles Widmore. They reluctantly agree with Jack's plan to lie about what they've been through, and they come up with a plan for the survivors to arrive on a small island in Indonesia, with a phony story about how they got there after the plane crash. They bid farewell to Desmond and Frank Lapidus and arrive on the island, 3000 miles away from where they were picked up.

After the island

It is revealed that Sayid is one of the six people who escape the island. He, along with Jack, Kate, Hurley, Aaron, and Sun are being transported to a military base after being rescued, from a different island. During the flight, the pilot informs them that their families will be waiting to greet them at the base, along with a host of reporters. She says that the reporters have taken to calling the survivors the Oceanic Six. She asks if they are willing to speak to the press, and Jack says they will. Later, at a press conference held by Oceanic Airlines he is finally reunited with Nadia, and some time later the two get married. He and she are also present at Hurley's surprise birthday party. He comments that the party has an "interesting choice of theme" (it had a tropical-island theme), and Hurley comments that his "Mom doesn't really get it."

However, his and Nadia's happiness is abruptly cut short when she is killed, and Sayid decides to hold her funeral in their home country; the event is broadcast on national television. At the funeral, Sayid spots Ben spying on him, mistaking him for paparazzi, and asks why he is following him. Ben tells Sayid about Nadia's killer, Bakir, to which Sayid carries out his revenge by shooting him repeatedly. Following this event, Sayid eventually begins working for Ben as an assassin, after being informed that Nadia's death was part of a larger plan orchestrated by Charles Widmore.

On one such mission, Sayid travels to Berlin, Germany, where he meets a woman named Elsa. The two bond quickly, but the relationship is cut short when Elsa, who works for one of Sayid's targets, learns about his true intentions, and injures him. Sayid shoots her before returning to Ben for medical treatment in an abandoned animal hospital. Sayid is then promptly given another assignment, in order to ensure his friends' safety.

In There's No Place Like Home, Sayid kills a man who was staked out in front of the Santa Rosa Mental Hospital, where Hurley was staying. Sayid then goes to break Hurley out of the mental institution. He freely admits to Hurley that he killed the man. When Hurley asks where they are going Sayid will only tell him "some place safe" and specifically not back to the island.


Faisal Abbas, Media Editor of the London based international Arab daily - "Asharq Al-Awsat", considered that Jarrah, along with other 'heroic' Muslim characters (such as "Sleeper Cell's" Darwyn al-Sayeed) who emerged in American media after the alleged 9/11 terrorist attacks, are proof that Arabs and Muslims have been undertaking more prominent roles within the media since those events. [ [] ]


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  • Anexo:Primera temporada de Lost — Primera temporada de Lost Programa Lost País de origen Estados Unidos Cadena de televisión ABC Emisión original 22 de septiembr …   Wikipedia Español

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